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Global Electrical Systems Seminar Qualification of Persons Performing Electrical Work Site Qualification Programs 1
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Company Expectation n All electrical work should be performed by someone who is qualified. Regulations in the US, Europe, and many other regions of the world require personnel to be qualified to perform electrical work. n The goal is to eliminate electrical injuries and fatalities. n Site Qualification Programs 2
Global Electrical Systems Seminar European Standard EN 50110 -1 n 4. 2 – All personnel involved in a work activity on, with, or near an electrical installation shall be instructed in the safety requirements, safety rules and company instructions applicable to their work. These instructions shall be repeated during the course of the work where the work is long or complex. The personnel shall be required to comply with these requirements, rules, and instructions. Site Qualification Programs 3
Global Electrical Systems Seminar European Standard EN 50110 -1 (continued) n 4. 2 – No person shall undertake any work activity where technical knowledge or experience is needed to prevent electrical danger or injury, unless that person has such technical knowledge or experience, or is under such supervision as is necessary for the work undertaken. Site Qualification Programs 4
Global Electrical Systems Seminar European Standard EN 50110 -1 (continued) n 4. 2 – Where there are no national requirements for competence, the following criteria shall be used in assessing the competence of persons: n n n Knowledge of electricity Experience of electrical work Understanding of the installation to be worked on and practical experience of that work Understand the hazards which can arise during the work and the precautions to be observed Ability to recognize at all times whether it is safe to continue working Site Qualification Programs 5
Global Electrical Systems Seminar USA – NFPA 70 E n From NFPA 70 E Part II 1 -5. 4. 1 n A qualified person shall be trained and knowledgeable of the construction and operation of equipment or a specific work method, and be trained to recognize and avoid the electrical hazards that might be present. n Such persons shall also be familiar with the proper use of precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment, insulating and shielding materials, and insulated tools and equipment. n A person can be considered qualified with respect to certain equipment and methods and still be unqualified for others. Site Qualification Programs 6
Global Electrical Systems Seminar USA - NFPA 70 E (cont. ) n Continued, from NFPA 70 E n Such persons permitted to work within limited approach of exposed energized conductors and circuit parts shall, at a minimum, be additionally trained in all of the following: n n Site Qualification Programs The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed energized parts from other parts of electrical equipment. This skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed energized parts. The approach distances required. The decision making process necessary to determine the degree and extent of the hazard and the personal protective equipment and job planning necessary to perform the task safely. 7
Global Electrical Systems Seminar USA - NFPA 70 (NEC) n From the 2005 National Electrical Code: n Qualified Person. One who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training on the hazards involved. n FPN: Refer to NFPA 70 E-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, for electrical safety training requirements. n The definition of “qualified person” now includes safety training. No longer is it adequate for an electrical worker to be “familiar with the hazards involved”; the electrical worker of today must also have safety training on the hazards involved. Site Qualification Programs 8
Global Electrical Systems Seminar USA - OSHA n According to OSHA 1910. 332 qualified persons (those permitted to work on or near exposed energized parts) shall, at a minimum, be trained in and familiar with the following n n The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from other parts of electric equipment. The skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed live parts. The clearance distances required. A person must have this training to be considered qualified. Site Qualification Programs 9
Global Electrical Systems Seminar US Power System Design Impact n The NEC allows certain installations if qualified personnel are on site and maintain the power system. n P&G takes advantage of these installations (resistance grounded system). Site Qualification Programs 10
Global Electrical Systems Seminar What about outside the US and Europe? n Some countries in other regions require electrical personnel at a facility to operate under a licensed engineer or electrician. n Some countries have no requirements. Site Qualification Programs 11
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Procter & Gamble The company (P&G) has made the decision that we will require qualified personnel to work on electrical systems at any of our facilities. Sites must follow local laws, and qualify people at the site level based on site systems and conditions. Site Qualification Programs 12
Global Electrical Systems Seminar CBA 8016 - Qualification n HSE CBA 8016 has been written to describe how to manage an electrical safety qualification program. n The CBA provides guidelines and sample forms to manage a qualification program at your site. n This CBA can be tailored to meet your site’s needs. n Reference material is provided in attachment form to the CBA. Site Qualification Programs 13
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Q&A 1. How do I start a program? n n Review the background of the personnel you have doing electrical work. It is acceptable to “grandfather” personnel the site can demonstrate have significant electrical skill. n Some formal training is recommended to grandfather personnel at the low, medium, or high voltage levels. Everyone should still be required to take and pass requalification knowledge checks to maintain their qualification. In general, licensed electricians with site specific knowledge should be considered qualified. Site Qualification Programs 14
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Q&A 2. How do I document people’s qualification status? n You should be able to document your site qualification process. You can use the first few pages of CBA 8016 as your guide, and modify as needed for your site. n A list of personnel with their qualification level should be maintained. Site Qualification Programs 15
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Q&A 3. My site doesn’t have a qualification program, how do I get support to change? Many GBUs have experienced significant injuries and monetary loss. Avoiding similar incidents at your site will make the Company money. n In many regions of the world (including the US) you may not be following the law. n A strong motivation to change will be the need to pass your HSE Audit. You will likely fail your site HSE Audit without a qualification program. Site Qualification Programs n 16
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Q&A 4. I have problems with the work system (or IWS) that prevent me from doing this. Leaders of IWS have fully supported these qualification requirements. There is nothing in IWS that prevents this qualification, in fact IWS specifically supports the electrical systems owner role as being off-line (5%). n Personnel must have the time provided to them to qualify and maintain their skills. n Ultimately the operating departments must support this change or we will continue to have incidents. Site Qualification Programs n 17
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Q&A 5. At my site line operators perform a lot of tasks that you tell me I need a low voltage qualification for. How should I handle this? You have three options: 1. Qualify all the personnel. 2. Qualify a limited number of people to do all this work. 3. Have all the personnel work under the supervision of a qualified person. Site Qualification Programs 18
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Final Thought A Qualification System where everyone passes is really just a certification system. To make a real change in personnel safety, we need to: n Increase our skills -orn Change who does the work Don’t be part of the problem by certifying unqualified people who may then put themselves in harm’s way. Site Qualification Programs 19
Global Electrical Systems Seminar Discussion Topics n What is the qualification of the personnel at your site? n Could you pass an external review by someone outside of P&G? Government agency n Forensic engineer n n What are your barriers to having a qualification program at your site? n What would help you as you implement this at your site? Site Qualification Programs 20