Скачать презентацию Giant Magellan Telescope GSMT Committee Los Angeles Oct Скачать презентацию Giant Magellan Telescope GSMT Committee Los Angeles Oct


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Giant Magellan Telescope GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 1 Giant Magellan Telescope GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 1

GSMT Committee Requests • Baseline Design • First & Second Generation AO Capabilities • GSMT Committee Requests • Baseline Design • First & Second Generation AO Capabilities • Project Schedule & Milestones • First-Light & Second Generation Instruments • Operations Models • Public Access GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 2

GMT Partners • Carnegie Institution of Washington • Harvard University • Massachusetts Institute of GMT Partners • Carnegie Institution of Washington • Harvard University • Massachusetts Institute of Technology • University of Arizona • University of Michigan • Smithsonian Institution • The University of Texas at Austin • Texas A&M University GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 3

Telescope Structure & Optics GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 4 Telescope Structure & Optics GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 4

GMT Optical Design Primary Mirror D 1 = 25. 4 meter R 1 = GMT Optical Design Primary Mirror D 1 = 25. 4 meter R 1 = 36. 0 meters K = -0. 9983 f/0. 7 primary mirror overall Gregorian secondary mirror D 2 = 3. 2 meter R 2 = 4. 2 meter K 2 = -0. 7109 1. 06 m Segments aligned with primary mirrors Combined Aplanatic Gregorian focus f/8. 2 final focal ratio Field of view: ~20 -24 arc-min. BFD = 5. 5 meters M 2 conjugate = 160 m above M 1 GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 5

GMT Studies • Structure • FEA static and modal analysis • Dynamic response to GMT Studies • Structure • FEA static and modal analysis • Dynamic response to wind disturbance • Optics handling & exchange • Mechanisms • • Hydrostatic bearings Drives Instrument rotator platform Mirror covers • Manufacturability & Cost GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 6

Primary Mirror GMT 1 • Objectives • Develop the technology for casting and polishing Primary Mirror GMT 1 • Objectives • Develop the technology for casting and polishing 8. 4 -m off-axis aspheric mirrors. • Casting & generating non-symmetric blanks • Metrology for testing highly aspheric off-axis mirrors • Polishing with stressed lap • Establish the pipeline for sequential processing of mirrors. • Schedule requires ~1 finished mirror per year after ramp-up. • Production of the first GMT primary mirror segment. • Status of GMT 1 fabrication-- On Schedule • Blank is cast • Projected furnace opening October 24 • Preparations underway for lifting and clean-out of the blank • Modifications of test tower underway GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 7

SOML Casting & Cleanout Areas GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 8 SOML Casting & Cleanout Areas GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 8

Primary Mirror Off-axis Prototype GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 9 Primary Mirror Off-axis Prototype GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 9

GMT 1 Casting- 7/23/05 Peak T = 1160 C Currently T ~ 20 C GMT 1 Casting- 7/23/05 Peak T = 1160 C Currently T ~ 20 C GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 10

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Test tower LOG LPM Stressed lap GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Test tower LOG LPM Stressed lap GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 11

Load-spreader Layout Doubles Quads Singles Triples GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 12 Load-spreader Layout Doubles Quads Singles Triples GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 12

Triple Support Actuator Mirror Loadspreader Cell top plate Triple actuator GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Triple Support Actuator Mirror Loadspreader Cell top plate Triple actuator GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 13

Predicted Performance Horizon pointing Specification: Ro=150 cm. Baseline actuator types are not ganged. Zenith Predicted Performance Horizon pointing Specification: Ro=150 cm. Baseline actuator types are not ganged. Zenith pointing (no gravity sags). Specification: Ro= 214 cm. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 14

