golden gate bridge.pptx
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GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE Presentation was prepared by Reshetnikov Bogdan Journalism, 2 group
The symbol California The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge in the world since opening in 1937 until 1964. The total length of the bridge is 2737 m length of main span — 1280 m, height of supports — 227 m above the water, weight — 894 500 tons Height of roadway above water at high tide is 67 m. This is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world.
Location It connects the city of San Francisco in the North of the San Francisco Peninsula and southern Marin County, near Sausalito.
History One of the first the idea of the construction of the bridge across the Bay announced the selfproclaimed Emperor of the United States, Norton I. the construction of the bridge began January 5, 1933 and lasted for more than 4 years. An initial draft was prepared by the bridge engineer Joseph Strauss and the consultant architect, Irving morrow, who used the design elements of «art Deco» .
Opening On may 27, 1937 at 6 am Golden Gate bridge was opened for pedestrians. The first 12 hours he belonged only to them. The next day, at the signal of President Roosevelt, received from the White house, on the bridge drove the first cars.
Vehicular traffic on the bridge night
Payment With 2016, the fee for crossing the bridge in a southerly direction by passenger cars was raised from $ 6 to $ 7, 50 ($7 if paid through the electronic system "Fastrak"). The northbound traffic is free. Pedestrians can cross the bridge for free. Free skip ambulances, police and fire vehicles.
Why I want to see it with my own eyes? Every day I dream to visit USA. I especially like the southern States. California, in particular, is the most prosperous region in all of America. Its capital - San Francisco is located near the Pacific ocean. Everyone can experience the unique emotion from the beauty of this city. Close to the Golden gate bridge. I consider this building the most beautiful bridge in history.
In popular culture As a prominent American landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge has been used in numerous media which includes books, films and video games.
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golden gate bridge.pptx