- Количество слайдов: 23
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Day of the Lord 2 Peter 3 • The mockers ignore what God has done in the past in order to ignore His promised future judgment • The premise that all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation is false
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The Day of the Lord 2 Peter 3 • The Genesis flood is attested by the Bible, history, and geologic & palentologic evidence • God’s patience with sinful man is more amazing than man’s foolishness • Man is bounded by time, but the Lord is not
The Day of the Lord 2 Peter 3 • The Lord is forbearing with sinful man, patiently enduring man’s sinful provoking. • The Lord takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires instead their repentance Ezek. 33: 11
The Day of the Lord - Overview 2 Peter 3: 10 -13 • The Lord is kind & forbearing, but there will be a day when his patience will end and He will judge • Peter takes the entire period of the day of the Lord and compresses them into its beginning and end
The Day of the Lord - Overview 2 Peter 3: 10 -13 • Peter is direct that the anticipation of the coming day of the Lord should result in personal holiness
The Day of the Lord - Specifics • Study of the day of the Lord can be complex, but some basic concepts will reduce the confusion
Context Determines Its Meaning • The meaning of the day of the Lord must be determined by context. • Both the Hebrew and Greek phrases occur with and without the articles (the) hwhy mwy / h. Jmevra/ kurivou hwhyl mwy / h. Jmevra tou' kurivou ➢ ➢
It is Used for Varied Time Periods • mw / yom can be used for the period of light, a cycle of light & dark, or period of many years • Used in a broad sense in Joel 3: 9 -21; Obadiah 15 -21; Zechariah 14 and 2 Peter 3: 10 -13 • Used in a narrow sense in Joel 2: 1 -11 and Ezekiel 13: 5
It is Used for Varied Events • Near historical usages - Joel 2: 111 (a locust plague) and Ezekiel 13: 5 (fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC) • Future Eschaton events - Joel 3; Zechariah 14; Isaiah 2: 12 & 13: 9; Malachi 4: 5; 2 Peter 3: 10 • Near historical moving to future eschaton - Joel 2; Zephaniah 1: 7 -
It is Used in Reference to Both Judgment and Blessings • Judgments in the historical past - Isaiah 13: 6, Joel 1: 15 & Zephaniah 1: 7 -18 • Judgments to come in the future - Isaiah 2: 12; 13: 9 & 2 Thess. 2: 112 • In the O. T. , the judgments could
It is Used in Reference to Both Judgment and Blessings • In the O. T. , the blessings are consistently directed for a restored nation of Israel • Joel 3: 9 -13 - an example of God’s promise for future of the nation of Israel (see also Zechariah 14)
Israel has a Future • Romans 9 -11 - God’s faithfulness to the people of Israel gives us confidence in His promises to us • We absolutely reject the idea that the church has replaced Israel • Dispensationalists believe God’s prophecies to the nation of Israel will be fulfilled to that nation
Israel has a Future • When theology is supreme over the Scriptures, beliefs contrary to God’s commands can develop • Jews wrote the Bible and Christians follow a Jewish Savior, yet some Christians are anti-Semites • The foundation of anti-Semitism among Christians is a rejection of God’s promises to Israel
Israel has a Future • Theological anti-Semitism gives rise to hatred and persecution in violation of Biblical commands • The day of the Lord will bring judgment upon the wicked and blessings and restoration to Israel
The Day of the Lord in the New Testament • New Testament usage must take into account Old Testament usage - which greatly varies
The Day of the Lord in the New Testament • Christians can look forward to the blessings of salvation and eternal righteousness • The day of the Lord will come suddenly while the wicked are not prepared (thief in the night).
Conclusions • Mockers try to ignore the coming day of the Lord, but it will come and the ungodly will be judged • They have been given fair warning
Conclusions • Most of the world is not ready for the Lord’s return • Are you ready? • Your loved ones & friends? • Have you warned the ignorant?
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