Скачать презентацию Government 12 3 Making Law House How Скачать презентацию Government 12 3 Making Law House How


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Government 12. 3 Making Law: House Government 12. 3 Making Law: House

How a bill becomes a law in the house: • Bill is introduced • How a bill becomes a law in the house: • Bill is introduced • • Sponsor and cosponsor • Numbering and Titling • The Reading • Appointment to Standing Committees and Subcommittees • Debate merits of the bill and changes to the bill take place • Assigned to a subcommittee • • Specialization and Expertise • Hammers out details of the bill Returned to full committee for vote • “Chairman’s Direction” • • Report the bill favorably - Pass the bill to full house vote • Refuse to report the bill - Pigeonhole it • Report the bill in amendment form • Report the bill with unfavorable recommendation • Report a Committee bill - new bill created in committee to replace bill debated

The Rules committee • • Sets procedures and time for a debate of a The Rules committee • • Sets procedures and time for a debate of a bill on the house floor • No rules set = no debate = killed bill The Full House • Debate • • Most bills receive little or no debate • Important bills are debated at length Voting - Four methods • • Voice Vote - “Ayes” and “Noes” • Standing Vote - When voice vote is close • Teller Votes - replaced by electronic voting • Roll-Call - Record Vote Conference Committee • • Iron out differences with the senate and their version of a bill Full House • • If changes were made during conference committee - house revotes Presidents Signature or Veto • • President can sign into law or veto • House and Senate can override a veto with a supermajority vote

How a Bill Becomes a Law How a Bill Becomes a Law

 • How many bills and resolutions are introduced into the house each session, • How many bills and resolutions are introduced into the house each session, and how many pass? • How are bill introduced into the house? • What is a sponsor and a cosponsor? • What is a public bill? • What is a private bill? • What is a Joint Resolution? Is it Law? • What is a Concurrent Resolution? Is it Law? • What is a Resolution? Is it Law? • Why do members of congress use riders? Why do people pass the “Christmas Tree” bills? • What is the Journal and the Congressional Record? • What do standing Committees act as? • Where does the fate of most bills decided? • What are public hearings and why are they held? • What are the house calendars and why are they used? • Where were the rules committee and the calendars created? • Why does the house have rules on debate? • How did voting in the house change in 1973?