- Количество слайдов: 9
GODAE Ocean. View / CLIVAR GSOP Technical Workshop on Observing System Design and Inter-comparisons Organisers: Peter Oke, Matt Martin, Magdalena Balmaseda, Jim Cummings, Andy Moore, Kirsten Wilmer-Becker Santa Cruz, California, USA, 13 -17 June 2011 www. cmar. csiro. au/staff/oke/
Welcome, house-keeping, & thanks Ø Safety Protocols (emergency evacuation) Ø Meeting Provisions (restrooms, lunch, coffee) Ø Shuttle Bus – car pooling Ø Thanks to ONR, who have provided funding to cover most of the meeting expenses Ø Thanks to Andy Moore, UCSC, for allowing us to “entrain him” as local organiser Ø Thanks to co-organisers for their efforts to date Ø Thanks to those who have agreed to help out during the meeting (Speakers, Session Conveners, Discussion Leaders, and Rapporteurs)
Meeting objectives Ø Provide a forum for researchers in data assimilation and ocean forecasting to engage with each other and exchange ideas Some specific goals of the workshop include: Ø Demonstrate the value of in situ and satellite observations to short-term, seasonal and decadal forecast systems; Ø Move towards routine monitoring of the global ocean observing system (explore possibilities for “Observation Impact Statements”); Ø Review inter-comparison of class 4 metrics from operational short-range forecast systems and seasonal prediction systems; and Ø Linking inter-comparison and observing system evaluation monitoring activities within GODAE Ocean. View to those of CLIVAR.
Expected meeting outcomes Ø Status of ocean data assimilation systems Ø Status of efforts in Observing System evaluation Ø Status of efforts in Inter-comparison experiments Ø Clarity/update of work-plans for OSEval and IV Task Teams in GODAE Ocean. View Ø Improved collaborations between the GODAE Ocean. View and CLIVAR communities Ø Clearer plans for greater engagement between the ocean forecasting community and the observational community (“Observation impact statements”)
Meeting Overview Introductions GODAE Ocean. View Work Plans ØSchiller (GODAE Ocean. View) ØObserving System Evaluation Task Team (OSEval-TT) ØHaines (CLIVAR GSOP) ØPanel discussion Science talks/posters ØForecast systems ØData assimilation ØObserving system evaluation ØInter-comparisons and validation Task Team (IV-TT) Breakout sessions ØObserving system evaluation ØInter-comparisons and validation ØCommunity engagement ØValidation / evaluation ØInter-comparisons Open discussion ØDuring sessions, lunch, outings Summary/consolidation session
Meeting Documentation and Rapporteurs Observing System Evaluation Peter Oke (peter. oke@csiro. au) Inter-comparisons and validation Matt Martin (matthew. martin@metoffice. gov. uk) CLIVAR GSOP Magdalena Balmaseda (magdalena. balmaseda@ecmwf. int) Community engagement Gary Brassington (g. brassington@bom. gov. au) General discussion and Report Coordinator/Editor Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (kirsten. wilmer-becke@metoffice. gov. uk)
Breakout Sessions Observing System Evaluation (OSEval) session (Tuesday) Ø GOV group (Oke & Larnicol): peter. oke@csiro. au Ø CLIVAR group (Lee & Haines): tong. lee@jpl. nasa. gov Inter-comparison and Validation session (Thursday am) Ø GOV group (Martin & Hernandez): matthew. martin@metoffice. gov. uk Ø CLIVAR group (Balmaseda & Alves): magdalena. balmaseda@ecmwf. int Community Engagement session (Thursday pm) Ø Group A: Mixed GOV/CLIVAR group (Brassington & Harrison): g. brassington@bom. gov. au Ø Group B: Mixed GOV/CLIVAR group (Bonekamp & Weaver): Hans. Bonekamp@eumetsat. int
Suggested breakout session groups Surname Adani Alves Balmaseda Barnier Baylor Bishop Bonekamp Brassington Cummings Edwards Flechter Fujii Guinehut Ha Haines Harrison Hernandez Hogan Joh Juza Kurapov Larnicol OSEval - IV Session G C C G G G C C G G Community Engagement session B B A B A B B A A B B Surname Lea Lindstrom Martin Mehra Mirouze Moore Nadiga Nair O'Kane Oke Reinecker Schiller Smith, G. Smith, K. Smith, P. Storto Tanjura Ubelmann Weaver Wilmer-Becker Xou Zhu OSEval - IV Session G G C G G G C C Community Engagement session B A A A B A B B A