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NEAR FUTURE EDUCATION PROTOTYPE The world famous popularizer of science, author of such best-selling books as "Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory", "Physics of the Impossible", "Physics of the Future", professor of theoretical physics at The City College of New York, Michio Kaku: ü Future education will not be based on memorization anymore. ü Due to Internet resources and the information technologies, disengaged mental reserve will be reoriented towards the development of the ability to think, analyze, argue and in the end make the correct decisions. ü People will start educating themselves, actually understanding what kind of knowledge they need. 2
NEAR FUTURE EDUCATION PROTOTYPE ü Those attending lectures in the traditional educational institutions will be considered losers. People will say about them: “He was not able to build this education himself. ” 3 ü In order to achieve real success, we’ll need to develop skills not available to robots: creativity, imagination, initiative, leadership. Society is gradually moving from the commodity economy to the intellectual and creative one. ü The first thing you have to learn, if you want to succeed in the future, is not to worry about being different, to accept full responsibility for your life, and to be ready to change everything at once and follow the new path. üThe current system of education is training the professionals of the past. That explains high unemployment rates all around the globe.
NEAR FUTURE EDUCATION PROTOTYPE Widow of the Apple founder, Steve Jobs, and initiator of "XQ: The Super School Project" - Laurene Powell Jobs: 4 ü We want to improve the system of public education and introduce a new global doctrine of development of the higher education, which is urged to bring outdated schemes to the level of the modern technological progress. ü Our educational system was created for the work force we needed 100 years ago; we’re saying, “Start from scratch”. ü Our main goal is to give the teenagers and young people an opportunity to freely choose their destiny and to live, realizing their potential completely. Their self-confidence is the mover of innovations!
NEAR FUTURE EDUCATION PROTOTYPE Department for Business Innovation & Skills of the UK government In May 2016 the UK government has initiated the radical reform of the national higher education system - “Success as a Knowledge Economy”. It includes the following key points: ü The existing educational environment includes elements of discrimination and reacts weakly to the real demands of the society and economy. ü Education must establish the real connection between the employers and jobseekers with the required set of up-todate professional skills. 5
NEAR FUTURE EDUCATION PROTOTYPE ü In is necessary to grant complete set of rights of the traditional universities to the so-called “challenger institutions” – educational centres formally not being the universities, but nevertheless able to effectively train professionals. ü We must have a modern educational market supporting the diversity. It must ensure free competition for everyone able to provide high quality education and meet high standards set by us. ü Avoid limiting ourselves to traditional universities only. Such an approach can lead to a situation when high quality and trustworthy institutions of a new kind are excluded from the educational process. 6
INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION (IASHE, London, United Kingdom) 7 IASHE is the international scientific and educational organization initiating and implementing global intellectual projects based on the original method of building the scientific and analytical communities and communications, as well as stimulation of scientific and analytical creativity of scholars and expert assessment of it.
GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND ANALYTICAL PROJECT “GISAP” 8 GISAP is a large-scale project launched by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK). The project is urged to consolidate scientists-analysts (researchers) from around the word providing them with: ü self-organization opportunities ü communications ü expert assessment and recognition of scientific creativity ü promulgation and popularization of studies ü promotion of progressive ideas and innovations. , promotion of progressive ideas and innovations.
MISSION OF THE GISAP PROJECT Social ideology of the scientific analytics championships organization is formation and development of accessible, democratic and open mechanism of communications and interactions, providing scholars from around the world with free access to the systematized and interconnected international events forming the complete and sufficient cycle of the scientific process. 9
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE GISAP PROJECT 10 The system of organization and development of the international science will be considered efficient only when intellectuals from the most distant corners of the Earth acquire equal access to the scientific resources, and their creative work can be easily presented to the global scientific community. Scientific recognition is, first of all, not for those striving for it, but for those deserving it due to diligent work and own original innovations. The science is not limited by state borders or nationality: intellectual progress is built by the humanity together, and its results equally belong to the whole international community. The voice of every scientist must be heard as it is important.
