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Glue. X Computing Glue. X Collaboration Meeting – Glasgow Edward Brash – University of Regina August 4 th, 2003
Detector Simulations at University of Regina Over the last year, we have been working on developing tools for carrying out and managing Glue. X detector simulations (HDGeant) - Development of a grid portal, to allow job submission and monitoring from any web browser. - Development of a relational database to manage the simulation efforts. - Use of grid certificates to allow secure access to and management of resources. - Installation and testing of SRM tools for transferring data from JLab MSS to Regina (and vice versa).
Security Certificates in Globus - Each host computer generates a certificate request, which is sent to a signing authority, who returns a signed certificate for the host. - Currently, we are using the gridcanada. ca signing authority. However, there currently exist utilities within the globus toolkit which allow the generation of certificate requests for multiple signing authorities. - Users generate personal certificate requests, and these are also signed by the certificate authority. This certificate travels with you, and thus you can use any computer to submit jobs, as long as it has the globus client tools installed, and you have installed your personal certificate. - Web portals can work in a similar way, with a “single sign-on” allowing access to multiple sets of resources.
Globus Installation at Uof. R - Alpha computing cluster with 50 Alpha. Linux CPU's sitting on a VPN behind a Tru 64 Unix server. We run Open. PBS (www. openpbs. org) as the batch job scheduler. - The Tru 64 server runs pbs server and a scheduler. The Alpha. Linux CPU's run a pbs client program. - In addition, we have several other Redhat Linux PC's which also run the pbs client program. - Installation of Globus 2. 0 Toolkit on the Tru 64 Unix server and on the Linux PC's was moderately straightforward. - Included in the Globus Toolkit are job managers for various batch queueing systems, like Condor, Open. PBS, etc. Some customization of the PBS job manager was necessary to interface with our installation.
PBS and Globus Job Submission #!/bin/sh cd /raid 0/Glue. X/ echo Running on `hostname` cd sisyphus/debugging/test cd omegadelta 2_107567434/omegadelta 290 pwd. /runsim 90 omegadelta 2 50000 6 2 BV 0. 2 mm mv omegadelta 290. xml. . /omegadelta 290. xml mv omegadelta 290. hddm. . /omegadelta 290. hddm cd. . rm -fr omegadelta 290/ - With Globus, job scripts are just a regular shell scripts. - This has the added advantage that is can easily be run interactively for testing purposes. $ globus-job-submit vivace. phys. uregina. ca/job-manager-pbs -q verylong -x “(jobtype=single)” -np 1 -s myscript. sh
Grid. Port Web Portal - Web-based access to globus-job-submit, globus-job-status, and globus-job-get-output (and other globus) commands. - Series of perl modules, cgi scripts, and php code running on a secure web server. - Also allows “single sign on”, using a local globus certificate for proxy generation. - At Uof. R, we have a working portal for both Glue. X detector simulations, and for Pion Form Factor simulations. Https: //www. phys. uregina. ca/Glue. X/
What Should A Simulation Resource Look Like? - It should probably have the standard Glue. X software installed for all of the architectures that comprise it - Event generators (genr 8, cwrap) - Translators (ascii 2 stdhep, stdhep 2 ascii, hddm-xml, . . . ) - Basic HDGeant parameter files (dsolenoid. table, . . . ) - Given that we want to test many different geometries, the user should be able to choose from a set of standard geometries, or specify their own. For the latter, this means provide your own HDGeant executable (for the approp. architecture). - Given that we want to simulate many different reactions, one should be able to choose from a set of standard ones, as well as specify their own. This means providing the input file for your favourite event generator. - If you do something interesting, others should benefit immediately from it.