- Количество слайдов: 43
German 3 Honours Semester 1 Year Abroad meeting Annette Götzkes a. gotzkes@ed. ac. uk Monday 13. 30 – 14. 30 Tuesday 13. 30 – 14. 30 Semester 2 Year Abroad meeting Peter Davies Peter. J. Davies@ed. ac. uk
What we will cover today • • • General regulations on residence abroad Some info on Teaching Assistantships Some info on ERASMUS exchange Some info on work placements/jobs Stevenson Scholarships What you will have to do next
The second meeting A second year abroad meeting, in February/March next year, will cover: • “do’s” and “don’ts” of life abroad • Financial matters • Academic requirements (how you will be assessed on your year abroad)
General Regulations: Who? • Students on any Honours degree with German spend all or part of their 3 rd year in a German speaking country • Entry into Honours: a final mark of 50% or above in 2 nd year (at first attempt) • 50% or above in language component • At least 240 credits passed
General Regulations: How long? Everyone has to spend a minimum of 30 weeks’ approved residence abroad: • Single Honours German or German + OSNAL: all in a German speaking country • Two languages curricula : 30 weeks in the two countries; at least 8 weeks in each language area
How long? • When studying two languages: Try to spread year abroad evenly between the two countries • Ex-German 1 A students: maximise the amount of time spent in Germany/Austria • 8 weeks minimum: usually if in other country for whole academic year
Options for the year abroad • Three options (or combination of the three): – Student at a university (ERASMUS exchange) – English Language Teaching Assistant in a school (through British Council) – Approved work placement • What you bring back from YA depends on your degree and your YA activity
Teaching Assistantships • Placements in Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Normally 8 months, sometimes 4 • Monthly allowance • 12 hrs/week teaching, mainly conversation • Native speakers only
Teaching Assistantships • Application through British Council • British Council assigns you to a post: research areas and dates of employment, give good reasons for preferences • Two-part application process. Check on: http: //www. britishcouncil. org/language-assistants • Treat as job application (references!) • Deadline: completed applications to us by (tbc; we forward to BC)
Student at a University • Most degrees allow, some require it • Experience of academic study in other country • Meet German/Austrian students • ERASMUS grant (amount varies) • Co-operation with International Office: – Check their website http: //www. ed. ac. uk/international-office/exchanges/application – Go to their talks (watch out for emails!)
ERASMUS exchange Established contacts German has partner universities in: Germany and Austria Universität Wien Universität Augsburg FU Berlin TU Berlin Universität Freiburg University of Hamburg Universität Heidelberg Universität Leipzig Universität Mainz Universität Tübingen Offer of accommodation (not Heidelberg) Other subjects (Business, Law etc. ) may have other partners
ERASMUS Exchange • You don’t have a right to a particular place • Research the cities/universities online, including semester dates (important when studying in another country too!) • Don’t dismiss a place just because you do not know it yet! • Apply for a place and rank your top 3 preferred universities via the Student Mobility Portal • Applications OPEN 1 November and CLOSE 25 November http: //www. ed. ac. uk/international-office/exchanges/application/apply
Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study • http: //www. drps. ed. ac. uk/16 -17/dpt/drps_llc. htm
Work Placements/ Internships • You choose according to your interests/career plans, we can’t find a placement for you • The job should: – not be full-time – involve enough exposure to German – You must consult us before accepting • Law Offices Dr Schwank (and some other contacts): see info on LEARN • Check info on IO and Careers Service pages
8 weeks minimum stay • Normally only when whole academic year spent in other country (for other language) • Do an intensive German language course • Or try to find work via – Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung: www. arbeitsagentur. de – or local council (twinning partner? ) – Careers service pages (global opportunities) – Internet (usual safety rules apply)
Careers Service Workshops Finding Work Experience on Your Year Abroad 18 Oct 2016, 12: 10 PM to 1: 00 PM 50 George Square Project Room 1. 06 • https: //mycareerhub. ed. ac. uk/students/events/de tail/372145/finding-work-experience-on-you
Careers Service/ International Office Going Abroad Fair 19 th October from 12: 30 The Venue at Potterrow https: //mycareerhub. ed. ac. uk/students/events/detail/287419/go-abroad-fair-2016 -global-hor
Go Abroad Office: Pre-application Information Sessions for Erasmus programmes aimed at second year UG students and provide detailed information about general and subject-specific exchange opportunities on offer, costs and funding opportunities, and the application/selection procedure. · Wednesday 12 October, 12 - 2 pm (Appleton Tower, Lecture Theatre 1) Wednesday 19 October, 12 - 2 pm (Appleton Tower, Lecture Theatre 1) · 26 October - Online Session, 12 - 2 pm register on Eventbrite For more information about the 2016 Information Sessions please visit http: //www. ed. ac. uk/international-office/exchanges/application/preapplication-information-session
Assessment of Year Abroad More about that in second meeting (March) and on LEARN, but here briefly: • Year abroad counts towards degree • Gained language proficiency is assessed in language classes in 4 th year • ERASMUS students bring back marks • Language Assistants/working students may have to write essays (depends on degree, see YA Handbook)
Health and Safety Issues • All students will have to investigate potential health and safety issues • Take these aspects into consideration when deciding on what you want to do • If you have a disability: let us know so that we can discuss how this may affect your choices for the year abroad • You will have to submit a risk assessment form before you leave
Stevenson Scholarships • Students who go to a German university* abroad can apply for a Stevenson Scholarship • ‘Ambassador’ for Scottish universities • Look out for notices • Apply in time (allow enough time for references to be written!) • Deadline for applications normally 31/01 • *This can be part-time study whilst doing a Language Assistantship.
