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GPRS “Today, Tomorrow, & The Future” disampaikan pada SEMINAR INTERNET MOBILE 2002 PELUANG BISNIS MELALUI INTERNET MOBILE Hotel Graha Santika, tgl 16 Januari 2002
Technology: Evolution 2 G to 3 G Source: Ericsson Indonesia
Million Subscribers In Asia, Mobile Users Already Start Demanding Increased Functionality From the Service Provider, Representing Huge Revenue Opportunities CAGR : 89% CAGR : 271% CAGR : 279% CAGR : 96% CAGR : 278% Source: “UMTS”, Durlacher Research, March 2001
Growth of Telephone and Mobile Cellular Subscribers 25, 547, 509 13, 919, 509 7, 118, 000 3, 182, 597 12, 259, 000 8, 917, 000 6, 119, 509 210, 643 Source : Annual Report PT. Telkom, CSFB, Internal Indosat In year 2002, it is predicted that mobile cellular subscribers will be equal to telephone subscribers. Analysts believe that there are still 3, 2 millions new market within year 2001 -2002
High growth and strong demand: Indonesia’s Cellular Phone Penetration Rate Source: Berbagai sumber
Cellular penetration per Area Source: Berbagai sumber
Revenue Contribution: % Market 2005 Interne t 4% 30% Data 5% 35% Cellul ar 62% 39% IDD 7% 5% DLD Source : Booz Allen Hamilton, December 2000 CAGR (’ 00 -’ 05) 10% 1, 30% Local 10% 16%
Mobile internet in Indonesia Year Mobile Internet User 2001 2. 000 2002 10. 000 2003 269. 000 2004 500. 000 4, 1 juta 2005 800. 000 6, 5 juta 2006 1. 200. 000 10 juta Source: Ovum Fixed Internet User
GPRS OVERVIEW • GPRS refers to General Packet Radio Service. • A packet based data technology that enables data to be transmitted at a higher speed. • More consistent charging mechanism: paying only for the amount of data sent or received.
IM 3 GPRS • WAP Internet access by connecting your GPRS-enabled handset with some devices, such as: laptop, PDA, etc. • The technology can support up to 115 kbps, actual speeds are equipment dependent (28 – 33 kbps).
IM 3 GPRS General Idea
Need to Educate Market Step 1 Create comfort with mobile usage Step 2 Demonstrate that mobile is capable of delivering non-voice services Step 3 Prove that higher data can be transferred at reasonable speeds over mobile Step 4 Generate desire for all multimedia service on the go
VALUE CHAIN SCENARIO Service/Product E-commerce hosting, security, billing, marketing Revenues E-commerce Hosting charges/commission Information/journalism, entertainment Content Pay per view/advertising Hosting of corporate web pages Hosting charges Internet services adjusted to mobile Wireless ISP Service charges Regular Internet services ISP Connectivity to Internet Wireless data transmission Connectivity Bearer services Internet service charges Access charges Airtime tariffs
GPRS POTENTIAL BENEFIT Market Participant Benefits End-users Mobile high-speed Internet access. Service Providers New sources of revenue with data traffic through existing GSM infrastructure; expansion to market. “Inside the network equipment vendors” Opportunities for existing equipment and development of new equipment, such as GGSN, SGSN and test equipment. “Content Provider” New Source of revenue, additional delivery channels, and create more customers “Outside the network Opportunities to develop GPRS-enhanced equipment vendors” handheld devices and appliances offering a range of capabilities.
Users Needs • For GPRS WAP service: – A WAP-enabled GPRS handset – Service provisioning at SIM card • For Internet via GPRS service: – A GPRS handset – A laptop or PDA – Data cable, Bluetooth or infra-red connection between the GPRS handset and PDA/laptop. – Service provisioning at SIM card
IM 3 WAP PORTAL • M 3 -Net (http: //wap. indosat-m 3. net) • You will be able to get much information, such as: – – – Hotline news Read and write e-mail Leisure info (Horoscope & Cinema) Financial info (Stock & Currency) Other info (Weather & World Clock) Links (Oto, Makindo, Yahoo!, Astaga. WAP!, etc. )
IM 3 WAP Portal Baca e-mail Links to Cars, Stock, Auctions, Emails Forex
GPRS USAGE • Currently, the number of users of IM 3 GPRS service is over than 1800 users (early November 2001) • They come from major cities like Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya and Batam. • The number is increasing, following the IM 3 coverage area development
IM 3 Products Overview
IM 3 TECHNOLOGY Handset : Phase 2 (voice, SMS, IN features) Phase 2+ (WAP, GPRS, SIM Tool Kit, Bluetooth) IN SMSC VMS SMS UMS WAP GPRS Computer Mobile Portal Evolusi
GSM SIM Card 64 K • Phone Book 250 • Sim Tool Kit dengan M 3 Access • Bisa Internet melalui GPRS dan WAP
IM 3 PRODUCT 2001 GSM BASIC : Call Conference Call Forwarding SMS Based: SMS Cross Operators M 3 Access M 3 Cool Box Voice Mail: Enhanced Voice & Fax Mail Unified Messaging WAP CSD: Mobile Internet (M 3 WAP) WAP GPRS: Mobile Internet (M 3 WAP) WEB: M 3 Web Electronic Payment (e-reload dan ATM BCA) Package: Corporate Package (Bright Only)
Data Usage from M 3 Access • M 3 -Access dapat digunakan untuk mengakses informasi : - news - horoscope - foreign exchange - cinema - download ring tones & logos • Total usage Sept-Nov 2001 more than 1, 2 million hits • Average usage per month 400, 000 usage
M 3 Portal (www. indosat-m 3. net) • Member aktif 5360 orang (1072 F, 4288 M) • Profil member berdasar usia – 15 -20 : 13. 4% – 21 -30 : 69% – 31 -50 : 27. 5% • Top pages: – – IM 3 Home : 13. 67% SMS online : 11. 3% IM 3 Account ( login) : 6. 23% IM 3 online : 5. 36% • Average hits per day : 96. 199 (Dec’ 2001)