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- Количество слайдов: 17
Global and Multinational Advertising Made by: Altukhova K. Dombrovska E. 344 group
William Wells, D. Burnet, and C. Moriarty classification Trademarks Local Regional North America Global Latin America Europe Asia-Pacific Unit International
Global Values
Social Differentiation Between Sexes Maximum Minimal Men are giving more outgoing, assertive roles Women can take assertive roles of they want Women are giving caring, nurturing roles Some men can take relationship-oriented, modest, caring roles
American-British Comparisons Soft Sell Entertainment Hard Sell In-your-face manner Structure and Execution Demonstration Lectures and Dramas Info Pressure Broad Information
While launching the international trademarks to the local market 2 approaches may be used: Standardization Strategy • Creating an international image of the goods or services • Reducing the cost of design and production advertising Adaptation Strategy • Legal peculiarities and limitations (The ban on tobacco advertising, comparative advertising, showing children in dangerous situations) • Restrictions regarding the length of a commercial • The economic aspect of adaptation - is associated with peculiarities and level of economic of social development (Purchasing power of population, peculiarities of taxation, competitors’ power, etc).
Lost in Translation • 1. The main problem is straightforward translations of Western advertising without any regard to the cultural nuances and specifics of the Russian audience. • 2. A number of Western marketers need to carefully review the applicability of their brand names in the Russian market to check if they have negative connotations foe the Russian ear.
Almost all big advertising agencies get most of the profits from network clients - global brands with substantial advertising budgets, which are often order to adapt global campaigns, rather than creation the local ones.
Adaption = Killing the Idea? • It's no secret that Western commercials adapted for the Russian TV air lose a lot and in terms of ideas, visual representation and emotional component. Sometimes a Russian voice-over can totally kill powerful visuals, and lack of budget and airtime makes the commercial be cut, which leads to loss of the storyline. In some cases, certain moments of TV commercial may be subject to censorship, because from the point of view of Russian advertisers they can be misinterpreted or cause negative association with the brand. So it was with the commercial "Enjoy The Silence" for Sony Ericsson, from which the scene with a transvestit for the Russian air was cut. • http: //youtu. be/u. A 7 -31 Cxc 2 I • http: //youtu. be/e 1 IPLZC-P_8
Visa Original - Go Visa (More People Around The World Go With Visa) TBWAChiatDay Localisation- "Все больше людей говорят go с Visa". TBWAMoscow But it is difficult to imagine that Russian people will say “go”.
Conclusion • Problems in translating advertising copy from one language to another are well known. For example, General Motors’ phrase “Body by Fisher” appeared in a Flemish translation as “Corpse by Fisher”. In China Pepsi Cola’s slogan “Come alive with Pepsi” appeared as “Pepsi Brings your Ancestors Back from the Grave. • Another problem is ignorance of the proper advertising strategy in a foreign country. It is necessary to pay attention to feedback from local representatives. Adequate translation and feedback monitoring
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