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‘Giving Wellbeing the Green Light’ Mental Health, Wellbeing & Greenspace UKPHA Cymru are pleased to announce their 12 th Annual Conference to take place at the Environment Centre Wales, Bangor University on Friday 15 th January 2010 This important event is being jointly supported by: SHEPS Cymru, Countryside Council for Wales, BTCV, Wellbeing Wales, WCVA, the Wales Centre for Health, Forestry Commission Wales and Bangor University.
Draft Programme Keynote: Alun Pugh (Director, Snowdonia Society) Making the Case - The Evidence: Dr Teri Knight & Dr Diana Bowler (Bangor Uni) Dr Joelene Hughes (Oxford Uni) Making the Case - The Practice – Catrin Roberts – Nordic Walking for Health & Wellbeing Sarah Thomas – Mentro Allan in Wrexham & Flintshire Workshops: How to make friends and influence funders – Callum Macintosh (BTCV) Evidence & Innovation: Ecotherapy – Ambra Burls Greenspace & Community Empowerment: ‘Come Outside’ – Juliet Michael (Countryside Council for Wales)
Cost (inc. lunch & refreshments) £ 30 for UKPHA, SHEPS, CCW, Wellbeing Wales & Bangor University £ 40 for Voluntary & Community Sectors £ 80 for Public Sector £ 100 for Private Sector All eligible for 25% reduction if car sharing or using public transport and 50% reduction if walking or cycling. Booking All applications to be made using the attached booking form and returned to: Alexandra Baines, WCVA, Baltic House, Mount Stuart Sq, Cardiff, CF 10 5 FH e. mail: abaines@wcva. org. uk
Booking Form ‘Giving Wellbeing the Green Light’: Mental Health, Wellbeing & Greenspace The 12 th PHA Cymru Annual Conference Friday 15 th January 2010 The Environment Centre, Bangor University Name: Organisation: Address: e. mail: UKPHA member (£ 30) Tel: Voluntary/ Community (£ 40) Public Sector (£ 80) Private Sector (£ 100) Sustainable Transport Discount ? (Tick if applicable) Public Transport (25%) Walk/ Cycle (50%) Please indicate preferred language. Welsh English Please make cheques payable to ‘PHA Cymru’ Please advise of any special needs inc. dietary needs. Please return applications to: abaines@wcva. org. uk Square, Cardiff, CF 10 5 FH. mail: Alex Baines, WCVA, Baltic House, Mount Stuart