- Количество слайдов: 61
COVERAGE Environmental impacts ii. Planning Stage iii. Environmental Management and Mitigation Measures iv. Maintenance, Monitoring and Record Keeping v. Conclusion i. Department of Environment, Malaysia
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF QUARRIES Department of Environment, Malaysia
Environmental Impacts of Quarries i. iii. Development stage Operational stage Post-closure stage Department of Environment, Malaysia
PLANNING STAGE Department of Environment, Malaysia
PUBLIC RELATION n Good neighbor policy - Need to win support of neighboring community Department of Environment, Malaysia
Practical ways of promoting good neighborly relationships n Consultation with residents at the EIA stage n Make available copies of non technical summary n Dedicated staff member to handle complaints n Make available environmental monitoring data Department of Environment, Malaysia
SITING CONSIDERATIONS n Sufficient buffer distance of (preferably) at least 1000 meters from residential area Department of Environment, Malaysia
Site selected to minimize: n n Visual impact Dust Noise Pollution of water courses Department of Environment, Malaysia
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) n Identify potential impacts n Suggest mitigation measures Department of Environment, Malaysia
WRITTEN PERMISSION/APPROVAL Ø Air pollution control Ø Water pollution control Ø Monitoring requirements Department of Environment, Malaysia
PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS FOR MITIGATING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS n Site preparation Blasting n Extraction n n Topsoil and overburden management n Rehabilitation n Processing n Stockpiling n Traffic Department of Environment, Malaysia
Site Preparation § Activities: - timber clearing - grubbing - top soil and overburden salvage § Main aspects of concern: - Soil erosion and sediment control Department of Environment, Malaysia
Blasting § Blasting generates: - vibration - audible noise - fly rock - dust § Control: - digital blasting using electronic detonators Department of Environment, Malaysia
Extraction n Noise Visual concerns n Dust n Traffic n n Pollution prevention n Erosion, sediment, storm water n Rehabilitation Department of Environment, Malaysia
Topsoil and Overburden Management n Only clear area that will be actively used for extraction, processing and stockpiling in the near future Department of Environment, Malaysia
Rehabilitation n Progressive rehabilitation is recommended: - minimize topsoil and overburden handling - minimize the need for large storm water management area - prevent dust generation Department of Environment, Malaysia
Processing n Aggregate processing may include: Crushers, screens, wash plants, generators, conveyors n Concerns: Noise, dust, visual impact, sediment, water, wash-water fine Department of Environment, Malaysia
Stockpiling n Generates large quantity of stormwater n Stormwater management; dust n BMPs: control Chute; drop height; water sprays; buffers on down wind of stockpiles; stockpiles located away from sensitive areas Department of Environment, Malaysia
Traffic n On-site traffic generates dust and noise n Mitigation measures: - aspects of haul road and industrial traffic - Entrance and exit designs - Weigh scale layout Department of Environment, Malaysia
STORMWATER AND EROSION CONTROL n Concerns: Soil erosion and mud slides Best Management Practices (BMPs) n Stabilization (Prevention) n Structural (Treatment) n Inspections Department of Environment, Malaysia
Stabilization (Prevention) n n n Bufferzone Bioengineering Ditches Erosion control blanket Tarp Vegetation cover n Benching n Hidroseeding n Limit clearing n Tree protection Department of Environment, Malaysia
Structural (Treatment) n n n n Check dam Ditches Outlet protection Retention basin Settling pond Silt fence Swales Department of Environment, Malaysia
Inspections n n Post-storm events Weekly Department of Environment, Malaysia
Reference Document n Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MASMA) published by Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) Malaysia Department of Environment, Malaysia
Drilling n n n Concerns: Noise and dust Requires: drilling plan Mitigation measures: - Drilling machine: dust extraction and collection - Drill hammers and engines: Noise suppression - Drilling hours: Restricted Department of Environment, Malaysia
Blasting n n n Concerns: Vibration, air blast Standard: Air blast over pressure: 120 d. B (Lin Peak) Ground vibration: Maximum 3 mm/s peak particle velocity (ppv) Mitigation measures: - Use hydraulic rock breakers Do not use surface detonating cord Use electronic detonators Department of Environment, Malaysia
Noise n Activities: - Drilling Blasting Earth moving operations Crushing Screening Department of Environment, Malaysia
Standard At Quarry Boundary n Should not exceed 5 – 10 d. B(A) above normal day time ambient level n Day time: 65 d. B(A) n Night time: 55 d. B(A) Department of Environment, Malaysia
Processing n Enclosures around crushing and screening plants n Solid barriers (bund walls and topographical features) n Vegetation belt n Maintain access and haul road to reduce truck noise n Maintain & lubricate machineries to reduce machinery noise n Use silencers on compressors, rotary engines and generators Department of Environment, Malaysia
Dust control n Typically, low concentration of dust in respirable range (less then 3 microns) n Sources - from processes - from fugitive sources Department of Environment, Malaysia
