- Количество слайдов: 34
gis & visual computing Innovative low cost technologies and services for Video Mobile Mapping X International Scientific and Technical Conference “From Imagery to map: digital photogrammetric technologies” 20 -23 September 2010 – Gaeta (Italy)
Applications and Technology “Mobile mapping represents a heterogeneous type of sensor integration consisting of navigation sensors as well as imaging sensors, together time synchronized and mounted on a common platform” (Schwarz & El-Sheimy, 1996) • • GPS IMU Odometer Barometer Multiple cameras/video Laser scanner Special sensors (georadar, laser profilometer, etc. ) Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 2
Applications § Asset management and utility inventory (build asset inventories and keep them up to date) • Road side equipment : street furniture, road signs, speed limits, road lanes, marking, traffic lights, bus stop, pavement types, vegetation, flood ways, culverts, drains, kerbs, guttering. • Verification of existing assets and measurement of asset dimensions § Planning and studies (a decision support tool) • Follow the evolution in your network: visual inspection and road geometry • Organize scheme design and traffic signals, sign replacement program • Decision support tool for lane closures and access • Creation of a geo referenced imagery database allowing to measure the evolution of the network Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 3
Applications § Network Operation • Visual inspection of network and road geometry • Measurement of lane/footpath widths, height clearances and set-backs • Graphical aid to works specifications • Review existing highway data set, surface condition • Planning of responses to events and diversions occurring on the network • Follow and control of subcontractors acting in the network § Disaster management, planning and response • Emergency management plan • Adapt intervention planning with data collected after catastrophe • Inventory the damages after catastrophe Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 4
Technologies § Traditional technology • • Dedicated and specifically fitted vehicles High quality/accuracy and expensive equipments Complex devices require skilled operators Two or more people (driver+ system operators) required during the survey Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 5
Innovative technologies § Metric panoramic images collection from street level (earthmine) § Portable standalone video mapping solution (imajing) Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 6
Innovative technologies - Portable video mapping § Surveying solution for transportation network § Portable device with high resolution imagery fully positioned and oriented § Software suite for processing field data Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 7
Innovative technologies - Portable video mapping § Ultra simple surveying tool § High quality, high frame rate images § High precision and high availability positioning Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 8
Portable video mapping – System components Collect field data Process and store Distribute Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 9
Portable video mapping - Workflow Imajbox production chain Mission configuration on USB pendrive Running Field survey Shape KML CSV JPEG POST- PROCESSING Data model (XML) Using imajview Page Post. GIS 10
Portable video mapping - Hardware § 5 megapixel CCD for a perfect visibility of details in the image § Auto gain, auto white balance § Up to 15 frames/seconds full resolution § Combination of 50 channels GPS and integrated high sensitivity antenna § IMU, Inertial Measurement Unit § Barometer § IMU and barometer hybridized with GPS data (EKF) Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 11
Portable video mapping - Software Post-processing software § Generation of the navigation solution based on GPS, IMU, barometer, and image processing algorithms § Optimization of stereopairs parameters for photogrammetric processing Page 12
Portable video mapping - Software Analysis and data collection software § Explore virtually your network § Overlay any GIS layer with surveyed data § Support for raster and vector additional layers in cartographic module § Display of orthophotos in background (. ecw, . tiff) Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 13
Portable video mapping - Software Tagging environment § Mark and qualify regions of interest in any image § Comment any picture § Export regions of interest with associated xyz position Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 14
Portable video mapping - Software High accuracy positioning directly in images through 3 D photogrammetry § Positionning and attributing tools based on photogrametry for 3 D positioning of visible objects in images. § Distance between 2 points, height measurement, width measurement, length Photogrametry based on 2 images Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Position and qualify object in the image 15
Photogrametric principle baseline x, y, z x', y', z'
Good base line baseline x, y, z x', y', z'
Bad base line baseline x, y, z x', y', z'
Bad base line baseline x, y, z x', y', z'
Better base line baseline x, y, z Take object the closest possible x', y', z'
Preferred zones for pointing & measuring
Portable video mapping - Software Build a network referential § Create and edit a network referential in curvilinear abscissa (topology & attributes) § Automatically link GPS longitude, latitude, height of survey with linear distance on network § Automatically assign a linear position (curvilinear abscissa) to positioned objects. Export surveyed data to your GIS and analysis tools § Supported export formats : Shape (Arc. Gis/ESRI), KML/KMZ (Google Earth), CSV (Excel/Open. Office) Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 22
Portable video mapping - Software Internet/Intranet data sharing solution § Complete solution to store, index, archive and distribute imajbox output data from field survey § Virtual navigation in networks § Sharing surveys within a team in charge of road work § Tourist patrimony virtual visit (path and trails, sites of interest) Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 23
Portable video mapping – Internet Applications Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 24
Video Mobile Mapping Sistemi Avanzati offer: § Sale and support of the innovative mobile mapping devices § System configuration and customization § Survey services using innovative mobile mapping equipments and sales of equipments for customer direct update of the survey § Survey services using innovative mobile mapping equipments Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 25
Innovative technologies - Metric Panoramic Images Collect • Scalable hardware & software system robust data collection Process • 3 D reconstruction of scene using panoramic stereo vision. • Fully automated image & 3 D data processing pipeline. Deliver • Unique client/server architecture for the lightweight delivery of 3 D data. • Elastic cloud storage and delivery • Flexible API products for developers Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 26
Metric Panoramic Images - Content Metrics § High quality & resolution imagery § Accurate 3 D positioning Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 50 megapixels < 1 meter globally 27
Metric Panoramic Images - Camera Array 120° 180° 120° ● Vertically offset stereopanoramic camera array ● Full 360° spherical images with consistent 3 D coverage Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 28
Metric Panoramic Images - Automated Processing Raw Stereo Images Image Rectification Stereo Correlation Disparity/XYZ output § Wide angle stereo § Dense 3 D Data § Pixel for Pixel 3 D Correspondence § High Level of accuracy § Asset Management Grade Data Layer Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 29
Metric Panoramic Images - 3 D Data Samples Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 30
Metric Panoramic Images - 3 D street level animation Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 31
Metric Panoramic Images – 3 D measurements Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 32
Metric Panoramic Images - 3 D localization Sistemi Avanzati - Roma Sistemi 33
Video Mobile Mapping Sistemi Avanzati - Roma 34