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GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 GLAST Large Area Telescope: LAT Project Management William E. Althouse Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University LAT Instrument Project Manager wea@slac. stanford. edu W. Althouse
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT Project Management Outline q LAT Project overview: scope, schedule q Participants, WBS, organization, relationships q Funding q System engineering, configuration management q Project management control system description, status q Risk management; contingency management q Major milestones, issues & mitigations, conclusions W. Althouse 2
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Overview W. Althouse 3
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT Project Scope • Develop & deliver the LAT flight instrument in accordance with Collaboration proposal (Nov. ’ 99) & GLAST Mission level II specs • Ground support equipment • Balloon flight test • Support integration into GLAST observatory • Support launch, post-launch mission operations • Develop & provide Instrument Operations Center • Develop & provide ground software necessary to support the above • Develop ground software for science data analysis • Provide management, system engineering, and performance & safety assurance as required • Provide E/PO services for GLAST Mission • Support & participate in Mission Operations & Data Analysis W. Althouse 4
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Schedule Overview Calendar Years 2000 2003 2002 2001 2005 2004 2010 I-CDR SRR PDR NAR (Joint DOE/NASA Review) Inst. Delivery Launch Implementation Formulation Build & Test Engineering Models 1 st Joint DOE/NASA of GLAST LAT W. Althouse M-CDR Baseline Review Build & Test Flight Units Ops. Inst. I&T Inst. -S/C I&T Schedule Reserve 5
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Organization W. Althouse 6
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT Development Organizations • • • • California State University at Sonoma (SSU) University of California at Santa Cruz - Santa Cruz Institute of Particle Physics (UCSC/SCIPP) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (CNRS/IN 2 P 3)1 Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique / Direction des Sciences de la Matière/ Département d'Astrophysique, de physique des Particules, de physique Nucléaire et de l'Instrumentation Associée (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA)1 Goddard Space Flight Center – Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (NASA/GSFC/LHEA) Hiroshima University 2 Institute for Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS)2 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) RIKEN 2 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)3 Stanford University – Hanson Experimental Physics Laboratory (SU-HEPL) Stanford University - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SU-SLAC) Stockholm University 3 Texas A&M University – Kingsville 1 French Team University of Washington 2 Japanese GLAST Collaboration (JGC) 3 Swedish GLAST Collaboration (SGC) W. Althouse 7
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Work Breakdown Structure WBS ELEMENT INSTITUTIONS (LEAD) 4. 1 LAT implementation SU (Michelson) 4. 1. 1 Management SU-SLAC (Althouse) 4. 1. 2 System Engineering SU-SLAC (Thurston) 4. 1. 3 (reserved) 4. 1. 4 Calorimeter NRL (N. Johnson) French Team, SGC 4. 1. 5 Tracker UCSC/SCIPP (R. Johnson) INFN, JGC, SU-SLAC 4. 1. 6 Anti. Coincidence Detector GSFC/LHEA (Ormes) 4. 1. 7 Electronics, Data Acquisition & Flight Software SU-SLAC (Haller) 4. 1. 8 Mechanical Systems SU-SLAC (Nordby) 4. 1. 9 Instrument Integration & Test SU-SLAC (Nordby) Team 4. 1. A Performance & Safety Assurance SU-SLAC (Marsh) Team 4. 1. B Instrument Operations Center SU-HEPL (Williams) 4. 1. C Education & Public Outreach SSU (Cominsky) 4. 1. D Science Analysis Software SU-SLAC (Dubois) Team 4. 1. E Suborbital Flight Test GSFC/LHEA (Thompson) NRL, SU-HEPL, SU-SLAC, UCSC/SCIPP 4. 2 Mission Ops and Data Analysis (WBS to be developed after implementation is underway) W. Althouse SU-HEPL, GSFC/LHEA CEA/DAPNIA, GSFC/LHEA, NRL, SU-HEPL, UCSC/SCIPP 8
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 GLAST LAT Organization Collaboration Science Team E/PO L. Cominsky, SSU Principal Investigator P. Michelson, SU Instrument Scientist SSAC N. Gehrels, GSFC S. Ritz, GSFC Project Manager Instrument Design Team W. Althouse, SU-SLAC IPO T. Kamae, SU-SLAC System Engineer Project Controls T. Thurston, SU-SLAC T. Boysen, SU-SLAC Electronics & DAQ Flight Software Integration & Test M. Nordby, SU-SLAC G. Haller, SU-SLAC Performance & Safety Assurance Mech. Systems M. Nordby, SU-SLAC TKR CAL R. Johnson, UCSC SLAC, Italy, Japan N. Johnson, NRL France, Sweden W. Althouse D. Marsh, SU-SLAC ACD IOC J. Ormes, GSFC S. Williams, SU-HEPL Sci. Software Balloon Flight R. Dubois, SU-SLAC Team D. Thompson, GSFC Team 9
