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Lesson 20_Restart 30.09.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 15

Good evening, dear friends! Good evening, dear friends!

What did we study last time? What did we study last time?

Are you following a TV series at the moment? Which one? Do you like Are you following a TV series at the moment? Which one? Do you like it? Episode 5 Jess’s birthday is on Friday and Matt wants to take her somewhere special…

1. Which restaurants has Jess been before? - The Peking Duck - Appetito - 1. Which restaurants has Jess been before? - The Peking Duck - Appetito - Luigi’s 2. Do they agree which restaurant to go?

Present Perfect or Past Simple Matt Have you been to The Peking Duck? Jess Present Perfect or Past Simple Matt Have you been to The Peking Duck? Jess Yes, I have. Matt Oh no! When did you go there? Jess Last month. I went there with the people from work. 1. What tense is Matt’s first question? 2. What tense is Matt’s second question? 3. Which of the two questions is about a specific time in the past?

! Present Perfect: • to ask about or tell somebody about a past action ! Present Perfect: • to ask about or tell somebody about a past action for the first time. We don’t ask/say when the action happened: Ex: Have you been to Luigi’s? I’ve been to New York twice. ! Past Simple: • to ask/talk about specific past details: Ex: When did you go there? I went to visit my sister. • with when and past time expressions: yesterday, last week … Ex: I saw him last week.

Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or past simple. A Have Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or past simple. A Have you ever travelled abroad? (travel) B Yes. I went to Portugal last year. (go) A ___ you ever ___ any countries outside Europe? (visit) B Yes. I have. I ___ to Morocco a few years ago. (go) A Who ___ you ___ with? (go) B My husband. It was a work trip and his company ___ for everything. (pay) A How wonderful! How ___ you ___ there? (get) B We ______. (fly) A Where _______you ? (stay) B We _____ a suite in a five-star hotel. It was beautiful! (have) A _____ the company ___ you on any other trips recently? (take) B No. My husband ___ working there a year later. So that was our only trip. (stop) A What a pity!

this/that/these/those 1. Look at _____ newspaper here. 2. _____ are my grandparents, and _____ this/that/these/those 1. Look at _____ newspaper here. 2. _____ are my grandparents, and _____ people over there are my friend's grandparents. 3. _____ building over there is the Chrysler Building. 4. _____ is my mobile phone and _____ is your mobile phone on the shelf over there. 5. _____ photos here are much better than _____ photos on the book. 6. Are _____ your pencils here? 7. _____ bottle over there is empty. 8. _____ bricks over there are for your chimney. 9. John, take _____ folder and put it on the desk over there.

Translate the following texts Translate the following texts

Мои любимые виды спорта - теннис и плавание. Я также люблю танцевать. Я начала Мои любимые виды спорта - теннис и плавание. Я также люблю танцевать. Я начала заниматься спортом, когда мне было восемь лет. Я стала ходить в бассейн. Я ходила в бассейн со всей семьей. Теперь мое хобби - большой теннис. Я очень люблю играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис два раза в неделю - в среду и в пятницу. Я хорошо играю в теннис. Я надеюсь, что в будущем я стану хорошим игроком.

В современном обществе у каждого человека есть увлечения. Без них жизнь становится скучной и В современном обществе у каждого человека есть увлечения. Без них жизнь становится скучной и неинтересной. Хобби может быть не одно. Например, в спорте, музыке, искусстве, науке. Я хотела бы рассказать об моих увлечениях. Спорт это хороший способ повеселиться и поддержать свою фигуру в форме. Мой любимый вид спорта - это конный спорт. Я очень люблю животных и люблю быстро двигаться, поэтому конный спорт - это для меня. Так же, конный спорт один из самых красивых и романтичных видов спорта. Но это не единственный вид спорта, который мне нравится. Помимо этого я увлекаюсь плаванием, бадминтоном, настольным теннисом

Let’s sing a song! Let’s sing a song!