SCIENCE We believe that regardless of the age, social status and formal position towards the standard scientific procedures, everyone treating the surrounding reality with interest and creativity and also able not only to accumulate knowledge, but to offer original intellectual innovations is a scientist. Formalism is devastating for the freedom-loving science. In this regard the experienced professor and the young student are equal - everyone has the right to think and contribute to the scientific progress. 11
SCIENTIFIC ANALYTICS 12 The concept of “scientific analytics” being the basic semantic category of the GISAP project, characterizes the specific intellectual activity, aimed at elaboration of scientific innovations and achievement of true knowledge. Progressive and original thinking is the most effective source of knowledge!
CHAMPIONSHIPS IN SCIENTIFIC ANALYTICS A championship in scientific analytics is a systematized and lasting scientific event. During this event authors present their original scientific reports related to certain scientific branches and submit them for comparative assessment and reviewing by authoritative experts. This was authors of the best reports are determined. There are scientific analytics championships of various scientific branches and levels: ü national; ü continental; ü global. 13
INTERNATIONAL EXPERT ASSESSMENT 14 International expert assessment of reports during the championships in scientific analytics is a complex professional procedure. It includes the analysis of contents and quality, and also assessment of the authors’ studies. Results of expert assessment predetermine the final results of a championship in scientific analytics in accordance with the special formulas taking into account not only expert assessment points, but also a number of other analytical indicators related to participation of scholars in such a championship.
INTERNATIONAL EXPERT ASSESSMENT 15 Attestation significance of expert assessment is in the fact that the international expert community performs objective and professional joint assessment of the actual level of special knowledge and quality of the scientific innovations presented in original scientific reports of scientists.
RESULTS OF CHAMPIONSHIPS 16 Results of championships in scientific analytics are summed up in relation to every stage (three times a year) and annually – as every calendar year comes to its end. Results of every stage of championships, as well as annual results are summed up for all levels and types of events. Winners are awarded with special diplomas and medals. They are also granted prestigious titles and prize credits, as well as various preferential options connected with further participation in the GISAP project.
CREDITS 17 Credit (prize) points collected by winners of championships in scientific analytics can be accumulated and exchanged within the framework of educational qualifications improvement programs. They can be converted into scientific-analytical doctoral qualifications (degrees) or academic titles of the IASHE in accordance with the established rules.
PUBLICATIONS 18 The IASHE publishes international collections of scientific reports (British ISBN) and 12 specialized scientific journals issued in printed and electronic formats (British ISSN). Collections of scientific reports and journals of the IASHE are officially sent to the leading libraries of the United Kingdom and Western Europe. They are also distributed through international book-selling networks (Amazon, Blackwell, Ingram etc. ) In addition, editions are sent to the scientific, public and university libraries in different countries upon their requests or the IASHE initiative.
PUBLICATIONS 20 The IASHE is constantly expanding the scale of scientometric indexing of its editions. Currently, the complex qualification program of registration and indexing of editions in the Scopus and the Web of Science databases is being implemented.
FEDERATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC ANALYTICS 21 The system of federations of scientific analytics, developing simultaneously with holding of championships in scientific analytics, assumes the functioning of national, continental and the World federations. National federations of scientific analytics are formal public unions (communities) of scientists-analysts from certain countries. Federations are established within the structure of the IASHE through free inclusion of persons wishing to take part in scientific-analytical championships, as well as other individuals engaged in scientific creativity.
OUR ADVANTAGES 22 Every scientist has to publish results of own scientific work and participate in professional discussions with colleagues on a regular basis. Regular publication of original scientific works is one of the major factors in presentation of creativity of any scientist.
OUR ADVANTAGES 23 Participants of championships in scientific analytics also acquire additional options: ü international promulgation of original reports in British scientific editions; ü professional communications; ü practical approval of studies; ü scientometric indexing of scientific works; üscientific competitions with colleagues; ü authoritative expert assessment; ü extension (improvement) of professional competences; ü scientific and analytical qualifications (degrees); ü prestigious titles, rewards and exclusive ranks; ü original scientific communities; ü popularization of studies and their authors; ü scientific and professional recognition.
