Скачать презентацию Girudoterapija Girudoterapija Hirudotherapy from the Latin Hirudina Скачать презентацию Girudoterapija Girudoterapija Hirudotherapy from the Latin Hirudina


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Girudoterapija Girudoterapija

Girudoterapija Hirudotherapy (from the Latin Girudoterapija Hirudotherapy (from the Latin "Hirudina" - leech) - treatment with leeches, applied for medical purposes even in a thousand years before Christ. Medical leeches enjoyed the Egyptian pharaohs, there is mention of leeches in the Bible and the Koran.

Contraindications for treatment method hirudotherapy are: hemophilia; incoagulability congenital blood; severe anemia (a significant Contraindications for treatment method hirudotherapy are: hemophilia; incoagulability congenital blood; severe anemia (a significant reduction in red blood cells); hemorrhagic diathesis; pregnancy; stable low blood pressure; idiosyncrasy of - a component of the best kept secret of the salivary glands of leeches.

Leech and its species On the globe, there about 400 species of leeches. In Leech and its species On the globe, there about 400 species of leeches. In medical practice, use only one type - a medicinal leech. This species has two subspecies: - chemist (Hirudina officinalis) and therapeutic (Hirudina medicinalis) leech. Medical leech chemist therapeutic

Medical leech - a special, thoroughbred leech, dramatically different from the pond. It is Medical leech - a special, thoroughbred leech, dramatically different from the pond. It is grown to serve only once man. Leech is used as a disposable syringe, which is absolutely sterile.

Structure leech Leech - is annelid, the length of which reaches an average of Structure leech Leech - is annelid, the length of which reaches an average of 12 to 15 cm. It has a greenish color back with orange stripes and black dots.

Leech At the head of the medical leech five pairs of eyes and mouth Leech At the head of the medical leech five pairs of eyes and mouth - jaw with three teeth chitin, of which there about 260 pieces. With their help leech penetrate the skin to a depth of 1. 5 - 2 mm and nasasyvayut blood in a volume of 5 - 15 ml, the same results from the bite for the next 3 - 24 hours.

 The therapeutic effects of leeches The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy consists of several The therapeutic effects of leeches The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy consists of several factors: reflexive biological mechanical This is a process that leech bites through the skin only in the biologically active points, which are called acupuncture points. It lies in the fact that after the leech bite continues to trickle out with a mixture of lymph capillary blood under the influence of saliva jetted hirudin and destabilase. This is the most valuable and most important impact that provides the very leech saliva that contains a lot of useful substances.

Types of therapeutic effects of leeches on the human body : anticoagulation; thrombolytic; antiischemic; Types of therapeutic effects of leeches on the human body : anticoagulation; thrombolytic; antiischemic; antihypoxia; hypotensive (or rather, normotensive); decongestant; drainage; restoration of microcirculation; lipolytic; recovery of neuromuscular transmission of impulses; General reflex; restoring vascular permeability; bacteriostatic; immunostimulant; analgiziruyuschee;

Treatment with leeches of various diseases vascular Diseases v. Diseases of the cardiovascular system Treatment with leeches of various diseases vascular Diseases v. Diseases of the cardiovascular system Phlebeurysm v gynecological diseases endometriosis Infertility (male, female) Hypertonic disease

Urologic diseases Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Treatment of rheumatic diseases Treatment of-neumatik diseases Urologic diseases Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Treatment of rheumatic diseases Treatment of-neumatik diseases Eye diseases ENT diseases Skin diseases

Injuries Gastrointestinal Disorders liver Diseases of the respiratory system Diseases of metabolic and endocrine Injuries Gastrointestinal Disorders liver Diseases of the respiratory system Diseases of metabolic and endocrine Leeches in cosmetology

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