Dust Generating Points n n n Drilling Blasting Loading of trucks Truck travel Fugitive dust loss from trucks Dumping onto primary crusher Primary, secondary, tertiary crushing Screening Transfer points on conveyor systems Loading onto storage piles from conveyors Windblown dust from stockpiles and open conveyors Department of Environment, Malaysia
Mitigation Measures n n Some already discussed earlier Common approach: - Wet suppression system Dry collection system Department of Environment, Malaysia
Agglomerative Wet Suppression System - Use atomizing nozzles - Water spray pressures Exceeding 14 atm (200 psi) Department of Environment, Malaysia
Wet Suppression System n Applicable for both process and fugitive dust emission n Efficiency: Greater than 70% n Need to enclose dust generation sources Department of Environment, Malaysia
Examples of Enclosure Types/Forms Transfer Points n A head box with inlet strip curtain n A seal on underside of feeder belt n Tight chute with a rock box n Tight skirt board for the entire length of the belt cover n Strip curtain fitted at the front and back discharges of the cover Department of Environment, Malaysia
Enclosure Types/Forms…(cont. ) Screens n Preferably, totally enclosed n If open, the feeder belt must be enclosed with a head box extending out over the deck and distribution plate n A seal with rubber between deck and hopper Department of Environment, Malaysia
Enclosure Types/Forms…(cont. ) Crushers n Rock box or vault under crusher, with substantial volume n If no vault, the receiving belt must be skirted n Crusher month to be protected from wind by wind screen Department of Environment, Malaysia
Enclosure Types/Forms…(cont. ) Dump pockets and hoppers n Custom design enclosure n Hopper top - use of solid sheet material/ tarp fabric/wind fence material n Baffles or turning vans Department of Environment, Malaysia
DRY COLLECTION SYSTEM n Advantage: - More efficient n Disadvantage: - Capital intensive Power consumptive High maintenance Applicable only to sources which can be enclosed Department of Environment, Malaysia
Dry collection system consist of: - Extraction system (hoods, ducting, fans) - Bag house (filters; filtration velocity) Department of Environment, Malaysia
Drilling for blast charge: n Use wet suppression system or n Hooding plus cyclone Department of Environment, Malaysia
Crushing operation (primary, secondary, tertiary) Primary Crushers n All crushers must be enclosed n Wet suppression system (spray above and below crushers) n Crushers can be inter-linked with water flow detectors Department of Environment, Malaysia
Secondary Crushers n Sources: - transfer into crusher - crusher itself n Dust control: - enclosure - vent though bag house Department of Environment, Malaysia
Screening and Material Transfer n Sources: - Screens - Transfer points - Load outs (from hoppers and conveyors) n Dust control: - enclosure - vent though bag house Department of Environment, Malaysia
Conveying n Control: - Spraying with water or conditioning agents at or below discharge points from the conveyer Department of Environment, Malaysia
Stockpiling n Control: - Storage bays Covers Water spraying (plus suppressants) Reduce fall height Use stone ladder Limit height of stockpile No open storage of material under 3 mm Stockpile at sheltered points Areas used by vehicles to be consolidated or kept wet Department of Environment, Malaysia
Truck Out Areas (From quarry site to public roadways) Control: n Paving (minimum 30 m) n Use wash station Department of Environment, Malaysia
Visible emission monitoring n Visible emission due to particle size range of 0. 1 to 200 microns n Operator should monitor visible emission n Visual observation indicates effectiveness of dust control on site Department of Environment, Malaysia
Other Dust Monitoring Techniques: n Use simple dust deposition gages Department of Environment, Malaysia
Record Keeping of Visible Emission Monitoring Keep a record of (in a log): - Visible emission monitoring activity - Corrective actions taken Department of Environment, Malaysia
Performance Monitoring of Air Pollution Control System Performance monitoring and record keeping requirement for bag filters to follow the Guidance Document published by the DOE entitled: Technical Guidance Document Series Number DOE APCS-II “Technical Guidance on Performance Monitoring of Air Pollution Control systems” Department of Environment, Malaysia
Performance Monitoring of Storm Water and Erosion & Sediment Control Measures Inspection required: n To ensure continued performance of storm water and erosion control measures n Visual inspection during general inspection round by quarry supervisor Department of Environment, Malaysia
Storm Water and Erosion & Sediment Control Measures n Inspection frequency - Every 7 days or - within 24 hours after any storm event greater than 1 cm of rain per 24 hours period n Sampling conducted during/after storm event Department of Environment, Malaysia
Record Keeping Keep a log of: - Visual inspection - Sampling activity - Corrective actions Department of Environment, Malaysia
CONCLUSION Department of Environment, Malaysia
CONCLUSION n A need for a new and comprehensive approach to environmental management in quarry industry in Malaysia n Best management practices/best available techniques are available to mitigate impacts to acceptable levels n Hence quarries and other land users can co-exist harmoniously Department of Environment, Malaysia
Contact : sham@doe. gov. my Department of Environment, Malaysia