Скачать презентацию Geospatial World Forum 16 21 January 2011 Скачать презентацию Geospatial World Forum 16 21 January 2011


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Geospatial World Forum 16 – 21 January 2011 Hyderabad, India ECA Geoinformation Vision and Geospatial World Forum 16 – 21 January 2011 Hyderabad, India ECA Geoinformation Vision and Mandate Geospatial Science and Technology for Regional Development in Africa Aida Opoku-Mensah Director ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD)/ UNECA ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

About ECA § United Nations Economic Commission for Africa § One of five Regional About ECA § United Nations Economic Commission for Africa § One of five Regional Commissions of UN § One of three Regional African Institutions (AU & ADB) § Reports to African Conference of Ministers of Finance & Planning § Mandate § Support regional development priorities § Advance social and economic development in Africa § Programmatic Area: Harnessing information for Development § Geoinformation as “Development Information” § Assist member States to develop geospatial Sciences and Technologies resources for priority regional initiatives § Make Africa more spatially enabled, ensuring that spatial data, products and services are available to informed decision-making. ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Global Challenges – Need for Spatial Information Need for complex Information Food Security Land Global Challenges – Need for Spatial Information Need for complex Information Food Security Land cover, soil, topography, hydrography, rainfall, moisture, demographics, infrastructure, yield, production. . Water Supply Hydrography, topography, aquifers, Ecosystems, biodiversity, vegetation, Manageme land cover, soils, water, wetlands, nt biomass… Drought Rainfall, temperature, evapotranspiration, wind, aerosols… Security and § § waterbodies, land cover, soil types, vegetation, rainfall… Resources § All the information products exemplified would not be complete without the location attribute § They need to be localized: Land cover, soil chemistry, topography, geology, utilities, settlements, transport Emergency infrastructure…. ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA § § § Where are the features located? Where are the population involved in an activity, vis-à-vis location of the activity? Who will benefit from an activity or event ? Or at risk? Where are they? Where are the markets for the products? The input factors? Where are the infrastructure elements, utilities, etc? What areas are suitable (or unsuitable) for specific activities or events? How do we move (people, products, services) from source to destination? www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Challenges & Issues Core Data Poor Mapping Coverage 2. 5 % of the Continent Challenges & Issues Core Data Poor Mapping Coverage 2. 5 % of the Continent is Mapped (Compared to Europe: 86. 9% ; Ex-RSS : 100%) Lack of consistency in data production Poor Interoperability and Lack of Standardisation Non codified rules for data access Duplication of efforts Several applications build repetitively the same datasets Absence of documentation on data Data are not publicised. Building and Retention of Human Capacities Acceptable mass of GI Professionals. But… Extreme mobility of GI professionals ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Justifying Spatial Data Infrastructure § Unlock the hidden potential in the data § Arrange Justifying Spatial Data Infrastructure § Unlock the hidden potential in the data § Arrange for widest possible dissemination of available information § Produce Once use Many Times § Shift from mapping as standalone activity to mapping as component of information management § Move beyond single agency needs to community needs : No single agency can satisfy its geographic data needs on its own - Data collected for one purpose can be used for other purposes § Make information available to decision makers and the community when they need it; where they need it; In a form they can use (almost) immediately § Empower users to do as much as possible by themselves § Put in place policies, resources and structures ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

SDI Challenges in Africa § Most of African countries face with challenges to put SDI Challenges in Africa § Most of African countries face with challenges to put in place policies, resources and structures to make available geographic information technologies easily accessible to decision makers and the community. § The main challenges in implementing SDI remain: § Financial resources mobilization; § Arousing political interest among decisionmakers and policymakers. § Many NSDI initiatives were stalled after setting up the management committee § Exceptions are South Africa and Nigeria ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

ECA Geoinformation Vision § Ensure that spatial data permeates every aspect of society and ECA Geoinformation Vision § Ensure that spatial data permeates every aspect of society and that they are available to people who need them, when they need them, and in a form that they can use to make decisions with minimal pre-processing § Also the collected data sets should be put to the maximum possible uses by publicising their existence and making them easily available to the widest possible audience UNECA, 2000 ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

ECA Geoinformation Strategy The Vision is achievable through : § Putting in place Policies, ECA Geoinformation Strategy The Vision is achievable through : § Putting in place Policies, Infrastructures & Institutional arrangement § Adopt cooperative, multi-stakeholder approach to production, management, and dissemination of data § Making information use explicit, quantified and ‘commoditized’ § Arrange for widest possible dissemination of available information § Empower users to do as much as possible by themselves § Leads to concept of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) at Regional and National Level | www. uneca. org/aisi/ ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/

