Скачать презентацию Ghana Multi-stakeholder Participation in VPA Process Lessons for Скачать презентацию Ghana Multi-stakeholder Participation in VPA Process Lessons for


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Ghana: Multi-stakeholder Participation in VPA Process: Lessons for REDD Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Ghana: Multi-stakeholder Participation in VPA Process: Lessons for REDD Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Participants Committee, 2 nd Meeting, Gamboa, Panama, 11 -13 March 2009 Robert Bamfo, Forestry Commission

INTRODUCTION • Ghana’s VPA process was reasonably open and participatory. It involved direct participation INTRODUCTION • Ghana’s VPA process was reasonably open and participatory. It involved direct participation of NGOs, trade unions, academic and research institutions and most importantly forest community representatives (from both timber and non-timber areas). • After almost two years of negotiations, VPA commits the government of Ghana to a further participatory review of sector policy, legislation and institutions over a three to five year period. This for Ghana CSOs and forest community representatives is its most significant achievement.

The VPA! An agreement based on EU FLEGT Targets improvements in the governance environment The VPA! An agreement based on EU FLEGT Targets improvements in the governance environment It draws on multistakeholder participation Objective: Reduce illegal logging through the use of market levers

The Perception before VPA Stool Land Owners Civil Society Industry Govt. Forest Communities The Perception before VPA Stool Land Owners Civil Society Industry Govt. Forest Communities

Case of multi-stakeholder participation in the VPA • Phase 1; Dec 2003 -April 2007 Case of multi-stakeholder participation in the VPA • Phase 1; Dec 2003 -April 2007 (technical) -largely internal government process -no inclusion of broader civil society • Phase 2; April 2007 -June 2008 (consultative) – Start-up discussions with the EU on a VPA in December 2006. – EU’s requirement for creation of VPA in countries was consultations with different sectors of society to develop the country’s negotiation position. - Broader inclusion of CS groups - Stronger CS activity

Governance Platform Laid Down by the VPA Governance Platform Laid Down by the VPA

VPA Process Literature, Study Outputs, Process Review National Stakeholder Consultation/Consensus Building Technical Working Group VPA Process Literature, Study Outputs, Process Review National Stakeholder Consultation/Consensus Building Technical Working Group Consolidation of Stakeholder Views Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee/Policy Sub-Comm. Country Position on Elements of VPA Established at Ministerial Level

VPA Consultative Process • Consultation plan put in place and consultative meetings held to VPA Consultative Process • Consultation plan put in place and consultative meetings held to solicit general feedback on stakeholders’ concerns and aspirations for a VPA in Ghana and submission to VPA Steering Committee: – Civil society: 30 July - 3 August 2007 – Private sector: 24 - 26 September 2007 – Traditional Authorities (National House of Chiefs): 6 December 2007 – Internal meetings with FC staff across the country for feedback on VPA process

Successes of Multi-stakeholder Involvement • The process of broader stakeholder consultations significantly altered final Successes of Multi-stakeholder Involvement • The process of broader stakeholder consultations significantly altered final outcomes of the VPA process: -governance vision, legal definition of timber, legality assurance system, industry restructuring and the domestic market situation. • A greater awareness of the role of civil society in policy making and agenda setting considering the degree to which it engaged a wide variety of stakeholders. • A greater acceptance of the role of external stakeholders in the policy process

Challenges • What does ‘consultation’ mean? -VPA SC reps- how were they feeding back? Challenges • What does ‘consultation’ mean? -VPA SC reps- how were they feeding back? -depth and process of consultation differed For example, it was not clear what were the specific roles and responsibilities of representatives on the VPA SC in terms of taking information back to their constituents and soliciting their feedback No clear guidance about how the consultations should occur, there were varying degrees in the quality and quantity of engagement within different stakeholder groups. • Unclear how the VPA institutional structure incorporated stakeholder comments into on- going discussions

Challenges cont’d • Frequent change of timelines and deadlines frustrated and /or rushed consultations Challenges cont’d • Frequent change of timelines and deadlines frustrated and /or rushed consultations • Insufficient funding for intra- stakeholder group discussions and consensus building • Institutional structure technically focused • Representation-of interests or of numbers? -is information flow sufficient? -are feedback mechanisms available? Working? accountable? Shortcomings will be addressed and consultations would be improved in future processes.

Lessons Learnt • Real community buy-in is necessary for success in any consultation process Lessons Learnt • Real community buy-in is necessary for success in any consultation process • Social contract can only be achieved in a participatory manner • Institutional structure should actively express the values of consultation but have political clout • Civil society is interested and willing to work- , communities, academics, land owners, etc • Put some action into the proposed policy, legislative and institutional review process agreed under the VPA

Factors for REDD Readiness Consultations • Begin with the consultative process -what is it Factors for REDD Readiness Consultations • Begin with the consultative process -what is it we want to do with REDD? What are the issues? Ø Current condition of national forests Ø Current policies and legislation to halt deforestation and forest degradation Ø Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation Ø Land tenure, carbon rights Ø Forest governance Ø Inclusiveness in the design and implementation of REDD strategies Ø Equitable benefit sharing mechanisms Ø Reliable monitoring, reporting and verification systems to account for CO 2 emissions and removals due to changes in forest cover and changes in carbon stocks on a timely basis at the national level • Construct a stakeholder process • Keep the consultation fluid • Put in place a workable institutional set up • Re-think tenure and community rights. REDD depends on clarification and protection of carbon property rights (including community rights) • R-Plan calls for multiple stakeholder participation in developing the REDD strategy • Accountability, transparency, compliance, conflict resolution procedures, etc. are necessary

10 Principles for Consultation REDD process will adopt the following principles for effective consultative 10 Principles for Consultation REDD process will adopt the following principles for effective consultative process: 1. Engage diverse stakeholders 2. Institute reliable operating structure and process management 3. Practice transparency 4. Use effective communication channels 5. Foster focus on interests, not positions or personalities 6. Allow for independent verification 7. Be responsive to all concerns 8. Make use of existing networks 9. Incorporate capacity building 10. Allow for process adjustments

REDD & VPA Forests & People Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation Access to Stakeholders REDD & VPA Forests & People Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation Access to Stakeholders Creation of Governance Environment Adjustment in Legislation Systems for Quantifying Biomass Removals • Forests and People play central roles in both initiatives • Both have to tackle the informal sector issues, e. g. how to formalise it? • Both are about reducing deforestation and forest degradation (illegal logging) and ensuring social/ecological benefits • Both require Stakeholder Consultations, Participation, Collaboration and Sensitisation. Role of civil society is key • Both require an improved governance environment to succeed. Transparency & accountability are very crucial • Legal definitions are key in removing conflicting and outdated legislation • Both initiatives require and could share the use of robust monitoring, reporting and verification systems. Clear standards are vital. 15

REDD & VPA cont’d • Since the two processes have similar aims, VPA measures REDD & VPA cont’d • Since the two processes have similar aims, VPA measures can pave the way for REDD – which could help pay for VPA

CONCLUSION Some conclusionsf. CCCccon • Clear opportunities exist for REDD to build up on CONCLUSION Some conclusionsf. CCCccon • Clear opportunities exist for REDD to build up on the VPA governance platform as well as link up with policy initiatives/reforms under the VPA • REDD should be as a major incentive for improved governance • Clarification of carbon rights and tenure is fundamental • Broad stakeholder consultation and participation in the formulation & implementation of national REDD strategy is key • Appropriate consultation processes at national and local institutions will be an essential part of Readiness Plan

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