читайте книги на языке оригинала.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 16
ГОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа № 183 с углубленным изучением английского языка Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга Made by Tirkiya Timour and Malinin Victor 8 b
An old, sailor arrives at the Admiral Benbow inn, where young Jim Hawkins works. Billy Bones, fills Jim`s Ears with stories of the open sea and warns him to be on the lookout for a one-legged man.
Some of Bones` shipmates appear and give him a black spot Bones dies of a stroke, and Jim escapes with his treasure map.
Jim takes the map to Dr. Livesey, who forms a plan with his friend Squire Trelawney to sail after the treasure, which was buried by the pirate Captain Flint.
Jim travels to Bristol to meet up with the ship, the Hispaniola. In Bristol, he meets the ship`s cook, Long John Silver, a one legged man who recommended many of the ship`s crew to Trelawney.
After an uneventful voyage, Jim is on deck one night and overheads Silver plotting a mutiny. Jim tells the captain Livesey and Trelawney what he`s heard.
The men plan to split up the crew to improve their odds, and Jim goes ashore with Silver and the others. On the island, Jim sees Silver kill a sailor who won`t join the mutiny.
Meets Ben Gunn, a marooned sailor who lives on the island.
Meanwhile, Dr. Livesey, Squire Trelawney, and the others leave the ship and find a stockade on the island, where they settle in for a fight. Under Captain Smollett`s command, they weather the pirates` first attack.
Long John Silver comes to negotiate with them, but the captain sends him away.
The next day, Jim sneaks away with a plan to cut loose the Hispaniola and strand the pirates. After a dangerous trip, Jim succeeds in freeing the ship.
He then jumps aboard, where he finds one watchman. Jim and the pirate team up to steer the ship; then the pirate turns on Jim, but Jim kills the pirate in the fight.
Jim returns to the stockade< where he is captured by Silver`s men. Silver tells Jim that Dr. Livesey and the others agreed to give the pirates the treasure map. Silver lets Jim live when Jim promises to testify for him if the mutineers are caught.
Dr. Livesey, Ben Gunn, and others ambush the pirates and drive them off.
They rejoin the captain and Squire Trelawney, who are waiting with the treasure.
They sail back to England, but Silver escapes when they land in South America.
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