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GIS Data Models
Geographic information z Characteristics of Geographic Information y. Location! yvolume y. Dimensionality x. Point x. Line x. Area y. Continuity x. Feature xfield
Building complex features z. Simple geographic features can be used to build more complex ones. z. Areas are made up of lines which are made up of points represented by their coordinates. z. Areas = {Lines} = {Points}
Properties of Features z size z distribution z pattern z contiguity z neighborhood z shape z scale z orientation.
Basic properties of geographic features
GIS Analysis z. Much of GIS analysis and description consists of investigating the properties of geographic features and determining the relationships between them.
GIS Capability z. A GIS package should be able to move between ymap projections, ycoordinate systems, ydatums, and yellipsoids.
Draw a map of your favorite place in Texas.
GIS Data Models
Maps as Numbers z GIS requires that both data and maps be represented as numbers. z The GIS places data into the computer’s memory in a physical data structure (i. e. files and directories). z Files can be written in binary or as ASCII text. z Binary is faster to read and smaller, ASCII can be read by humans and edited but uses more space.
The Data Model z. A logical data model is how data are organized for use by the GIS. z. GISs have traditionally used either raster or vector for maps.
Two approaches to handling spatial data with GIS: z. Raster model z. Vector model y. Points, ylines, ypolygons
Features and Maps z. A GIS map is a scaled-down digital representation of point, line, area, and volume features. z. While most GIS systems can handle raster and vector, only one is used for the internal organization of spatial data.
Rasters and vectors can be flat files … if they are simple Vector-based line Raster-based line Flat File 4753456 623412 4753436 623424 4753462 623478 4753432 623482 4753405 623429 4753401 623508 4753462 623555 4753398 623634 Flat File 00000000 0001100000 101010000 110010000101000010001000 0000100001000000100000001 0111001000011100000000
A raster data model uses a grid. z One grid cell is one unit or holds one attribute. z Every cell has a value, even if it is “missing. ” z A cell can hold a number or an index value standing for an attribute. z A cell has a resolution, given as the cell size in ground units.
Raster GIS z. Raster Data Model y. Rows and Columns of Cells (Array) y. Area of Cell equals Spatial Resolution y. Value for each cell records type of object or condition y. Cells do not correspond to spatial entities in real world x A road is a group of cells, not a single entity y. Cells are considered Homogeneous Units
Two approaches to handling spatial data with GIS: z. Raster model z. Vector model y. Points, ylines, ypolygons
Generic structure for a grid Grid extent Rows Grid cell Resolution Columns Figure 3. 1 Generic structure for a grid.
Definitions z Raster - A format for storing, processing, and displaying graphic data in which graphic images are stored as values for uniform grid cells or pixels. z Pixels - Abbreviation for picture element, the smallest indivisible element that makes up an image. In raster processing, data is represented spatially on a matrix of grid cells, called pixels, which are assigned values for image characteristics or attributes.
More Definitions z Resolution - A measure of the accuracy or detail of a graphic display, expressed as dots per inch, pixels per line, lines per millimeter, etc. z Spatial Resolution - The accuracy associated with the capture of ground information as reproduced in a digital format or graphic display. For example, 10 -foot pixels vs. 100 -foot pixels.
Definitions z. Minimum Mapping Unit - The smallest element we can uniquely represent in our data.
Sources of Raster Data z. Satellite data y. LANDSAT y. SPOT z. Scanned aerial photography z. Digital Orthophotography z. Scanned maps and documents
From where do we get Raster Data? z. SCANNED Aerial photographs yphotographs are NOT raster images but SCANNED images ARE z. SCANNED maps z. Satellite images
From where are the data in a raster cell taken?
Why does it matter where the cell data come from? z. It’s hard to tell just by looking at the image!
The mixed pixel problem
Grids and missing data Figure 3. 8 GIS data layer as a grid with a large section of “missing data, ” in this case, the zeros in the ocean off of New York and New Jersey.
Why use Raster? z Overlay Analysis/Overlay Operations z Arithmetic Operations y. Addition y. Subtraction y. Division y. Multiplication z Logical (Boolean) Operations y. Where conditions occur or do not occur together x. AND, OR, NOT, GT, LT, etc.
Raster GIS Applications z. Integrate images to georeferenced data yi. e. , parcel deed image linked to parcel centroid z. Document Imaging z. Natural Resource applications where: y. Positional accuracy relaxed y. Imagery-oriented
Raster Applications z. Utility Corridor Siting z. Environmental Mapping z. Natural Communities Mapping z. Forest resource planning z. Spatial data variability decisions z. Forest inventory z. Wildlife habitat analysis
More Raster Applications z. Wetlands Vegetation Inventory & Analysis z. Agricultural analysis z. Planetary analysis (including lunar) z. Vector Updating z. Digital Terrain Modeling z. Flood Control & Emergency Preparedness z. Communication System Engineering
Any Technology has Pro’s & Con’s
Raster Limitations z. Aesthetics z. Data storage requirements z. Overlay operations performed on every cell z. Sparse data sets require as much processing as dense ones
RASTER -- summary z A grid or raster maps directly onto a programming computer memory structure called an array. z Grids are poor at representing points, lines and areas, but good at surfaces. z Grids are good only at very localized topology, and weak otherwise. z Grids are a natural for scanned or remotely sensed data. z Grids suffer from the mixed pixel problem. z Grids must often include redundant or missing data. z Grid compression techniques used in GIS are run-length encoding and quad trees.
GIS Data Models
Rasters are faster, but. . . z Points and lines in raster format have to move to a cell center. z Lines can become fat. Areas may need separately coded edges. z Each cell can be owned by only one feature. z As data, all cells must be able to hold any cell value. z It is very difficult to precisely position features in space.
