Glossary Presentation TV show Vocabulary B-roll the Скачать презентацию Glossary Presentation TV show Vocabulary B-roll the glossary_presentation.ppt Размер: 1.4 Mегабайта Количество слайдов: 11 Описание презентации Glossary Presentation TV show Vocabulary B-roll the по слайдам Glossary Presentation TV show Vocabulary B-roll the background video material that accompanies a broadcast Skycams cameras which make a video of traffic in the city from the skyline Co-anchor a TV person who helps an anchor to lead the show Rerun a television programme that is shown again Family-run station a channel for family Sweeps season analysis of TV-shows popularity Associate producer an assistant of the main producer On the air broadcasting on television or radio Ready to roll ready to start Let’s start watching the film! Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы просмотреть полный документ! РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