Good afternoon!
What did you have for breakfast?
Speaking Scheme
What’s your favourite food?
What brings you pleasant emotions?
Eclipse 1. What do the films have in common? 2. Listen to Alan and Lucy talking on the phone. What two things are they going to do tonight? The Lord of the Rings
Listen again and read the conversation. Complete the chart below and answer the questions with a partner. Alan Hi, Lucy. Have you finished your report? Lucy Yes, I have, finally! Alan What do you want to do tonight? Do you want to go out? Lucy No, I'm a bit tired. Alan Would you like to come here? I can order pizzas and we can watch a film. Lucy Good idea. What films do you have? Alan How about Eclipse? Have you seen it? Lucy No, I haven't seen it, but I've read the book, Alan Is it good? Lucy I loved it! Vampires - perfect for a winter night! Alan Great. What pizza topping do you want? Lucy Cheese and blood, please. . . no, cheese and tomato. + I’ve seen the film. - I ______ the film. ? _______ you ____ the film?
Present Perfect 1. A Have you seen his new film? B Yes. I‘ve seen all his films. She hasn't read any Harry Potter books. 2. Have you ever read a Russian novel? Sarah's never worked in a big company. 3. Have you finished the exercise? Your parents have arrived. They're in the living room. 1. We use the present perfect when we talk or ask about things that have happened in the past, but when we don't say when. 2. We often use the present perfect with ever (= at any time in your life) and never (= at no time in you r life). 3. We also use the present perfect to talk about something that has recently happened.
Thank you for your work!