Adaptive Optics Development • AO modes • Extreme (high-contrast, high SR, single object) AO Adaptive Optics Development • AO modes • Extreme (high-contrast, high SR, single object) AO (Ex. AO) • Ground Layer (wide-field) AO (GLAO) • Laser Tomography (all-sky, high Strehl-ratio, narrow field) AO (LTAO) • AO system components • • • AO secondary mirror Laser guide star system Optical Switch yard AO wavefront sensors Wavefront reconstructor(s) GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 15

Secondary Mirror GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 16 Secondary Mirror GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 16

Laser Projection Beam Projector Na Laser beams (6) Laser House GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Laser Projection Beam Projector Na Laser beams (6) Laser House GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 17

AO Optical Switchyard GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 18 AO Optical Switchyard GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 18

LCO Sites Magellan (Manqui) Campanas Pk. Alcaino Pk. Ridge (Manquis) GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, LCO Sites Magellan (Manqui) Campanas Pk. Alcaino Pk. Ridge (Manquis) GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 19

North Manquis (100”) Manqui (Magellan) 2308 NE Wind (80%) Alcaino (Nagoya) 2450 La Mollaca North Manquis (100”) Manqui (Magellan) 2308 NE Wind (80%) Alcaino (Nagoya) 2450 La Mollaca Alta 2410 5 km West Las Campanas 2726 2551 SW Wind (20%) Seeing Towers & weather stations: GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 20

Site Testing Table 1. Status at the LCO test sites Site Location Elevation (m) Site Testing Table 1. Status at the LCO test sites Site Location Elevation (m) 2 Saddle near du. Pont Telescope Status 2308 1. DIMM operating 2. Weather station operating 3 4 Manqui: Next to Clay Telescope 2450 Las Campanas Peak 2551 1. MASS/DIMM operating. 2. Weather station operating 1. DIMM is operating. 2. Weather station operating. 5 Alcaino Peak: Ex-Nagoya 2410 1. DIMM is operating. 2. Weather station operating. 3. PWV monitors GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 21

DIMM Results from 4 Sites GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 22 DIMM Results from 4 Sites GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 22

Baseline Site Campanas PK. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 23 Baseline Site Campanas PK. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 23

GMT Site Layout from E GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 24 GMT Site Layout from E GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 24

GMT viewed from SW GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 25 GMT viewed from SW GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 25

GMT (top view from N) GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 26 GMT (top view from N) GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 26

Conceptual Design Review • Topics • Science Case & Technical Requirements • Operations plan Conceptual Design Review • Topics • Science Case & Technical Requirements • Operations plan • Design & Feasibility studies for telescope & enclosure subsystems • Cost & schedule projections • Implementation plan • Date: February 21 -23 • Location: Pasadena CA GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 27

GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 28 GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 28

GMT Science Working Group GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 29 GMT Science Working Group GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 29

GMT Science Working Group • Warrick Couch • Scott Kenyon Australia Smithsonian • Xiaohui GMT Science Working Group • Warrick Couch • Scott Kenyon Australia Smithsonian • Xiaohui Fan • Pat Mc. Carthy Arizona Carnegie • Karl Gebhardt • Michael Meyer Texas • Gary Hill Arizona • Alycia Weinberger Texas Carnegie/DTM • John Huchra Harvard GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 30

GMT SWG Reports • GMT for Dummies • Science Case • GMT Overview V GMT SWG Reports • GMT for Dummies • Science Case • GMT Overview V 1. 0 - 3. 4 - • Science Requirements Document V 2. 4 • Site Selection Report V 3. 4 • Joint Opportunities with GMT & ALMA V 2. 0 • Operations Model V 1. 0 • Science Case V 4. 1 GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 31

GMT Science Requirements 1. High Level Science Goals 2. Definition of the Telescope and GMT Science Requirements 1. High Level Science Goals 2. Definition of the Telescope and Related Facilities 3. Site Requirements 4. First Generation Instrument Specifications 5. Adaptive Optics Capabilities 6. Support Facilities 7. Operational Requirements 8. Image Size and Wave-Front Requirements GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 32

High Level Science Goals GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 33 High Level Science Goals GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 33