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Relations between LAT Organizations: Technical direction (deliverables flow oppositely) DOE/NASA JOG Level I Documents Relationships established by Mo. As & IAs Level II Documents NASA/GSFC GLAST Project Office SU-SLAC IPO Level III Documents SU-SLAC NRL GSFC/LHEA ACD Mgr. I&T Mgr. IOC Mgr. UCSC Cal Mgr. SU-HEPL Tkr Mgr. SU-SLAC CEA/DAPNIA: SU-SLAC Stockholm Univ. Tkr Engr. Chief Elec. Engr. SAS Mgr. JGC French Proj. Mgr SU-SLAC Mech. Sys. Engr. KTH SU-SLAC Si Det. Mgr. (Hiroshima) IN 2 P 3 INFN Labs Italian Proj. Mgr. (Pisa) W. Althouse UCSC NRL CEA/DAPNIA (Power Sys) SU-HEPL GSFC/ LHEA Collaboration Institutions SU-SLAC 10
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Funding W. Althouse 11
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Relations between LAT Organizations: Funding France U. S. A. CNES / CEA / IN 2 P 3 NASA HQ Japan Italy INFN / ASI DOE NASA/GSFC GLAST Proj. Office Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, & Technology Sweden Wallenberg Foundation KEK (USJapan) Funding Sources LAT Collaboration Institutions CEA/ DAPNIA SU SLAC x x x IPO x INFN Labs KTH Stockholm University IN 2 P 3 Labs JGC ISAS GSFC/ LHEA NRL HEPL UCSC RIKEN Institute Hiroshima University SSU W. Althouse 12
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT WBS 4. 1 Funding Total = $158. 2 M W. Althouse 13
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT WBS 4. 1 Funding W. Althouse 14
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 System Engineering W. Althouse 15
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 System Engineering • System trade studies • Decomposition and validation of requirements • LAT System and Subsystem Requirements • Subsystem Interface Control Documents (ICDs) • Technical risk assessment • Parts and materials planning, qualification, listing • FMECA, fault tree analysis • Design integration and verification • Support Instrument/Observatory ICD development • Coordination with spacecraft contractor • Supported by IDT W. Althouse 16
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT Trade Studies • Many studies complete prior to Nov. ’ 99 proposal (S. Ritz presentation) • Studies completed since selection – Tracker SSD size, pitch instrument footprint, mass • SSD spec finalized, prototypes made and evaluated – Tracker radiator thickness distribution – Grid material: Al vs. CFC • Aluminum selected • To be resolved – ACD segmentation – Optimize number of on-board processors – Optimize science during intense solar flares – Optimize I&T, calibration and verification testing plans • System Engineer supports subsystem internal trade studies W. Althouse 17
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Program Plan Requirements Level II(a) System Operations Concept Document GLAST 00089 Mission Assurance Requirements GLAST 00110 Spacecraft Performance Spec. Level II(b) Element Level II System Specifications Level I Project Specifications LAT Specification Tree Mission System Specification GLAST 00074 SGL Comm Interface Spec. Level III Subsystem Specifications Science Support Center Spec. Document under control of the LAT Project GBM IOC Specification LAT IOC Performance Spec. LAT-SP-00015 LAT - CAL Spec. LAT-SP-00018 Aux. Subsystem Spec. LAT-SP-000 xx • Level II(b) specs derived from II(a) GBM Instrument Performance Spec. Inter-Center Interface Spec. Mission Operations Center Spec. LAT - TKR Spec. LAT-SP-00017 T&DF Spec. LAT-SP-00019 W. Althouse SC-SI Interface Specification GLAST 00038 LV Interface Specification LAT Instrument Performance Spec. LAT-SP-00010 LAT - ACD Spec. LAT-SP-00016 Science Req’ts Document GLAST 00010 LAT SAS Spec. LAT -SP-00020 LAT Interface Spec. LAT-SP-000 xx • LAT Performance Specs collect all applicable Level II requirements into one place LOF Spec. LAT-SP-00021 Document not under control of the LAT Project 18
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Configuration Management • All project documentation stored in central database, with individual controlled access via WWW • Configuration Item List maintained by LAT Document Librarian • Single Document Change Notice (DCN) form for initial release to configuration control (technical baseline), and to record changes; includes provision for red-line markups • Subsystem managers approve majority of changes (detailed specifications, drawings) • LAT CCB approves changes to level III documents/baselines W. Althouse 19
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Integrated PMCS Project Management Control System Overview Scheduling (P 3) Change Control Status Reporting (Cobra) Cost, Budget* (Cobra) Accounting Interfaces *DOE/NASA funded elements only Performance Measurement Funds Management Variance, Critical Path Analysis • Copy of SLAC systems for PEP II, Ba. Bar, SPEAR III W. Althouse 20
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 PMCS: A “Work in Progress” • Developing WBS and WBS dictionary – Developing bottoms-up cost estimate – Performing systematic contingency analysis • Primavera P 3 – Developing resource loaded schedules • Identifying key milestones, external links (held in PM WBS) • Developing accounting interfaces • Development toward baseline – All inputs due in March – First process cycle in April – Stability by June – Budget and schedule baselines ready in July W. Althouse 21
