Grade 6: LC 2 Math, Science, English & Social Studies Open House August 21, 2013 Strings Room 5: 40 to 6: 10 pm
LC Structure and Purpose Group of 120 Students 6 Core Teachers: Math, Science, English/Social Studies Support: EAL, Counselor, and School Therapist Collaboration & Communication between all the core teachers Meet regularly with Student Support Team Fun, Service
LC Communication l mai E Sem este r Re port er S & s choo l Pa rent Port al Pow t JISNe work e / Hom ulletins ite B S Moodle Formal Studen t Led C o Oct & M nferences arch Parent Confere n By App ointmen ces t
Learning Community 2
Marisa Medina English & Social Studies Hometowns: Cordoba, Argentina & South Africa
Cathy Craig English & Social Studies Home: Michigan-USA
Jenn Call English & Social Studies Hometown: El Paso, Texas -Usa
Richard Miller Science Hometown: Detroit, Michigan USA
Dave Stutz Math Hometown: Rimini, Montana USA
Gretchen Curtis Science/Math Home: Maine -USA
Caroline Elsbury EAL Hometown: Isleworth, London, UK
Kendel Leet Counselor Home: Vermont, USA
Kris Carlson School Therapist Home: Maryland USA
English & Social Studies Workshop and Inquiry
English: Reading/Writing Workshop Framework Skillful reading and writing is developed through some essentials components: Explicit teaching and Coaching- Mini Lessons- Application Time / Choice (”Just right” Authentic Texts) Time to reflect, share, and Confer In Workshop Model we believe that the one doing the Reading, Writing, speaking and sharing, is also the one doing the Learning!
Important Information • Homework • Materials
Social Studies 4 units Integrated Service learning
Science - Expect Feedback in Three Areas
Science - Homework
a M Information Session BIG for Parents questions Date - TBA h t Flipped clas Cha llen sroom ge by c h so Re es rc u Units rk o ew om oice &c Grading olor leve H ls
Grade-book Snapshot
Important Dates Advisory Retreat September 12 th and 13 th Student Led Conferences Thursday, October 10 th Thursday, March 20
Welcome to middle school @JIS!!!