GMT Instruments Instrument P. I. Mode Port 1. Visible-band Multi-object Spectrograph S. Shectman Natural GMT Instruments Instrument P. I. Mode Port 1. Visible-band Multi-object Spectrograph S. Shectman Natural seeing, GLAO Gregorian 2. High Resolution Visible Spectrograph P. Mc. Queen Natural seeing Folded Port 3. Near-IR Multi-Object Spectrograph D. Fabricant Natural Seeing, GLAO Gregorian 4. Near-IR Extreme AO Imager L. Close Ex. AO Folded Port 5. Near-IR High Resolution Spectrometers D. Jaffe Natural seeing, LTAO Folded port 6. Mid-IR AO Imager & P. Hinz Spectrograph GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 34

Instrument Match to Science Goals GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 35 Instrument Match to Science Goals GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 35

First Generation Instrument Candidates 1. Visible Multi-Object Spectrograph Four-Arm Double Spectrograph 18’ x 9’ First Generation Instrument Candidates 1. Visible Multi-Object Spectrograph Four-Arm Double Spectrograph 18’ x 9’ FOV - VPH grisms - Transmission optics R ~ 3500 (red) & ~ 1200 (blue) primary mode higher and low R modes available Multiplexing factor ~ 500 - 1000 depending on mode GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 36

GMACS- Visible band MOS Shectman, et. al. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 GMACS- Visible band MOS Shectman, et. al. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 37

GMACS- Visible band MOS GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 38 GMACS- Visible band MOS GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 38

First Generation Instrument Candidates 3. Near-IR Multi-Object Spectrograph Refractive Optics - Collimator-Camera Design 7’ First Generation Instrument Candidates 3. Near-IR Multi-Object Spectrograph Refractive Optics - Collimator-Camera Design 7’ x 7’ Imaging Field - 5’ x 7’ Spectroscopic R = 3200 & R = 1500 modes 10 k x 6 k detector mosaic q(80) < 0. 15” - 0. 067” pixels IFU mode under development GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 39

GMT NIRMOS Instrument Mounting Flange Support Roller Interface Ring GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. GMT NIRMOS Instrument Mounting Flange Support Roller Interface Ring GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 Fabricant, et. al. 40

GMT NIRMOS Instrument Platform 5. 2 m 7. 62 m Available Cassegrain Instrument Volume GMT NIRMOS Instrument Platform 5. 2 m 7. 62 m Available Cassegrain Instrument Volume 6. 35 m GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 41

First Generation Instrument Candidates 5. High Resolution Near-IR Spectrograph Two Channels: 1 - 2. First Generation Instrument Candidates 5. High Resolution Near-IR Spectrograph Two Channels: 1 - 2. 5 mm 3 - 5 mm Natural Seeing or AO Diffraction-Limited Silicon Immersion gratings R ~ 25 -100 k (JHK) & 100 -150 K (L&M) 4 k x 4 k Hg. Cd. Te FPAs GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 42

Near-IR High-resolution Spectrometer Short wavelength module: J, K, H Jaffe, et. al. GSMT Committee, Near-IR High-resolution Spectrometer Short wavelength module: J, K, H Jaffe, et. al. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 43

GMT Instrument Platform (IP) Rotator GLAO Guider Folded port instruments Gregorian instruments capacity 6. GMT Instrument Platform (IP) Rotator GLAO Guider Folded port instruments Gregorian instruments capacity 6. 4 m Dia. 7. 6 m high 25 ton GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 44

First Generation Instruments Second-Pass Instrument Development • Fibre-based spectrographs: Bragg Fibre OH suppression, massive First Generation Instruments Second-Pass Instrument Development • Fibre-based spectrographs: Bragg Fibre OH suppression, massive multiplexing • Narrow-band imaging tuneable filters • Deployable IFUs diffraction-limit and coarse scales (GLAO? ) GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 45

