Gods and godesses Aphrodite Venus Zeus Jupiter Poseidon

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  • Количество слайдов: 6

>Gods and godesses Aphrodite Venus Zeus Jupiter Poseidon Neptune Hercules Heracles Athena Minerva Nike Gods and godesses Aphrodite Venus Zeus Jupiter Poseidon Neptune Hercules Heracles Athena Minerva Nike /ˌafrəˈdʌɪti/ /ˈviːnəs/ /zjuːs/ /ˈdʒuːpɪtə/ /pəˈsʌɪd(ə)n/ /ˈnɛptjuːn/ /ˈhəːkjʊliːz/ /ˈhɛrəkliːz/ /əˈθiːni/ /mɪˈnəːvə/ /ˈnʌɪki/

>Proper Names Homer Socrates Aristotle Alexander the Great Archimedes Julius Caesar Jesus Christ Christopher Proper Names Homer Socrates Aristotle Alexander the Great Archimedes Julius Caesar Jesus Christ Christopher Columbus Leonardo da Vinci William Shakespeare Sir Isaac Newton Catherine the Great George Washington /ˈhoʊmər/ /ˈsɑkrəˌtiz/ aristotle /ˌɑrkəˈmidiz/ /ˈsizər/ /ˈdʒizəs kraɪst/

>Proper Names Napoleon Bonaparte Abraham Lincoln Charles Darwin Queen Victoria Oscar Wilde The Wright Proper Names Napoleon Bonaparte Abraham Lincoln Charles Darwin Queen Victoria Oscar Wilde The Wright Brothers Winston Churchill Albert Einstein Mother Teresa Queen Elizabeth II Peter the Great Alexander II Tsar Nicholas II Dmitri Shostakovich Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn /nəˈpəʊlɪən ˈbəʊnəpɑːt/ /ˈeɪbrəham ˈlɪŋk(ə)n/ /ˈdɑːwɪn/ /vɪkˈtɔːrɪə/ /ˈɒskə wʌɪld/ /ˌʌɪnstʌɪn/ teresa

>Silent H what when why which whether ghost honest hour while white where rhythm Silent H what when why which whether ghost honest hour while white where rhythm Silent T witch castle watch scratch listen match christmas butcher mrtgage often Silent K knife knee knight knitting know knock

>Silent B lamb thumb crumb climbing bomb doubt plumber debt tomb Silent U guest Silent B lamb thumb crumb climbing bomb doubt plumber debt tomb Silent U guest guess guitar guard building guilty biscuit tongue Silent L almond palm yolk calm salmon calf half chalk talk folk

>Silent W wrote Wren wrestling wriggle wrinkle sword whole wreck two wrap wrong wrist Silent W wrote Wren wrestling wriggle wrinkle sword whole wreck two wrap wrong wrist writing Silent N autumn hymn Column Silent D Wednesday handsome handkerchief Silent G sign resign design foreign