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Governance and delivery through Opt-In Organisations Governance and delivery through Opt-In Organisations

Local Sub-Committees Growth Programme Board PMC Performance and Accountability Sub-Committee Local Sub-Committee 1 Local Local Sub-Committees Growth Programme Board PMC Performance and Accountability Sub-Committee Local Sub-Committee 1 Local Sub-Committee 2 Local Sub-Committee 3 GPB Sub-Committees [e. g. Thematic, Evaluation, TA] Local Sub. Committee 39 19 March 2014 Page 2

LEP Area Partnerships Draft Terms of Reference • Role of the local sub-committee (LEP LEP Area Partnerships Draft Terms of Reference • Role of the local sub-committee (LEP Area Partnership) o o o Implementation plan Prioritise operations Test fit with ESIF: strategic fit, value for money, other activities Make recommendations on operations – Fund / de-commit Agree oversight of delivery & outputs • LEPs o Convene partners & organise Chair from amongst them o Contribute to development of pipeline o Ensures operations fit within wider context of the SEP • MA o Deputy Chair & secretariat 19 March 2014 LEP Event ESIF Presentation Page 3

European Structural & Investment Fund 2014 -20 High Level Business Process – Inception to European Structural & Investment Fund 2014 -20 High Level Business Process – Inception to Funding Agreement (Non Opt-In) Applicant Outline Application Stage One Develop Full Application Managing Authority Assess Outline against Criteria Publish Call Local Annual Implementation Plan Promote and Publicise Call Full Technical Appraisal Review Outline and Prioritise Funding Agreement signed Review Full Application LEP Area Partnership 19 March 2014 LEP Event ESIF Presentation Page 4

Key Differences for Opt-In Governance and Delivery There are 4 key differences in governance Key Differences for Opt-In Governance and Delivery There are 4 key differences in governance and delivery through Opt-In Organisations compared to the Business Process presented to LEPs on 19 March: 1. 2. 3. 4. Opt-In Organisations go through a selection process first, before their status is approved by the Managing Authority; Active engagement between Local Partners and Applicant to support development of local priorities and scale/scope of Opt-In provision prior to Implementation Plan stage; To reach funding agreement, Opt-In Organisations follow a 1 stage application process, rather than a 2 -stage (no outline test required) LEP area partners have an MOU with each Opt-In Organisation, which sets out ways of working

European Structural & Investment Fund 2014 -20 High Level Business Process – Inception to European Structural & Investment Fund 2014 -20 High Level Business Process – Inception to Funding Agreement (ESF Opt-In) Applicant Develop Full Application Funding Agreement Managing Authority Local Annual Implementation Plan (Including Local Priorities and Scale/Scope of Opt-In provision ) LEP Area Partnership Commission Full Technical Appraisal Review Full Application

Timetable for Opt-In Implementation Pre-OP Approval • • • By end January – LEPs Timetable for Opt-In Implementation Pre-OP Approval • • • By end January – LEPs to detail in-principle commitment to level of spend activities delivered through Opt-Ins in LEP ESIF Strategies From early April – LEP area partners are invited to develop draft agreements with optins, subject to OP approval By mid-April – MA to publish draft OP for consultation, including criteria for selection of operations From early June – MA invites opt-ins to complete Opt-In Status Pro-Formas By mid June – MA to seeks Growth Programme Board (shadow PMC) approval of opt -ins Selection Criteria From mid June – Operational guidance available for local partners to help set up Local Sub-committees of PMC in shadow form and further develop pipeline of delivery; By end June – opt-in organisations submit completed Opt-In Status Pro-Formas By end June – MA formally submits draft OP to Commission, including proposals for quantified targets By end of July - MA conducts appraisal of completed Opt-In Status Pro-Formas against the Opt-In Selection Criteria and decides the status of Opt-In Organisations; From early August – MA works with ‘Conditionally Approved’ Opt-Ins to achieve full Opt-In status; By October – Sub-committees, MA and opt-ins finalise draft agreements, subject to OP approval, including targets and outputs

Timetable for Opt-In Implementation Post-OP Approval • • By end October – (Provisionally) Final Timetable for Opt-In Implementation Post-OP Approval • • By end October – (Provisionally) Final OP agreed with Commission, including targets to be disaggregated between LEP areas By end October and post OP approval - MA seeks full PMC approval of Opt. In selection criteria By mid November – MA writes to Opt-In Organisations with decision on their status By end November – Local Sub Committees agree implementation plan, including agreements with Opt-Ins By end December/January – Opt-In Organisation submits Full Application to MA, per LEP area (this is where the It. F process/pattern kicks in) By end February/March – MA undertakes Full Appraisal of application By end February/March – MA asks Sub Committee to consider fit with local growth strategy & ESIF and confirm agreement to proceed By end March/April – Opt-In Organisation and MA sign Funding Agreements

Underlying Principles for Agreements between Opt-In Organisations and LEP / Local Area Partnerships Each Underlying Principles for Agreements between Opt-In Organisations and LEP / Local Area Partnerships Each Opt-in Organisation is different but will operate on the same underlying principles. Agreements between Opt-In Organisations and LEPs/Local Area Partners will set out mutual understanding of the roles and responsibilities and ways of working in areas such as: • • • Provision Management Arrangements Contracting Arrangements Governance Match Funding LEP involvement in Processes Confidentiality

LEP Sounding Board views sought on: • Indicative timetable • Local governance arrangements for LEP Sounding Board views sought on: • Indicative timetable • Local governance arrangements for Opt-In Organisations • How best to share this information with all LEPs