Geriatric Medicine Advanced Training in Cairns Dr Eddy Strivens Regional Geriatrician Far North Queensland Australia
The Final Frontier
Cairns Base Hospital § Tertiary Teaching Hospital § Clinical school of James Cook University § Teaching and research opportunities
What Cairns has to Offer? § Up to 12 month Core training in Geriatric Medicine § Accredited AT Supervisor § Rotation options including Outreach, ACAT cover, Rehabilitation, Acute General and Geriatric Medicine § New mobile GEM program to commence in 2009
Research § Previous projects include work on Indigenous Aged Care, Orthogeriatrics and Models of Service Delivery § Recently completed a validation study of an Indigenous Cognitive Assessment tool
Outreach § Opportunities to participate in Outreach Geriatrics to Cape York, the Torres Strait and Western Tablelands § Outreach procedural General Medicine terms may also be arranged
Lifestyle § Reef, rainforest, outback all within a day § International airport with cheap daily flights to most capital cities and easy access to Asia and beyond § 6 th fasted growing city in Australia § Great nightlife, restaurants and local food
Contacts § Please don’t hesitate to contact one of us if interested in pursuing a year in the Tropics (P. S. If you’re feeling cold down South as winter deepens, it’s a clear, sunny 24 deg C here today! § Edward_Strivens@health. qld. gov. au (Geriatrician) – 0417 607 891 § Peter_Boyd@health. qld. gov. au (Director of Medicine) § Ashim_Sinha@health. qld. gov. au (DPT)