Adaptive Optics Goals First Generation AO Capabilities 1. Extreme AO 2. exoplanets, debris disks Adaptive Optics Goals First Generation AO Capabilities 1. Extreme AO 2. exoplanets, debris disks 3. 2. Ground-Layer Correction 4. faint galaxies, stellar populations, surveys 5. 3. Laser Tomography 6. morphological studies, dynamics GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 46

Adaptive Optics Goals Second Generation AO Capabilities 1. Multi-Conjugate AO 2. Stellar populations, Galactic Adaptive Optics Goals Second Generation AO Capabilities 1. Multi-Conjugate AO 2. Stellar populations, Galactic taxonomy 3. 2. Multi-Object AO 4. faint galaxies, Stellar populations, Dynamics GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 47

Operation Principles • Maximize Scientific Output of Facility - Maximize Flexibility to Changing Conditions Operation Principles • Maximize Scientific Output of Facility - Maximize Flexibility to Changing Conditions & Opportunities - Maximize Operating Efficiency • Minimize Operating Costs GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 48

Operating Modes • Classical PI Mode • Queue Service Observing • Target of Opportunity Operating Modes • Classical PI Mode • Queue Service Observing • Target of Opportunity and Synoptic Observing • Campaign Mode GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 49

Operations Model “Flexible Assisted Observing” • Base Schedule in Blocks of PI, Queue & Operations Model “Flexible Assisted Observing” • Base Schedule in Blocks of PI, Queue & Campaign Time • Shared Nights • Preemption of Base Schedule in Response to Weather, Synoptic and TOO • Feed-Back loop for Tracking and Balancing Partner Time GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 50

Staffing Implications “Flexible Assisted Observing” • Telescope Operators • Resident Astronomers • Instrument Operators Staffing Implications “Flexible Assisted Observing” • Telescope Operators • Resident Astronomers • Instrument Operators & Specialists • AO & Laser Support Team GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 51

Operations Cost • Staffing Level: 114 FTEs (~ 30 US, ~84 Chile) • Instrumentation: Operations Cost • Staffing Level: 114 FTEs (~ 30 US, ~84 Chile) • Instrumentation: 2 Instruments under contract at any time, new capital instrument every 3 -4 years. • Facility upgrades: Allow for improvements in telescope, coating chambers, etc. • Administrative Costs: Corporate officers, insurance etc. GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 52

Operations vs. Capital Our Model for GMT Operations: ~ 6% of Capital Magellan: 5% Operations vs. Capital Our Model for GMT Operations: ~ 6% of Capital Magellan: 5% Keck: ~ 7% VLT: ~ 8% Gemini: 18% GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 53

Community Access • AURA-led joint proposal to NSF for Technology Development ensures access to Community Access • AURA-led joint proposal to NSF for Technology Development ensures access to broad US community in proportion to public investment • AURA, NOAO, NSF have observer status on GMT Board • GMT partnership agreement defines modes by which access can be obtained: capital contributions instrumentation development operations support • Broader community input to design and development is envisioned GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 54

GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 55 GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 55

Model B (Hex Truss) - Mode 7, 8. 00 Hz GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Model B (Hex Truss) - Mode 7, 8. 00 Hz GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 56

Model A: Original – Braced Hexapod Brackets Model B: Upper Hexapod Truss Vent gates Model A: Original – Braced Hexapod Brackets Model B: Upper Hexapod Truss Vent gates open Pointing Error RMS Y Direction (arcsec) Original Upper Hex Truss Upper Hex 2 x Wall Thickness Minimum 0. 380 0. 252 0. 303 Maximum 0. 401 0. 268 0. 321 Average 0. 392 0. 261 0. 313 Combined 0. 385 0. 256 0. 308 Model C: 2 x Wall Thickness GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 Wind 13 m/s, vents open 57

Model B (Hex Truss) - Mode 7, 8. 00 Hz GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Model B (Hex Truss) - Mode 7, 8. 00 Hz GSMT Committee, Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 2005 58