In chase of time we often chose the easiest and the comfiest. More and more people prefer cars and tube to two-cycles transport. To ride a bicycle you don’t need driving license, don’t have to fork out for petrol and maintenance.
Riding within the city Unfortunately, our city isn’t provided with special roads for bicycles. Riders must remember about their own security and be specially careful on the roads. Headpiece won’t be useless! Ride only at light speed and don’t accelerate.
Riding in the country Riding out of the city’s limits, it is not the same as riding along dusty streets’ roads. Overcoming distances turns into unforgettable journey. You’re absolutely independent. You can stop wherever, whenever you want.
Cyclists share there experience Bicyclists say that riding long distances is a great possibility to think. Accelerated blood circulation improve brain’s activity. Being in solitude for a long time , people start to reflect on how they live or what they want in life. They surely come back home with plenty of fresh ideas.
Bicycles in our city Nowdays more and more bicycle stores in Kharkiv offer B’hire. Average rent will cost you 70 – 100 hryvnas a day.
In Kharkiv you can hire a bike here: Sumska str, 26 Rudneva str, 14 Blukhera str, 12 b Gagarina av, 25
Example of a bicycle route.