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GLC Overview LCPAC 2004 (Feb. 20, 2004) Nobu Toge, KEK Accelerator Lab. Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 1
GLC Schematic Layout Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 2
Main Linac Unit Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 3
Beam Structure vs RF Pulse Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 4
X-band Global Parameters Center-of-mass energy Ecm 500 100 Pulse rep rate frep # particles / bunch Ge. V 120 (150) 120 (100) N 0. 75 # bunches / pulse nb 192 Bunch spacing tb 1. 4 ns Bunch train length nbtb 0. 269 ms Beam power / beam PB 8. 65 11. 53 MW Unloaded gradient ENL 65. 2 MV/m Loaded gradient EL 51. 7 MV/m Hz x 1010 Total site AC power 241 311 Linac length / beam 7. 31 14. 21 km 1. 9 km Beam delivery / beam MW Beam size at IP gex 3. 0 x 10 -6 rad m gey Emittance at DR exit 0. 02 x 10 -6 rad m sx * Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) L 219 nm 3. 0 Peak luminosity 243 2. 1 nm 20. 0 (25. 0) 30. 0 (25. 0) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 1033 cm-2 s-1 5
X-band IP Parameters Center-of-mass energy ECM 500 1000 Ge. V Beam delivery length 1. 9 km Collimation system length 0. 7 km Final focus system length 0. 8 km Full crossing angle 20 (7) Distance from last quad to IP L* Pulse repetition rate frep Bunch length sz Beta function at IP bx, / by Normalized emittance at IP mrad 3. 5 m 120 (150) 120 (100) Hz 110 mm 8 / 0. 11 13 / 0. 11 mm gex* / gey* 3. 6 / 0. 04 x 10 -6 rad m Beam size at IP sx * / sy * 243 / 3. 0 219 / 2. 1 nm Disruption parameters Dx / Dy 0. 16 / 13. 1 0. 10 / 10. 3 Pinch enhancement factor HD 1. 49 1. 42 Average beamstrahlung parameter U 0. 13 0. 28 Average energy loss due to beamstrahlung d. B 4. 6 7. 5 Number of photons per electron ng 1. 26 1. 30 Nominal luminosity L 0 14. 2 (17. 7) 22. 2 (18. 5) Peak luminosity L 20 (25. 0) 30 (25. 0) Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 % 1033 cm-2 s-1 6
Main Linac Parameters (1) Overall Center-of-mass energy ECM 500 1000 Ge. V Active linac length / linac Einj 8 8 Ge. V Total linac length / linac 6. 71 13. 61 km Length for linac beam diagnostic and bypass ramps 7. 31 14. 21 km Total AC power into modulators / linac 89. 0 120. 4 MW Total AC power for RF / linac 98. 4 133. 1 MW RF frequency frf 11. 424 GHz Wall plug –to- rf efficiency 32. 1 % RF-to-beam efficiency 29. 2 % Wall-plug-to-beam efficiency 9. 37 % RF unit type 2 -pack Number of RF units / linac 1116 2264 Modulator Efficiency 80 Number of modulators / linac 1164 % 2264 Klystron Peak output power 75 1. 559 ms 55 Pulse length % Efficiency Number of klystrons / linac Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) MW 2232 GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 4528 7
Main Linac Parameters (2) Center-of-mass energy Ecm 500 1000 Ge. V Pulse Compression Type Dual-moded SLED-II Pulse compression ratio 4 Pulse compression efficiency Phase switching time 74. 6 % 10 ns 6. 01 m Tsw Distance between adjacent quads Accelerator Structure Type H 60 VG 4 S 17 Length 0. 602 Phase advance per cell m 150 deg Iris radius a/l 0. 17 Group velocity vg/c 1. 8 % Filling time tf 111 ns Attenuation parameter T ~ 0. 521 Unloaded Q Q ~ 7650 Shunt impedance Rs ~ 70. 7 MW / m RF pulse length 382 ns Peak RF power per structure 56. 0 MW 12. 3 deg Average RF phase Number of structures / linac Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) <f> 8928 GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 18112 8
Major development in 2003 n Efforts on R 1 and R 2 items as laid out in TRC-II report in collab. with the NLC team. Part of R 1, R 2 items cleared – PPM basic validation, SLED-II power compression. ¨ Some remain – Accelerator structures ¨ Efforts to continue in 2004 – Acc. structures. “Fuller” demonstration of SLED-II with additional waveguides and structure loads downstream. ¨ n Numerous beam control technology R&D at ATF. Progress made in low-intensity emittance studies (single- vs multi-bunch give consistent results at low-intensity) ¨ Steady progress in I&C hardware (e. g. laser wire detector, ODR, XSR) ¨ n Construction and operation of GLCTA. A basic 2 -klystron power source system was built (~ 60 MW, 400 ns). Initial system commissioning has begun and is expected to continue in 2004. ¨ Will plan extension of the system to include SLED-II pulse compression or other upgrades in ~2 yrs. ¨ ¨ Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 9
