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Goal Setting California Career Center
What is a Goal? A goal is something you intend to do, something you want to achieve—the end that you strive for.
There are two types of goals. One is a short-term goal. A short-term goal is something you want to achieve soon, something you intend to do which can be done in a time period of less than three years.
The other type of goal is a long-term goal. A long-term goal is something you intend to do which can be done in a longer period of time from about three years through a lifetime.
Realistic goals face facts as they really are; those things that can actually be done.
Personal Goal SPECIFIC State exactly what you are aiming at knowing that it is within your ability. Goals are not vague or confusing. • My goal is to buy an i. Pod.
Personal Goal MEASURABLE It is important to measure your progress; state what and when you want it. • My goal is to buy my i. Pod five months from today.
Personal Goal ACTION-ORIENTED Spell out exactly how you will achieve the goal; what will you do? • My goal is to by my i. Pod five months from today. I will save $10 a month from my allowance money.
Personal Goal REALISTIC Realistic goals are possible; they may be hard, but they are not just a dream. • My goal is to buy an i. Pod five months from today. I will save $10 a month from my allowance starting today knowing that I still have another $10 a month to do other things with.
Personal Goal TIMELY Give yourself enough time to achieve your goal but not so much that you lose sight of your goal. • My goal is to buy an i. Pod five months from today; I will save $10 a month from allowance money netting me $50 in five months; I have priced i. Pods and can get one for $50.
Career Goal SPECIFIC State exactly what you are aiming at knowing that it is within your ability. Goals are not vague or confusing. • My goal is to volunteer at the nearby hospital.
Career Goal MEASURABLE It is important to measure your progress; state what and when you want it. • My goal is to volunteer at the nearby hospital this summer.
Career Goal ACTION-ORIENTED Spell out exactly how you will achieve the goal; what will you do? • My goal is to take the required firstaid class so I can volunteer at the hospital.
Career Goal REALISTIC Realistic goals are possible; they may be hard, but they are not just a dream. • My goal is to take the required firstaid class next month at the local Red Cross office.
Career Goal TIMELY Give yourself enough time to achieve your goal but not so much that you lose sight of your goal. • My goal is to pass the required firstaid class before summer begins.
Educational Goal SPECIFIC State exactly what you are aiming at knowing that it is within your ability. Goals are not vague or confusing. • My goal is to get an “A” on a unit spelling test.
Educational Goal MEASURABLE It is important to measure your progress; state what and when you want it. • My goal is to get an “A” on the next unit spelling test in three weeks.
Educational Goal ACTION-ORIENTED Spell out exactly how you will achieve the goal; what will you do? • My goal is to learn three spelling words a day.
Educational Goal REALISTIC Realistic goals are possible; they may be hard, but they are not just a dream. • My goal is to start today learning three new words.
Educational Goal TIMELY Give yourself enough time to achieve your goal but not so much that you lose sight of your goal. • My goal is to get an “A” on the next unit spelling test in three weeks. Learning three words each school day means I will know all forty-five words by the test date.
Goals give you control and help you take charge of your life!