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God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen: Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Боже, храни нашу великодушную Королеву, Да здравствует наша благородная Королева, Боже, храни Королеву: Сделай её победоносной, Удачливой и прославленной, Пусть она правит над нами: Боже, храни Королеву. O Lord, our God, arise, Scatter her enemies, And make them fall. Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On Thee our hopes we fix, God save us all. Господь, ты наш Бог, воскресни, Поссорь её врагов, И заставь их проиграть. Запутай их действия, Сорви их подлые планы, На тебя мы возлагаем наши надежды, Боже, храни нас всех. Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour; Long may she reign: May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen. Пусть будут обильные подарки, От её имени приятно раздаваемые; Пусть будет долгим её царствование: Пусть она защищает наши законы И пусть мы всегда сможем Петь сердцем и голосом Боже, храни Королеву.
Elizabeth II is the Queen of Great Britain. She was born in Windsor on the 21 of April 1926. Her full name is Elizabeth-Mary. Alexander Windsor. She was educated at home. She knew foreign languages. Elizabeth was made her speech on the radio in 1940. She was learned to drive. She was married Prince Philip in 1947. Her first son Prince Charles was born in 1948. She came to throne in 1952. Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on the 2 of June 1953. Now she plays an important role in the country. The Queen has got four children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward. She has five official residences in Britain; Buckingham Palace and Windsor among them.
After the abdication of his uncle Edward VIII and joining his father on the throne in December 1936, 10 -year-old Elizabeth became heir moved with his parents in the palace Bukmersky.
13 years Elizabeth met Prince Philip, in 1947 becoming her husband, Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh.
She is 26. On February 6, 1952 after death of the father Elizabeth who was at that time with the husband on vacation in Kenya was proclaimed by the queen. In the following, 1953 its crowning for the first time broadcast on television took place.
She is 31. She is 36. She is 28.
She is 56. She is 44. She is 62.
She is 76. She is 65. She is 82.
At the queen and Duke of Edinburgh seven grandsons and granddaughters: Peter Phillips (sort. 1977), Zara Phillips (sort. 1981), prince William (sort. 1982), prince Harry (sort. 1984), princess Beatrice (sort. 1988), princess Evgenia (sort. 1990) and lady Louise Windsor (sort. 2003).
Early in the morning on July 29, 1981 about 600 thousand people already stood along the London streets to welcome a wedding procession on all its way from Buckingham Palace and Clarence House to St. Paul's Cathedral. Wedding ceremony became extraordinary not only for British a celebration: watched not less than 750 million TV viewers it around the world, and the number of officially invited guests made two and a half thousand people. Diana and Charles's wedding became the most expensive wedding in the history of Great Britain. It managed to treasury about 3 million pounds sterling. In 1997 Diana died in road accident
The successor of the British throne prince Charles married in 2005 Camilla Parker-Bowles with whom he a current of 35 years maintained the relations.
The 21 st of April is the Queen's Birthday.
The ruling queen of Great Britain married in marriage for love, contrary to will of the native. She got acquainted with future the husband, the Greek Prince Philip when she was 13 years old, and to it 18. Passionate hobby of Elizabeth II are horses. In its country stables there are 25 horses whom the queen trained itself. Even in 80 years she makes horse walks on Windsor park. The princess Elizabeth learned to drive the car in 1945 when registered in field army of Great Britain. She was appointed the driver of the army truck. She celebrated a victory in World War II as the junior officer.