Updated TRC-II Information n http: //lcdev. kek. jp/TRCII/TRCupdates. html ¨ Status n http: //www. slac. stanford. edu/xorg/ilctrc/2002/report/03 rephome. htm ¨ TRC-II n update of R&D efforts related to R 1/R 2 items main web site http: //www. ligo. caltech. edu/~donna/ITRP_Home. htm ¨ ITRP Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) web site GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 10
Quick Dictionary n TRC-II (Technical Review Committee-II): Founded under ICFA in 2001. Charged to review the recent status of LC design schemes and R&D(SLAC-R-606, published in early 2003)。 R 1 : “R&D needed for feasibility demonstration of the machine” R 2 : “R&D needed to finalize design choices and ensure reliability of the machine” ¨ R 3 : “R&D needed before starting production of systems and components” ¨ R 4 : “R&D desirable for technical or cost optimization” ¨ ¨ n n ILCSC (International LC Steering Committee): Founded under ICFA in late 2002 to act as a steering body for world-wide cooperation on LC development. ITRP (International Technology Recommendation Panel ): Placed by ILCSC in early 2003 to recommend on “Technology Selection” for LC Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 11
PPM Klystron Status n Specifications [TRC R 2#2] : Simultaneous achievement of ¨ 75 MW, ¨ 1. 6 ms, ¨ 120 Hz n , or higher Results in 2003: ¨ Two PPM tubes built by KEK are approaching the spec. goals above. ¨ A PPM tube built by SLAC cleared the goal in Fall, 2003. Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 12
SLAC XP 3 -3 A. Vlieks@ISG-11 Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 13
PPM Klystrons R&D Y. H. Chin@ISG-11 PPM #4 : under testing at KEK Achieved: - 75 MW, 1. 7 ms, 50 Hz Status: - Testing at KEK after window repair has been temporarily concluded as of this week. Y. H. Chin@ISG-11 PPM#2 : under testing at SLAC Klystron lab. Achieved: - 75 MW, 1. 7 ms, 60 Hz - 68 MW, 1. 7 ms 120 Hz Status: - Gun repair nearly completed. Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) PPM #5 : after baking Status: - Readied for testing to start at KEK Y. H. Chin@ISG-11 GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 14
Plans for PPM Klystrons in 2004 n Existing tubes PPM#5 : Has been built in 2003. Test to start at KEK in ~ March. ¨ PPM#2 : Repair under way ¨ PPM#4 : Temporarily concluded testing in Feb. ¨ Some combination of KEK and SLAC PPM klystrons: Long-term high-rep-rate testing with a 2 -pack IGBT modulator at SLAC. ¨ n New tubes ¨ n Further improvements to the body cooling system and electron gun. More details: see presentation by Y. H. Chin Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 15
Accelerator Structure R&D Cells T. Higo Test Accelerator Struc. Most of 60 cm-long struc’s tested in 2003 include HOM slots and manifolds as required for GLC/NLC. J. Wang@ISG-11 Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 16
Accelerator Structure Summary n Specifications [TRC R 1#1]: Simultaneous achievement of ¨ ¨ ¨ n 60 cm-long ENL = 65 MV/m, 400 ns pulse length. BD rate 0. 1 / 1 hr in 60 Hz operation. Results in 2003: A few strucs cleared the BD goal with ENL = 60 MV/m, 400 ns. BD rate with ENL = 65 MV/m remains x 2 ~ 3 of the goal. Struc-to-struc variation of performance needs to be resolved. Some are suspected due to known anomalies during manufacturing or vacuum baking. ¨ Much reduced BD rate observed with “ramped” pulse shape, known to be used for beam-loading compensation (All other typical high-power tests are done with rectangular pulses). ¨ ¨ ¨ Field Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 Time 17
High-Power Testing in 2002 -2003. l H 60 -series built and tested in 2002 -2003. l BD rate found to be prop. to gradient. l “Acceptable” BD rate performance at 60 MV/m. l Performance not YET acceptable at 65 MV/m. With pulse “ramping” substantial improvement seen. C. Adolphsen, Jan. 2004 Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 l Struc-to-struc variation of permance needs to be resolved. Keep eyes on manufacturing / heat processing. l Must accelerate the data collection with a plural # of structures with identical design and build. 18
Plans for Acc Structures in 2004 n n n Highest priority: Additional construction of H 60 VG 4 S 17 -type structures Improve the statistical / systematic confidence in performance observations of the latest struc design. At SLAC expect to exploit the 2 -moded SLED-II power source, in addition to the existing NLCTA test stations for accelerated, parallel testing. Later this year we may reconsider More improvements to the structure design, or ¨ GLC/NLC overall parameter optimization (ENL : 65 60 MV/m gives only minor impacts on the cost, no impacts on the luminosity) ¨ n In parallel, try to improve the domestic capabilities: More purely-made-in-Japan structures. ¨ Build up infrastructure at GLCTA. ¨ n More details: see presentation by Toshi Higo Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 19
