Скачать презентацию Grade 11 to Grade 12 Career Planning and Скачать презентацию Grade 11 to Grade 12 Career Planning and


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Grade 11 to Grade 12: Career Planning and Course Selection Grade 11 to Grade 12: Career Planning and Course Selection

Overview Introduction Important Info About Choosing Grade 12 courses College and University Admission Requirements Overview Introduction Important Info About Choosing Grade 12 courses College and University Admission Requirements Spares and Full Disclosure Co-op/SHSM/Dual Credit Next Steps/Final Reminders

Choices are Important! The only course you MUST choose is English. Grade 12 courses Choices are Important! The only course you MUST choose is English. Grade 12 courses are often prerequisites for postsecondary programs( e. g. MHF 4 U needed to study business, engineering and science in university) When selecting courses remember to see what the prerequisites are for the program(s) you are applying for and choose wisely!

College vs. University College Length of Program & Cost University 1 -4 Years $$ College vs. University College Length of Program & Cost University 1 -4 Years $$ 4 Years (Co-op programs are 5 years) $$$ Admission OSSD with C/M/U or O OSSD with 6 U or M courses Requirements courses (in grade 12) from Grade 12 Practical, aimed at Focus of acquiring specific skills Theoretical and Analytical. Programs and related to occupational Sometimes large class sizes class size fields. Small class sizes Granted Upon Diploma or Certificate Degree (B. A. , B. Sc. , B. Com) Graduation or Degree

College Admission Requirements OSSD (High School Diploma), 40 Volunteer Hours, and Pass the Literacy College Admission Requirements OSSD (High School Diploma), 40 Volunteer Hours, and Pass the Literacy Test Grade 12 College English (or University English) Some programs require specific courses in high school (e. g. math is needed for engineering technology) or experience might be needed for social service programs Use www. my. Blueprint. ca or www. ontariocolleges. ca to see what is needed and learn about different programs

University Admission Requirements OSSD (High School Diploma), 40 Volunteer Hours, and Pass the Literacy University Admission Requirements OSSD (High School Diploma), 40 Volunteer Hours, and Pass the Literacy Test A minimum of 6 Grade 12 U or M credits, including Grade 12 U English (ENG 4 U)--the others depend on the program you want Use www. my. Blueprint. ca or www. electronicinfo. ca to see what is needed and learn about different programs

What university programs require MHF 4 U 1 math in grade 12? § Science What university programs require MHF 4 U 1 math in grade 12? § Science Programs (e. g. Life and biochemical sciences, physical sciences, environmental sciences) § Business Programs (e. g. Management, accounting) § Engineering Programs § Computer Science/IT Programs § Math Programs § Some Physical Education/Kinesiology programs

Looking Ahead to Gr. 12 MCR 3 U 1 MHF 4 U 1 MCF Looking Ahead to Gr. 12 MCR 3 U 1 MHF 4 U 1 MCF 3 M 1 MDM 4 U 1 MBF 3 C 1 MAP 4 C 1 MCV 4 U 1

Educational Planning Think about which post secondary route you want to take (Workplace, Apprenticeship, Educational Planning Think about which post secondary route you want to take (Workplace, Apprenticeship, College, University) Check websites for requirements (www. my. Blueprint. ca) List Grade 12 courses required for your post- secondary program Talk to your Guidance Counsellor Talk to your family Start researching now!

Spares & Full Disclosure You must have completed 23 credits in order to have Spares & Full Disclosure You must have completed 23 credits in order to have a spare. One can only have one spare per semester. Full disclosure is the last date in which you can drop a course without it showing on your transcript. You cannot drop a class if you already have a spare that semester. This is listed in the calendar in your agenda. It is recommended to start off each semester with a full 4 course timetable!

Co-Op/SHSM/Dual Credit Co-op is an opportunity to earn 2 or 4 credits by working Co-Op/SHSM/Dual Credit Co-op is an opportunity to earn 2 or 4 credits by working in a real life setting gaining valuable on the job work experience. Keep in mind that these credits will not count as any of the 6 needed for university as they are “open” not “university “ credits. SHSM-if you are currently enrolled in a SHSM program here and want to continue in grade 12 you must meet all the required courses and criteria before you graduate in order to get the SHSM diploma. Dual Credit is a program where you take a college course at a college in the GTA and you gain one high school credit and earn a college credit as

Fact vs. Fiction Colleges/Universities do not look at grade 11 marks--FICTION--Colleges and Universities do Fact vs. Fiction Colleges/Universities do not look at grade 11 marks--FICTION--Colleges and Universities do see grade 11 marks. (e. g. Waterloo--Financial Accounting and Architecture) Colleges/Universities look at how many times you take a certain course (e. g. English 12 U)--FACT--depending on the program and university they will either count the first mark, the highest mark or average out the marks. You must take only U courses if you plan on going to university--FICTION-Universities require you take Grade 12 U English + 5 M or U credits in grade 12 in order to be considered for admission. What those 5 are depends on the program. You can take any course you want at night school to make your schedule “easier”--FICTION--you can only take courses at night school that are not available during day school

Summer School § § Full credit & remedial courses are available Summer school info Summer School § § Full credit & remedial courses are available Summer school info available in the Spring Must still select a minimum of 6 courses on my. Blueprint Word to the wise: § o o How does your post secondary institution treat nonday school courses or repeat courses? If you choose it, you must commit to it There are no short cuts. There is no replacement for being adequately prepared If you must, choose an elective course

Food for Thought If you desire ease, forsake learning. If you desire learning, forsake Food for Thought If you desire ease, forsake learning. If you desire learning, forsake ease. ” (Nagarjunta)

Making Informed Choices • § § § Select courses at the right level for Making Informed Choices • § § § Select courses at the right level for you Choose 2 Alternative courses in case 1 of the 8 you select cannot be timetabled Do your research ahead of time (talk to teachers, attend course fair) Choose wisely. Do not pick courses randomly!. . . because

Making Informed Choices- continued . . . you may be stuck with them next Making Informed Choices- continued . . . you may be stuck with them next year! Why? § § § Course changes are not granted automatically Specific revisions to timetables are not always possible Changing your mind on taking certain courses later may result in disappointment because classes will already will be full.

Next Steps. . . §Course Fair (Wednesday Feb. 15) §Learn more about courses and Next Steps. . . §Course Fair (Wednesday Feb. 15) §Learn more about courses and pathways in Choices online http: //www. tdsb. on. ca/Portals/0/High. School/docs/Choices 201718 online. pdf §By Thurs. Feb 23 you must submit these documents to your Homeroom teacher in period 1: o o SATEC Course Selection Worksheet Course Selection sheet signed by a parent/guardian (this is generated by my. Blueprint. com when you (this is generated by choose your courses online)

How to use my. Blueprint • https: //www. myblueprint. ca/tdsb Video tutorial • https: How to use my. Blueprint • https: //www. myblueprint. ca/tdsb Video tutorial • https: //myblueprint. ca/set/video/course-selection/ Activation key to set up new account: satecwap

Questions Follow us on Twitter @Satec. Guidance Information is posted outside room 101 Check Questions Follow us on Twitter @Satec. Guidance Information is posted outside room 101 Check the website for announcements from guidance