CERTIFICATION: DOCTORAL PROGRAMS 24 The following doctoral programs are implemented within the framework of the IASHE project called “International University of Scientific and Innovative Analytics” (IUSIA): ü Doctoral dynamic scientific and analytical programs; ü Doctoral dissertational scientific and analytical programs; ü Doctoral bibliographic scientific and analytical programs. Within the framework of the IASHE doctoral programs the scientific and analytical certification is implemented through conversion of credits earned by participants of scientific-analytical championships (GISAP project) into the scientific and analytical doctoral qualifications.
CERTIFICATION: DOCTORAL PROGRAMS As soon as the progressive researcher successfully passes the scientific and analytical doctoral program of the IASHE, such person can acquire the following scientific and analytical doctoral degrees (qualifications): 25
CERTIFICATION: DOCTORAL PROGRAMS ü International Master of Science Аnalytics (IMSA); ü International Doctor of Philosophy and Science Аnalytics (IDPSA); ü International Doctor Habilitate of Science Аnalytics (IDHSA); ü International Supra Doctor of Science Аnalytics (ISDSA); ü International Prima Doctor of Science Аnalytics (IPDSA); ü International Grand Doctor of Science Аnalytics (IGDSA). 26
DOCUMENTS OF THE IASHE DOCTORAL PROGRAMS 27 Doctoral programs are not the direct analogue of academic doctoral programs of universities. Doctoral programs are not expected to substitute or copy the m in any way. At the basis of a doctoral program there is primary significance of development of personal creative activity and scientific initiatives aimed at innovative promotion of the scientific progress – not further educational (academic) growth of the certain person possessing the educational qualification in the field of higher education.
DOCUMENTS OF THE IASHE DOCTORAL PROGRAMS ü Doctor’s diplomas (usual and wall-mounted) and special decorations ü Europass Diploma Supplement ü Europass Mobility 28
CERTIFICATION: ACADEMIC PROGRAMS OF THE IASHE 29 The following academic programs are implemented within the framework of the IASHE project called “International University of Scientific and Innovative Analytics” (IUSIA): ü Scientific and analytical academic programs; ü Bibliographic scientific and analytical academic programs; ü Academic Authority programs; ü Humanitarian Authority programs.
CERTIFICATION: ACADEMIC PROGRAMS OF THE IASHE 30 As soon as the progressive researcher successfully passes the scientific and analytical academic program of the IASHE, such person can acquire the following status-titles (academic title categories) of the IASHE (from lowest to the highest qualification level): 1. Corresponding member of the IASHE; 2. The IASHE Academician of the 3 rd title category "Tropos-Academician"; 3. The IASHE Academician of the 2 nd title category "Stratum-Academician"; 4. The IASHE Academician of the 1 st title category "Mesos-Academician"; 5. The IASHE Academician of the highest title category "Therme-Academician"; 6. The IASHE Academician of the highest title category "Exo-Academician". Status-titles must be annually verified or improved up to higher levels within the indicated system of IASHE academic title categories.