What to do next • Research and decide what you want to do for your residence abroad • Consult us or 4 th year students or other students’ comments (via IO webpages) • Language Assistantships: go to website when applications open and follow instructions • Study abroad: go to IO info session and website • Internships: search options, go to Careers Service talks
Everybody • You will need to submit your intentions for the year abroad on a form by 25 November • Watch out for further emails with instructions and keep looking at YA site on LEARN!
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student The 4 ht year students listed below are very happy to answer any further queries you may have about your Year Abroad:
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Chris Belous: German and Linguistics s 1312700@sms. ed. ac. uk Studied at Universität Wien for a semester, then did a work placement in Berlin over spring/summer
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Amy Bristow : German single Honours amyb 302@hotmail. co. uk Erasmus full year at the University of Freiburg
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Kirsty Pierce: German and Portugese kirstyelizabethpierce@outlook. com Spent the German portion of her year abroad just outside of Hamburg in Schleswig -Holstein working at a translation company.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Nora Mayer: Law and German noramayer 5@gmail. com Went to the University of Vienna and studied law courses in German. I would talk a bit about how the system in Austria is different to here, how students are treated more like adults and “left to their own devices” so to speak. I’d also make some recommendations to take courses with international relevancy. I’d talk a bit about how I acquired the language in everyday situations.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Rachel Gough: German and History s 1321071@sms. ed. ac. uk Berlin: Uni and Internhsip at accountancy firm
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Kirsty Nicolson: German and Spanish kenicolson@gmail. com British Council teaching assistant in Innsbruck, Austria and a teaching assistant in Huesca, Spain.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Joshua Stein: German and History s 1317317@sms. ed. ac. uk Ich habe in Heidelberg studiert, und in Augsburg gearbeitet. Mein ganzes Studium ist Deutsch und Geschichte, also dazu könnte ich auch Hinweise geben.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Matt Andrews: Law and German s 1302218@sms. ed. ac. uk Studied in Munich for full year
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Becky Waterton: German and Scandinavian s 1224010@sms. ed. ac. uk If any of them have specific questions about studying at the University of Vienna or splitting a year between different languages I'm happy for them to email me!
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Kat Bird: German and Russian S 1305095@sms. ed. ac. uk I spent my year abroad doing British Council for 6 months in Adelsheim, Baden Württemberg and then 3 months in Russia studying at Petrozavodsk State University.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Bertie Baker: German and French s 1316976@sms. ed. ac. uk Worked for Foodora in Frankfurt, a Rocket Internet company; Firstly in Operations, then as Head of Marketing for Frankfurt. • Interned at Louis Vuitton, Paris on their trainee scheme.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Chloe Webb: German and Italian s 1312328@sms. ed. ac. uk I was working as a language assistant for the first semester in Linz, Austria and then did Erasmus for the second semester in Catania, Sicily.
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Emma Therer: German and Linguistics emma. therer@mac. com. Studied at Uni Heidelberg for the whole year
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Sophie Mc. Pherson: German and English Literature s 1305004@sms. ed. ac. uk I spent one semester studying at FU Berlin and then I did a fourth month internship with a small publishing house called Wolff Verlag
Speed-date a 4 th Year Student Emily Plunkett: German and Philosophy • s 1310111@ed. ac. uk • Worked the whole year for the British Council in Meldorf