Vector GIS Data Model z. Precisely position features in space y. Points, Nodes, vertex, single X, Y coordinate pair y. Lines, Arcs, series of X, Y coordinate pairs y. Area, Polygons, area as a closed loop of X, Y coordinate pairs
Areas are lines are points are coordinates
The Vector Model z A vector data model uses points stored by their real (earth) coordinates and so requires a precise coordinate system. x. Geographic Coordinate System • Latitude/Longitude x. Cartesian Coordinate Systems • X, Y Coordinate system • State Plane • UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) z Lines and areas are built from sequences of points in order. z Lines have a direction to the ordering of the points. z Polygons can be built from points or lines. z Vectors can store information about topology.
Raster/Vector Comparison
VECTOR z At first, GISs used vector data and cartographic spaghetti structures. y Collection of coordinate strings with no structure y Cartesian coordinates stored in data structure y No spatial relationships stored y Inefficient data storage technique z Vector data evolved the arc/node model in the 1960 s. z In the arc/node model, an area consist of lines and a line consists of points. z Points, lines, and areas can each be stored in their own files, with links between them.
13 11 2 12 10 7 POLYGON “A” 5 4 9 2 8 1 6 3 1 1 xy 2 xy 3 xy 4 xy 5 xy 6 xy 7 xy 8 xy 9 xy 10 x y 11 x y 12 x y 13 x y Points File Arc/node map data structure with files File of Arcs by Polygon A: 1, 2 , Area, Attributes 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 2 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 7 Arcs File Figure 3. 4 Arc/Node Map Data Structure with Files.
z The topological vector model uses the line (arc) as a basic unit. Areas (polygons) are built up from arcs. z The endpoint of a line (arc) is called a node. Arc junctions are only at nodes. z Stored with the arc is the topology (i. e. the connecting arcs and left and right polygons).
Vectors z TIN must be used to represent volumes. z Vector can represent point, line, and area features very accurately. z Vectors work well with pen and light-plotting devices and tablet digitizers. z Vectors are not good at continuous coverages or plotters that fill areas.
Topological Model z. Topology: mathematical method to define spatial relationships z. Arc-node data model y. Arc: a series of points that start and end at a node y. Node: an intersection point where two or more arcs meet
Topological Data Spatial Operations z. Contiguity: spatial relationship of adjacency yi. e. , stand of coniferous trees adjacent to deciduous trees z. Connectivity: interconnected pathways or networks yi. e. , street and trail networks, stream networks
Basic arc topology 3 n 2 A 1 n 1 2 B Topological Arcs File Arc 1 From To PL PR n 1 x n 1 y n 2 x n 2 y n 1 n 2 A B x y Figure 3. 5 A topological structure for the arcs.
TOPOLOGY z Topological data structures dominate GIS software. z Topology allows automated error detection and elimination. z Rarely are maps topologically clean when digitized or imported. z A GIS has to be able to build topology from unconnected arcs. z Nodes that are close together are snapped. z Slivers due to double digitizing and overlay are eliminated.
Slivers Sliver
Unsnapped node
Topology Matters z. The tolerances controlling snapping, elimination, and merging must be considered carefully, because they can move features. z. Complete topology makes map overlay feasible. z. Topology allows many GIS operations to be done without accessing the point files.
Vectors and 3 D z Volumes (surfaces) are structured with the Triangulated Irregular Network model, including edge or triangle topology. z TINs use an optimal Delaunay triangulation of a set of irregularly distributed points. z TINs are popular in CAD and surveying packages.
TIN: Triangulated Irregular Network z Way to handle field data with the vector data structure. z Common in some GISs and most AM/FM packages. z More efficient than a grid.
Sources of Vector Data z. RASTER-VECTOR conversions from scanned images z. Pre-existing digital data from disks or internet z. DIGITIZING
Vector to raster to vector conversion
Comparison: Raster and Vector
FORMATS z. Most GIS systems can import different data formats, or use utility programs to convert them. z. Data formats can be industry standard, commonly accepted or standard.
Vector Data Formats z. Vector formats are either page definition languages or preserve ground coordinates. z. Page languages are HPGL, Post. Script, and Autocad DXF. z. True vector GIS data formats are DLG and TIGER, which has topology.
Raster Data Formats z. Most raster formats are digital image formats. z. Most GISs accept TIF, GIF, JPEG or encapsulated Post. Script, which are not georeferenced. z. DEMs are true raster data formats.
EXCHANGE z Most GISs use many formats and one data structure. z If a GIS supports many data structures, changing structures becomes the user’s responsibility. z Changing vector to raster is easy; raster to vector is hard. z Data also are often exchanged or transferred between different GIS packages and computer systems. z The history of GIS data exchange is chaotic and has been wasteful.
Vector to raster exchange errors
Transfer Standards
GIS Data Exchange z Data exchange by translation (export and import) can lead to significant errors in attributes and in geometry. z In the United States, the SDTS was evolved to facilitate data transfer. z SDTS became a federal standard (FIPS 173) in 1992. z SDTS contains a terminology, a set of references, a list of features, a transfer mechanism, and an accuracy standard. z Both DLG and TIGER data are available in SDTS format. z Other standards efforts are DIGEST, DX-90, the Tri-Service Spatial Data Standards, and many other international standards. z Efficient data exchange is important for the future of GIS.
Attribute data z Attribute data are stored logically in flat files. z A flat file is a matrix of numbers and values stored in rows and columns, like a spreadsheet. z Both logical and physical data models have evolved over time. z DBMSs use many different methods to store and manage flat files in physical files.