Скачать презентацию God s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus To See Скачать презентацию God s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus To See


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God’s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus • To See The Parallels Between • Israel’s Deliverance God’s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus • To See The Parallels Between • Israel’s Deliverance From Egyptian Slavery • Passover Feast • Our Deliverance From Slavery of Sin • Lord’s Supper

God’s Deliverance • Exodus 12: 1 -14 • New Observance – A New Feast God’s Deliverance • Exodus 12: 1 -14 • New Observance – A New Feast • Every family to acquire a lamb or kid • To be year old male, without defect • On 14 th day the lamb or kid is to be killed • Blood is to be smeared on door posts and lintel • Lamb or kid to be roasted, eaten with herbs • Eat fully clothed and quickly • God would kill firstborn of families & animals • Memorial for them and future generations

God’s Deliverance • Exodus 12: 29 -36 • At midnight God caused the firstborn God’s Deliverance • Exodus 12: 29 -36 • At midnight God caused the firstborn to die • There was massive death, mourning, weeping • Pharaoh tells Moses to take his people and go! • Egyptians gave them silver, gold and clothing

God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Both involve God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Both involve sacrifice of flesh and blood • Both were to be eaten • Both were to be a continual memorial • Both involved death • Both provided opportunity for new existence

God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Passover involved God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Passover involved all the family of Israel • Lord’s Supper involves all of the Christian family • First Passover marked beginning of nation of Israel • First Lord’s Supper marked beginning of Christianity • Each was fulfillment of God’s purpose and intent – neither was an accident!

God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Deliverance is God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Deliverance is always from God • Israel were slaves in Egypt • Powerless to free themselves • We were slaves to sin • Powerless to free ourselves • Only God has the power to set us free

God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Deliverance always God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Deliverance always involves Blood • Israel – Blood of lamb without blemish • Blood had to be on the door post and lintel • Christians – Blood of Jesus who was without sin • We have to be washed in the Blood • Matt. 26: 26 -29; Acts 20: 28; Eph. 1: 7 I Peter 1: 18 -19; Rev. 7: 14; I John 1: 7

God’s Deliverance • Lessons Learned • Deliverance only comes from God • We can God’s Deliverance • Lessons Learned • Deliverance only comes from God • We can not save ourselves • Blood must be shed for remission of sins • Jesus shed His Blood for us • Must have covering of Blood to be right with God • Eph. 1: 7 Acts 2: 38 • Acts 22: 16 Rom. 6: 3 -7, 17 -18

God’s Deliverance Will You Obey God And Let Him Deliver You From Your Sins? God’s Deliverance Will You Obey God And Let Him Deliver You From Your Sins?

By Bob Gard – Hollister, Missouri church of Christ www. hollisterchurchofchrist. org Lesson adapted By Bob Gard – Hollister, Missouri church of Christ www. hollisterchurchofchrist. org Lesson adapted from David Chadwell “Great Parallels, Part 2: Exodus and Jesus” www. westarkchurchofchrist. org January 8, 2006 pm