Скачать презентацию GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks Скачать презентацию GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks


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GPSR: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks B. Karp, H. T. Kung Borrowed GPSR: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks B. Karp, H. T. Kung Borrowed slides from Richard Yang 1

Motivation r A sensor net consists of hundreds or thousands of nodes m m Motivation r A sensor net consists of hundreds or thousands of nodes m m Scalability is the issue Existing ad hoc net protocols, e. g. , DSR, AODV, ZRP, require nodes to cache e 2 e route information Dynamic topology changes Mobility r Reduce caching overhead m Hierarchical routing is usually based on well defined, rarely changing administrative boundaries m Geographic routing • Use location for routing 2

Scalability metrics r Routing protocol msg cost m How many control packets sent? r Scalability metrics r Routing protocol msg cost m How many control packets sent? r Per node state m How much storage per node is required? r E 2 E packet delivery success rate 3

Assumptions r Every node knows its location m Positioning devices like GPS m Localization Assumptions r Every node knows its location m Positioning devices like GPS m Localization r A source can get the location of the destination r 802. 11 MAC r Link bidirectionality 4

Geographic Routing: Greedy Routing Closest to D S A D - Find neighbors who Geographic Routing: Greedy Routing Closest to D S A D - Find neighbors who are the closer to the destination - Forward the packet to the neighbor closest to the destination 5

Benefits of GF r A node only needs to remember the location info of Benefits of GF r A node only needs to remember the location info of one-hop neighbors r Routing decisions can be dynamically made 6

Greedy Forwarding does NOT always work GF fails r If the network is dense Greedy Forwarding does NOT always work GF fails r If the network is dense enough that each interior node has a neighbor in every 2 /3 angular sector, GF will always succeed 7

Dealing with Void: Right-Hand Rule r Apply the right-hand rule to traverse the edges Dealing with Void: Right-Hand Rule r Apply the right-hand rule to traverse the edges of a void m Pick the next anticlockwise edge m Traditionally used to get out of a maze 8

Right Hand Rule on Convex Subdivision For convex subdivision, right hand rule is equivalent Right Hand Rule on Convex Subdivision For convex subdivision, right hand rule is equivalent to traversing the face with the crossing edges removed. 9

Right-Hand Rule Does Not Work with Cross Edges z u D l w x Right-Hand Rule Does Not Work with Cross Edges z u D l w x originates a packet to u Right-hand rule results in the tour x-u-z-w-u-x l x 10

Remove Crossing Edge z u D l. Make w the graph planar l. Remove Remove Crossing Edge z u D l. Make w the graph planar l. Remove x (w, z) from the graph Right-hand rule results in the tour x-u-z-v-x l 11

Make a Graph Planar q Convert a connectivity graph to planar non- crossing graph Make a Graph Planar q Convert a connectivity graph to planar non- crossing graph by removing “bad” edges m m Ensure the original graph will not be disconnected Two types of planar graphs: • • Relative Neighborhood Graph (RNG) Gabriel Graph (GG) 12

Relative Neighborhood Graph r Connection uv can exist if w u, v, d(u, v) Relative Neighborhood Graph r Connection uv can exist if w u, v, d(u, v) < max[d(u, w), d(v, w)] not empty remove uv 13

Gabriel Graph r An edge (u, v) exists between vertices u and v if Gabriel Graph r An edge (u, v) exists between vertices u and v if no other vertex w is present within the circle whose diameter is uv. w u, v, d 2(u, v) < [d 2(u, w) + d 2(v, w)] Not empty remove uv 14

Properties of GG and RNG r RNG is a sub-graph of RNG GG m Properties of GG and RNG r RNG is a sub-graph of RNG GG m Because edges RNG removes more GG r If the original graph is connected, RNG is also connected 15

Connectedness of RNG Graph r Key observation m Any edge on the minimum spanning Connectedness of RNG Graph r Key observation m Any edge on the minimum spanning tree of the original graph is not removed m Proof by contradiction: Assume (u, v) is such an edge but removed in RNG w u v 16

Examples Full graph GG subset RNG subset • 200 nodes • randomly placed on Examples Full graph GG subset RNG subset • 200 nodes • randomly placed on a 2000 x 2000 meter region • radio range of 250 m • Bonus: remove redundant, competing path less collision 17

Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) r Maintenance m all nodes maintain a single-hop neighbor Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) r Maintenance m all nodes maintain a single-hop neighbor table m Use RNG or GG to make the graph planar r At source: m mode = greedy r Intermediate node: m if (mode == greedy) { greedy forwarding; if (fail) mode = perimeter; } if (mode == perimeter) { if (have left local maxima) mode = greedy; else (right-hand rule); } 18

GPSR greedy fails Greedy Forwarding greedy works Perimeter Forwarding have left local maxima greedy GPSR greedy fails Greedy Forwarding greedy works Perimeter Forwarding have left local maxima greedy fails 19

Implementation Issues r Graph planarization m RNG & GG planarization depend on having the Implementation Issues r Graph planarization m RNG & GG planarization depend on having the current location info of a node’s neighbors m Mobility may cause problems m Re-planarize when a node enters or leaves the radio range • What if a node only moves in the radio range? • To avoid this problem, the graph should be re-planarize for every beacon msg m Also, assumes a circular radio transmission model m In general, it could be harder & more expensive than it sounds 20

Performance evaluation r Simulation in ns-2 r Baseline: DSR (Dynamic Source Routing r Random Performance evaluation r Simulation in ns-2 r Baseline: DSR (Dynamic Source Routing r Random waypoint model m A node chooses a destination uniformly at random m Choose velocity uniformly at random in the configurable range – simulated max velocity 20 m/s m A node pauses after arriving at a waypoint – 300, 600 & 900 pause times 21

r 50, 112 & 200 nodes m 22 sending nodes & 30 flows m r 50, 112 & 200 nodes m 22 sending nodes & 30 flows m About 20 neighbors for each node – very dense m CBR (2 Kbps) r Nominal radio range: 250 m (802. 11 Wave. Lan radio) r Each simulation takes 900 seconds r Take an average of the six different randomly generated motion patterns 22

Packet Delivery Success Rate 23 Packet Delivery Success Rate 23

Routing Protocol Overhead 24 Routing Protocol Overhead 24

Related Work r Geographic and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR), UCLA Tech Report, 2000 m Related Work r Geographic and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR), UCLA Tech Report, 2000 m Consider remaining energy in addition to geographic location to avoid quickly draining energy of the node closest to the destination r Geographic probabilistic routing, International workshop on wireless ad-hoc networks, 2005 m Determine the packet forwarding probability to each neighbor based on its location, residual energy, and link reliability 25

r Beacon vector routing, NSDI 2005 m Beacons know their locations m Forward a r Beacon vector routing, NSDI 2005 m Beacons know their locations m Forward a packet towards the beacon r A Scalable Location Service for Geographic Ad Hoc Routing, Mobi. Com ’ 00 m Distributed location service r Landmark routing m Paul F. Tsuchiya. Landmark routing: Architecture, algorithms and issues. Technical Report MTR-87 W 00174, MITRE Corporation, September 1987. m Classic work with many follow-ups 26

Questions? 27 Questions? 27