DOCUMENTS OF THE ACADEMIC PROGRAMS ü Academic diplomas (usual and wall-mounted) and special decorations ü Europass Diploma Supplement ü Europass Mobility. 31
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION IMPROVEMENT (SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION) 32 Scientific and analytical program of the researcher’s educational and professional qualification improvement is an educational procedure aimed at stimulation of scientific and analytical creative work of scholars and qualification-related interpretation (assessment) of results of such activity by international experts. Supplementary education is acquired by the student through improvement of the level of educational and professional competence, as well as accumulation of potential in the field of implementation of scientific and analytical activity and innovative work.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION IMPROVEMENT (SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION) Successful passing of the program by the applicant assumes 33 ü mastering of exclusive methods of implementation of scientific studies ü new arrays of knowledge ü formation of innovative approaches to solution of pressing scientific problems.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION IMPROVEMENT (SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION) Titles of qualifications acquired as the program is passed: 34 ü for applicants with not less than 40 credits earned in the program or not less than 5 original reports with the average expert assessment mark over 6. 0 - “Investigator of scientific and analytical problems in the branch of science”; ü for applicants with not less than 100 credits earned in the program or not less than 6 original reports with the average expert assessment mark over 6. 5 - “Master of scientific analytics and discussion-based rhetoric in the branch of science”; ü for applicants with not less than 200 credits earned in the program or not less than 7 original reports with the average expert assessment mark over 7. 0 - “Expert in scientific analytics and discussion-based rhetoric in the branch of science”; ü for applicants with more than 250 credits earned in the program* or not less than 7 original reports with the average expert assessment mark over 7. 5 - “Grand Expert in scientific analytics and discussion-based rhetoric in the branch of science”. Success in the program is verified by the educational and qualification diploma of the IASHE “Analyst”, as well as the Europass Diploma Supplement and the Europass Mobility.
INTERNATIONAL ATTESTATION-BASED LEGALIZATION OF QUALIFICATIONS 35 International attestation-based legalization of educational qualifications (higher education diploma) is the procedure of verification (attestation-based certification) of the educational qualification of the person concerned in relation to compliance with the European standards of quality in the field of education. The program is implemented as the supplementary education acquisition mechanism. Within the framework of this mechanism final attestation verifies the correspondence of the educational qualification to the European standards of quality in the field of education. Such compliance is confirmed by the IASHE Attestation Certificate of Quality of Education and the Europass Diploma Supplement enclosed to the basic higher education diploma.
INTRODUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS OF THE EUROPASS SYSTEM INTO THE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE OF UNIVERSITIES 36 The Europass is a harmonized system of functioning of the work and study place searching service in the European countries (website of this service: http: //europass. cedefop. europa. eu/), as well as the unified form of documents accompanying this process. Europass is established and functions in accordance with the decision of the Council of Europe 2241/2004/EC. At the international level the Europass tools provide transparency and uniformity in everything related to diplomas and certificates; skills and qualifications obtained in other countries become clear for the employer in any European country.
INTRODUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS OF THE EUROPASS SYSTEM INTO THE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE OF UNIVERSITIES 37 The Europass consists of five documents: ü a detailed CV (Curriculum Vitae); ü the Language Passport reflecting the level of the applicant's foreign language proficiency; ü the Europass Diploma Supplement (indicating and describing the obtained education); üthe Europass Mobility (which systematically indicates international work and training experience); ü the Europass Certificate Supplement (record about vocational training and professional competence).
OUTCOME OF PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAMS FOR A SCHOLAR (STUDENT, PRACTITIONER, SCIENTIST) ü Acquisition of the "second" British diploma of further education on the basis of the existing higher education, with issuance of the Europass system documents; ü Improvement and extension of qualification and skills; ü International recognition of a complex of knowledge, academic qualifications and professional skills of an expert; ü Acquisition of several professional publications in the field-specific editions (collections of scientific works and/or specialized journals) of the IASHE – this considerably improves the educational competence and professional status of the interested person in the labour market and in the academic environment; ü Acquisition of the basic scientometric ranking of the researcher (within scientometric indexing of the British editions); 38
