Youth Subcultures.pptx
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Гимназия № 17 Youth Subcultures Done by: Machrenskiy Boris Grade: 9 Subject: English Teacher: Agafonkova T. A. Petrozavodsk 2013
Contents. • What a subculture is? • Diversity of subcultures; youth subcultures based on different music styles • Punk as a youth subculture • Roccers as a youth of subculture • Conclusion • Resources
Subculture. A youth subculture is a youth-based subculture with distinct styles, behaviors, and interests. Youth subcultures offer participants an identity outside of that ascribed by social institutions such as family, work, home and school.
Divercity of subcultures ; y. s. based on different music styles. There is a diversity of youth subcultures. They are based on different political views, beliefs and their attitude to life itself. The followers of definite subcultures express their identity with the help of their unique look, clothes and behavior. They often wear various accessories with their specific symbols. The most popular youth subcultures are closely related to different music styles. Their music style is the most important thing that unites young people of this or that subculture. In fact, the most popular music youth subcultures appeared in the 20 th century.
Punks. The punk subculture includes a diverse array of ideologies, and forms of expression, including fashion, visual art, dance, literature, and film, which grew out of punk rock. Punk is largely characterized by a concern for individual freedom and anti-establishment views. The punk subculture emerged in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia in the mid-1970 s. Exactly which region originated punk has long been a major controversy within the movement. The punk subculture is centred around listening to recordings or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock, usually shortened to punk. While most punk rock uses the distorted guitars and noisy drumming that is derived from 1960 s garage rock and 1970 s pub rock, some punk bands incorporate elements from other subgenres, such as metal or folk rock (Billy Bragg). Different punk subcultures often distinguish themselves by having a unique style of punk rock, although not every style of punk rock has its own associated subculture. Most punk rock songs are short, have simple and somewhat basic arrangements using relatively few chords, and they use lyrics that express punk values and ideologies. Punks seek to outrage others with the highly theatrical use of clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, tattoos, jewellery and body modification.
Roccers. Rockers, leather boys or ton-up boys are members of a biker subculture that originated in the United Kingdom during the 1950 s. It was mainly centred around British cafe racer motorcycles and rock and roll music. Until the post-World War. II period motorcycling held a prestigious position and enjoyed a positive image in British society, being associated with wealth and glamour. Starting in the 1950 s, the middle classes were able to buy inexpensive motorcars so that motorcycles became transport for the poor. The rocker subculture came about due to factors such as: the end of post-war rationing in the UK, a general rise in prosperity for working class youths, the recent availability of credit and financing for young people, the influence of American popular music and films, the construction of race track-like arterial roads around British cities, the development of transport cafes and a peak in British motorcycle engineering. First seen in the United States and then England, the rocker fashion style was born out of necessity and practicality. Rockers wore heavily-decorated leather motorcycle jackets, often adorned with metal studs, patches, pin badges and sometimes an Esso gas man trinket. When they rode their motorcycles, they usually wore no helmet, or wore a classic open-face helmet, aviator goggles and a white silk scarf (to protect them from the elements).
Conclusion. It’s worth mentioning that not all youth subcultures pay special attention to their appearance. Nowadays many youth movements focus on political and moral values. They may differ in their attitude to environment, nature, life style and etc. Nowadays our society is used to the existence of different youth subcultures. So the expression “youth subcultures” itself has become denominative.
Resources: • http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%CF%E 0%ED%EA • http: //hazzen. com/publications/articles/istorija_subkultury_pankov • http: //mol 46. narod. ru/dok/roker. htm • http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D 1%F 3%E 1%EA%F 3%EB%FC%F 2%F 3%F 0%E 0 • и другие…
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Youth Subcultures.pptx