GIANT PANDA. A LITTLE ABOUT PANDAS. The panda, also known as the giant panda or as bamboo bear. The giant panda has a black-and-white coat. Males can weigh up to 160 kilograms. Females can weigh as little as 75 kg but can also weigh up to 125 kilograms. The giant panda typically lives around 20 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity The recorded age of the oldest captive giant panda, a female named Ming, is 34. Pandas eat only bamboo. The giant panda is an endangered species. *** Thanks for helping Google and Panda. Friends. ru
THE CONTENT OF MY PRESENTATION : • The giant - WHY? panda is an endangered species. • Scientists noticed that the panda just don’t want to breed in captivity. • Character • Panda and habits. born! • Photo Gallery. • Help pandas! • Presentation made by… So, Enjoy!
THE GIANT PANDA IS AN NDANGERED SPECIES. E So, why? Let's find it! Pandas are an endangered species and it is an indisputable fact. Now people are trying every means to help these good-natured animals. At the beginning of dating giant panda and man, the man (though as always) behaved very aggressively. It was connected with the fact that people don’t realize that these bears will not attack them and their homes. Then, when the whole world talking about pandas, rare species of hunters began to kill pandas, making from them stuffed, getting Fur. At first it was the cause of extinction of giant pandas. The main cause of extinction of giant pandas were not hunters but peaceful people. Places where they lived and ate a panda, began to make the fields and orchards. Thus there is a place where they could live only a few giant pandas. There was a problem about bamboo. Bamboo blooms and then dies. and so in the north of Sichuan have died of starvation at least 124 giant pandas. After this tragedy, the Chinese government took seriously to save the animal, which was at that time a sort of unofficial symbol of the country. Where live pandas have started to create reserves. Now they have 40, and now turns the creation of "bamboo corridors" between them. So, hunting for pandas banned since 1962, today the killer bamboo bears can even be executed. Finally, it created a great nursery for breeding pandas in captivity. Scientists noticed that the panda just don’t want to breed in captivity.
SCIENTISTS NOTICED THAT THE PANDA JUST DON’T WANT TO BREED IN CAPTIVITY. Pandas carefully choose their partner and sometimes it takes a long time before the pandas will love each other. Yes, you heard it right. There were times when at the zoo combined female and male panda, but nothing comes of it, as the bride and groom just don’t get along. In the Thailand zoo have worked hard to connect the two pandas. Males were fed special food reinforcing the desire. And as a special attention to the sweets and delicacies. And the happy groom could not believe his luck. Simply heaven on earth. Also, it showed the animal pornography. This of course sounds impossible, but it was so. But efforts of scientists didn’t help. As the male having gorged on and having satisfied with “adult films” didn’t want to breed absolutely.
CHARACTER AND HABITS^O^ Pandas do not like to breed in captivity. However scientists have learned to create all necessary that pandas could breed. Panda unusually small at birth. The kid with her mother seems to mouse. After the panda gave birth she was very careful to take care of your baby. Almost anywhere on my own does not let go. Young pandas playful and more like teddy bears. By the people they show friendliness. Pandas can play too long and accidentally bite or scratch a person. But specifically to hurt the panda can not.
I really wa nt to eat. Give me. . Oh, my delicio us bamboo
HELP PANDAS! Panda - it's true a wonderful animal. Very sad that these animals are endangered. Many people are now trying to rush this cute animal, and not very fast, but people improve their lives. I think that each of us must think about the animal life on earth. Those who have given life should not fade at all. So. If you want to know how people can help pandas enter the Internet only "Help panda" or “How to help pandas“. Do it.
They love people and they want to live!
THANKS FOR VIEWING! I HOPE U LIKE IT The presentation was made by Milena.