OUTCOME OF PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAMS FOR A SCHOLAR (STUDENT, PRACTITIONER, SCIENTIST) 39 ü Ensuring understanding of the terms, quality and outcome of studying of the person in the corresponding educational programs at the international level; ü Providing the European regulatory support to the process of recognition of the graduates’ educational qualifications (diplomas); ü Providing the European regulatory support to the process of professional and academic mobility of students, scholars or professional experts; ü Considerable facilitation of employment of the expert in the foreign companies and abroad; ü Competitive advantages of the graduate in Ukrainian and foreign labour markets
OUTCOME OF IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND ANALYTICAL PROGRAMS IN UNIVERSITIES ü The university acquires the status of the national centre of European certification and mobility ensuring; ü The university reasonably acquires the status of the international scientific centre; ü The university acquires the actual “European” status and the corresponding image; ü Competitive advantages for the university in Ukraine and abroad ü Interest to the university from the side of foreign students with high demands in relation to the international recognition of the acquired education, as well as the academic and professional mobility; ü Commercial benefit. 40
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS ü Global International Scientific and Analytical Project (GISAP) ü International University of Scientific and Innovative Analytics (scientific and analytical certification of educational qualifications and original studies); ü System of scientific journals published under British jurisdiction (12 fieldspecific journals); 41
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS 42 üOrganization of individual and team championships in scientific analytics at the national, continental and the world levels, as well as championships among national scientific analytics teams (prestigious titles for winners and awardees, prize credits, rewards for laureates, medals, diplomas); ü The system of national and international federations of scientific analytics; ü Social network for intellectuals Plato. Nick; ü Publication of British collections of scientific reports on a regular basis (about 25 issues annually);
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS 43 üPublication of scientific, popular-science, publicistic and fiction literature in the UK; ü Organization of international scientific conferences and congresses on the regular basis; ü Exclusive programs aimed at the education quality verification and improvement, as well as scientific-analytical doctoral and academic programs based on assessment of knowledge and scientific creativity;
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS ü British attestation programs for students in separate disciplines – British Department; ü Programs of mutually beneficial cooperation with educational and scientific organizations – Partner University; ü Introduction of the European educational standards and documents of the Europass system into the educational environment of non-EU countries; 44
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS 45 üInternational legalization and verification of educational qualifications of various states; ü Joint training of experts with exclusive qualifications (British diplomas and the Europass) together with universities of various states in the distance learning mode;
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS 46 ü Legalization of supplementary education qualifications: accreditation of programs, certification of experts, organization of examinations and issuance of the British documents (certification of students); ü Certification of educational institutions, programs and educators; ü International scientific and analytical rankings of countries, universities and individual scholars;
LIST OF THE CURRENT IASHE PROJECTS 47 ü Practical approval and implementation of R&D outcomes; ü Promotion of innovations (Innovative abstracts and the IASHE Speakers); ü Book of Wise Men (Olympus); ü The IASHE Encyclopaedia; ü Assistance in entering universities of various states and learning there; ü Memorial – program honouring the outstanding scientists from around the world
THE LIST OF PROJECTS UNDER DEVELOPMENT BY THE IASHE ü International intellectual parliament (community of intellectuals from around the world, making joint decisions concerning the pressing problems and recommending them to the political environment for implementation); ü British international analytical university of complex knowledge (fullfledged higher education institution training experts (mostly in the e-learning format) able to solve complex practical interdisciplinary tasks on the edge of various fields of knowledge); 48
THE LIST OF PROJECTS UNDER DEVELOPMENT BY THE IASHE 49 ü World Research Analytics Federation (website with all the details is under development); üInternational scientometric database Socrates-Impulse; ü International scientific register Socrates-Notion (ranking register of scholars from different countries); ü Educational project u. Hive (e-learning based on courses provided by universities)
IT IS OUR HONOUR TO COOPERATE WITH YOU We are looking forward to establishing partnership with universities from around the world and fruitful cooperation with originally thinking scholars! Let’s develop together! We appreciate your creative work! Kind regards, - IASHE 50
CONTACTS IASHE; 1 King Avenue, London, N 21 3 NA 51 MAIN WEBSITES http: //iashe. eu/ http: //gisap. eu/ http: //university. iashe. eu/ http: //www. platonick. com/ http: //book. gisap. eu/ http: //philology. gisap. eu/ http: //education. gisap. eu/ http: //biovet. gisap. eu/ http: //culture. gisap. eu/ http: //earth. gisap. eu/ http: //society. gisap. eu/ http: //ecojuris. gisap. eu/ http: //journals. gisap. eu/ http: //history. gisap. eu/ http: //e-science. gisap. eu http: //medicine. gisap. eu/ http: //physchemath. gisap. eu/ http: //psychology. gisap. eu/ http: //tech. gisap. eu/