Скачать презентацию Good practices from an intermediate government RISKCAT Reflections Скачать презентацию Good practices from an intermediate government RISKCAT Reflections


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Good practices from an intermediate government RISKCAT: Reflections on Natural Hazards in Catalonia Joan Good practices from an intermediate government RISKCAT: Reflections on Natural Hazards in Catalonia Joan Manuel Vilaplana & Blanca Payàs Universitat de Barcelona

The last decade in Catalonia Population Urbanisation Value of buildings and property Natural hazards: The last decade in Catalonia Population Urbanisation Value of buildings and property Natural hazards: an increasing reality Average cost: 100. 000 €/y. Average number of victims: 7/y. RISKCAT project: Analyses the capability to manage certain natural hazards in Catalonia. Snow avalanches. R. Copons Landslides&rockfalls. R. Copons Subsidences&collapses. R. Copons Coastal phenomena. J. Guillén Floods. J. Escuer Earthquakes. MJ. Jimènez & M. García Volcanos. J. Martí Land use - Phenomena Legislation. E. Ribot

What is considered in each phenomenon? 1 - Definition and significance in Catalonia Historical What is considered in each phenomenon? 1 - Definition and significance in Catalonia Historical events Estimated recurrences Estimated impact: qualitative & quantitative Estimated risk in the territory 2 - Catalogue initiatives to characterise, assess and predict risk 3 - Assessment of the current state of knowledge and actions Main actors involved Evaluation of knowledge of risk Evaluation of risk management Strengths / Weaknesses 4 - Recommendations ____ RISKCAT

LESSONS LEARNED • Good level of scientific and technical knowledge is not always translated LESSONS LEARNED • Good level of scientific and technical knowledge is not always translated into management actions • Lack of documentation on past disasters (base & historical data) • Lack of indicators that enable us to verify performance • Need for substantial improvement in implementation of emergency plans at municipal level • Need for coordination in technical methodologies, mitigation actions and in land planning • The fact that the regulations are fragmented and dispersed in different areas of the law can, occasionally, result in their non compliance ____ RISKCAT

CHALLENGES FOR AN INTERMEDIATE GOVERNMENT • Give priority to prevention strategies • Ensure a CHALLENGES FOR AN INTERMEDIATE GOVERNMENT • Give priority to prevention strategies • Ensure a suitable coordination of the main actors (public entities) engaged in risk management: Civil Protection, Geological Service (IGC), Water Management Agency (ACA) • Ensure in the short term the implementation of official hazard maps and guidelines for land planning • Promote a special Plan of Protection in exposed areas where urbanization is consolidated • Give priority to education and communication to raise risk awareness in the population ____ RISKCAT