Pulse Compression (2 -moded SLED-II) Summary n Specifications [TRC R 1#2]:simultaneous achievement of producing X-band RF power of ¨ 475 MW, ¨ 400 ns n Results in 2003: ¨ Test at SLAC produced 475 MW, 400 ns at 30 Hz on 12/4/2003. Continual operation for 100 hrs. n Used solenoid-focussing type klystrons x 4 as power source. ¨ Maximum: Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) 580 MW, 400 ns. GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 20
Tested in 2003 Used solenoid-type klystrons x 4 56 M W Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 21
Input and Output pulses with SLEDII Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 22
Plans for SLED-II in 2004 n Distribution of the SLED-II power to accelerator structures ¨ ¨ ¨ n KEK team will contribute ¨ ¨ n Phase 1: 4 structures in Spring, 2004. Phase 2: 4 more struc (8 in total) in Summer/Fall, 2004. At each phase, semi-long-term operation at 60 Hz. Integration with structure testing in ~ Summer. Integration with PPM klystrons later as found possible. Hybrids (overheight models) to use as “power splitters” Personnel to participate in test operation at SLAC More details: see presentation by Y. H. Chin Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 23
Switching to PPM tubes as found possible 2004 Expansion of SLED-II testing Phase 1 Phase 2 addition Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) 56 MW Introduce newlybuilt acc strucs as GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPACfound available 2004 24
SLED-II additions in 2004 D. Schultz @ISG-11 Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 25
GLCTA n Set up next to ATF. ¨ n Possible beam acceleration exercise in the future. 2 solenoid-focused klystrons, straight power combiner, feeding one acc struc, as starter. Initial set-up built in 2003. Aim at testing ~ 65 MV/m in 60 cmlong structures in 2004. ¨ Later implement PPM klystrons. ¨ SLED-II also. ¨ ¨ n Considering GLCTA as a homeground for building up domestic infrastructure / human resources. ¨ n Continue full collaboration at NLCTA concerning rapid validation of required X-band technologies. For more details: see presentation by H. Hayano and T. Higo. Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 H. Hayano@ISG-11 26
GLCTA Hardware as of 2003 H. Hayano@ISG-11 Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 27
Plans for GLCTA in 2004 n Stable delivery of 60 MW, 400 ns power to one 60 cm-long accelerator structure ¨ ¨ n Preparation of RF power compression HW ¨ ¨ ¨ n Powered by a pair of solenoid-focussed klystrons. Misc improvement program in WR 90 waveguide system. Possibility of introducing circular WG for power handling margins. Establish an acc struc test station similar to NLCTA. . New, PFN-based “two-pack” modulator delivery expected in Feb. Commission the two PPM-focussed klystrons delivered in 2003. Misc design and prep work for the pulse compressor hardware More details: see presentation by H. Hayano, T. Higo, Y. H. Chin Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 28
Summary n n System Validation R&D for X-band (Higo / Chin) ¨ Acc Struc: Clarify the high-power performance at around 60 – 65 MV/m in 2004. ¨ PPM Klystron: Successful operation done in 2003. Will continue long-term + highrep rate operation exercises in 2004. ¨ SLED-II: Successful production of 475 MW, 400 ns pulses done in 2003. Will implement a full set of waveguide systems and acc structures downstream; and conduct a long-term operation exercise in 2004. ATF (Hayano) ¨ Beam physics: n n Consistent emittance results in low-intensity single-bunch vs multi-bunch operations in 2003. Need to check high-intensity performance in 2004. . Performance when wigglers are turned on. Study scheduled in 2004. Beam instrumentation: Progress seen in understanding of laser-wire “thickness”, ODR, OTR, XSR. Continue efforts in 2004. ¨ FEATHER: Fast beam feedback control exercise with nm-resolution BPMs. Prep efforts initiated in 2003, to continue in 2004. Also in Japan ¨ Modulator: Test operation of IGBT-type model scheduled in Spring-Summer, 2004 (Chin). ¨ GLCTA: (Higo, Hayano) ¨ n n n Built in 2003. Will set up the system so that high-power operation of one 60 cm-long acc struc becomes a routine in 2004. Towards 2005, prepare implementation of SLED-II, with PPM tubes. C-band (H. Matsumoto) ¨ High-power test of acc struc: Scheduled at SPring-8 in spring, plus related development GLC Overview (N. Toge) - LCPAC 2004 Feb. 20, 2004 (rev. 4) n 29