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Status of PMCS Inputs W. Althouse 22
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 4. 1 GLAST LAT PROJECT W. Althouse 23
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 4. 1 GLAST LAT PROJECT INCOMPLETE W. Althouse 24
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Risk Management W. Althouse 25
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Risk Management • Risk management tools – Risk identification & management – risk reduction planning – Performance metrics – Contingency (reserve/margin) management • Single interface at DOE, NASA, IPO for all requirements – Weekly telecon meetings • Thorough validation & verification processes W. Althouse 26
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Risk Reduction Planning • Use of engineering models to minimize activities in series with instrument integration, test and delivery schedule – Grid engineering model and instrument thermal model permit independent testing of flight radiators – Electronics EMs to permit early flight software verification, support beam test calibration activities – Tracker, Calorimeter and ACD EMs to support early flight software verification, support equipment and test software/procedure verification – ACD EM to support beam test calibration • SSD trade study balanced margins for – Science requirements – Mass instrument footprint SSD size – Power number of signal channels SSD strip pitch • Considering construction of thermal vacuum test facility at SLAC to reduce risk of dependence on off-site facilities • Study team to develop calibration plan, I&T strategies W. Althouse 27
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Technical Performance Metrics Level II Requirement Trigger Point Estimate at Proposal Current Estimate Instrument Mass, kg < 3000 2725 2557 2521 Instrument Electrical Power, W < 650 565 518 493 Center of Gravity Offset from Instrument Interface Plane, cm < 25 25 23. 2 17. 2 Horizontal Dimension, m < 1. 8 1. 76 1. 73 1. 74 Instrument Dead Time, ms < 100 40 20 20 Background Rejection 105: 1 3 x 105: 1 2 2. 4 q 95%/q 68% <3 2. 8 2. 3 Single Photon Angular Resolution (68%) @ 1 Ge. V, deg 0. 5 0. 45 0. 37 8, 000 9, 000 12, 900 11, 000 10 9 7 7 Technical Metric Field of View, sr Peak Effective Area, cm 2 Energy Resolution @ 1 Ge. V, % W. Althouse 28
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Instrument Mass W. Althouse 29
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Instrument Power W. Althouse 30
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT DOE & NASA Cost W. Althouse 31
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Major Milestones, Issues, Conclusions W. Althouse 32
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 LAT Project Milestones • Instrument System Requirements Review (SRR) 9/28/00 (C) • LAT Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 8/6/01 • LAT Critical Design Review (CDR) 8/5/02 • Subsystems deliveries for beam test calibrations 5/15/03 -8/1/03 • Calibration unit ready for beam tests • Subsystem deliveries for instrument I&T • Calibration activities complete 9/1/03 10/1/03 -12/24/03 1/26/04 – Flight hardware delivered to LAT integration • LAT ready for environmental testing • LAT Pre-Ship Review (PSR) • LAT ready for integration with Observatory • GLAST launch W. Althouse 4/9/04 10/7/04 12/22/04 9/05 33
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Project Issues and Mitigations • International commitments – Aggressively working to get signed Mo. As and International Agreements • DOE/NASA Implementing Arrangement – Working to facilitate agreement • Flight software development – Aggressively recruiting additional manpower • Balloon flight schedule – Working to reduce conflicting demands on shared personnel • Lack of SLAC on-site space experienced EEE parts engineer – Seeking local contractor help • Use of off-site environmental test facilities – Proposed on-site thermal vacuum test facility • Inadequate reserves to deal with significant budget/schedule hiccups by any major sponsor W. Althouse 34
GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Feb. 13 -15, 2001 Project Manager’s Conclusions • We have developed the organization to do the job – We have identified and are strengthening weak spots • Technical design was very mature at start of Formulation Phase – We are focusing on developing a sound project basis • Project is schedule driven, compressed between availability of funding and launch – After assuring performance and safety, tracking and controlling schedule progress is paramount • Combined DOE, NASA and other domestic and foreign partner resources make the ambitious LAT goals possible • Don’t go to launch pad with our fingers crossed – Do the necessary planning, finish design and fab as early as prudent, to leave maximum time for testing – Test thoroughly to develop confidence W. Althouse 35