The African Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (ARSDI) § Improve regional scale development decision -making The African Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (ARSDI) § Improve regional scale development decision -making § Ensure that reliable information is easily available for policy, investment, planning, management and monitoring and evaluation purposes at the regional and sub regional scales: § Transportation planning, rural economy & forestry, health, security, emergency planning, etc § They all need to answer “where” questions from a regional perspective ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

ARSDI Features § Policies and Coordination • Assign custodianship responsibilities as appropriate (NSDI & ARSDI Features § Policies and Coordination • Assign custodianship responsibilities as appropriate (NSDI & ARSDI) § Data and Information Products • A series of federating geospatial and attribute databases • § § Fundamental, Core Datasets, Regional Thematic Data A data warehouse of common information products derived from the operational databases Capacity Building and Retention • Critical mass of awareness of EO (Producers & Users) Standards and interoperability • Common geodetic framework (AFREF) : A network of continuous GPS stations that will define the African geodetic reference frame • Metadata Standard (Africa Metadata Profile) • Common base themes e-Services (find and share data) • Streamlined electronic delivery of services to achieve improved user service, faster response times, efficient operations, lower transaction costs, more informed decisions. • A registry of services and metadata clearinghouse system for documenting, searching and discovering geospatial data resources ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Where ECA’s Mandate comes from § ISTD expected accomplishment: § Improved availability and use Where ECA’s Mandate comes from § ISTD expected accomplishment: § Improved availability and use of information for development at the national, regional and subregional levels § Implies: § Development of regional spatial databases on fundamental and thematic datasets to support sectoral projects and initiatives ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

ECA Strategies and Priorities § Strategy… Indigenous African capabilities § Coordinate with other regional ECA Strategies and Priorities § Strategy… Indigenous African capabilities § Coordinate with other regional bodies a continental vision to foster the development of an indigenous African capability in Geospatial Science and Technology where all the technical capacities are maintained and shared by Africans. § Priorities. . . Holistic African Geoinformation Vision § Build an African Geospatial policy and champion sound research and technology programmes development, where activities will be significantly expanded to cover the fostering of innovation, product and service development, and applications (linking global to local, based on prevailing social, economic and technological realities in the continent) ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Methodology § Liaise with UN and other substantive divisions of ECA, AU Commission and Methodology § Liaise with UN and other substantive divisions of ECA, AU Commission and other regional organizations to determine priority areas of need § Demand pull, rather than supply push § Identify specialized agencies and other stakeholders with relevant data § Including national sources where facilities exist § Assist in developing national capacity where necessary and feasible § Identify data gaps that are not currently being met § Such data would be stored locally if warranted § Agree on mutual access to data and services remotely ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

ECA Initiatives in Geoinformation § One of the objectives of ECA is to strengthen ECA Initiatives in Geoinformation § One of the objectives of ECA is to strengthen the capacity of member States to design institutional arrangements and implement national policies and programmes in order to acquire and utilize ICTs and science and technology in achieving sustainable socioeconomic development. § ECA interventions focuses on: § Building regional geospatial database in support of the regional development agenda ; § Developing Interoperability & Standards; and § Promoting Continent-wide space applications governance § Part of UNGEGN & UNGIWG Stepping up Advocacy and Outreach!!! ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Mapping Africa for Africa (MAf. A) § Initiative to accelerate the rate of geoinformation Mapping Africa for Africa (MAf. A) § Initiative to accelerate the rate of geoinformation activities in Africa § A plan of action to provide the fundamental geo-spatial information for sustainable development in support of regional projects § Premised on the principle that Africa should be involved, if not lead, the production of maps of Africa § Based on the Durban Statement § In collaboration with the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and other global institutions § Fundamental data sets definition document published ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Common Geodetic Reference (AFREF) § We need consistent framework to ensure seamless, continuous representation Common Geodetic Reference (AFREF) § We need consistent framework to ensure seamless, continuous representation of features § The AFREF Project consists of Network of permanent GNSS base stations (CORS) covering the whole continent § At least one in every country § Everywhere in Africa less than 1000 km from a base station. § Salient Features § Several GPS Reference Stations being installed in African Sub regions § Special mention of Trimble and Ordnance Survey for donating equipment http: //geoinfo. uneca. org/afref/ ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Building Regional Databases § For coherent planning, it is necessary to develop a well-structured Building Regional Databases § For coherent planning, it is necessary to develop a well-structured and comprehensive data foundation that would be consistent, comparable and compatible at the local, national, regional, and global levels. § Several regional geospatial databases are being developed to support regional initiatives. § Programme of Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) databases are covering all existing and planned infrastructure facilities in the continent. § The Agricultural Commodity Value-Chain Database to support the analyses of the regional trends of agriculture production. § The African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) Climate Change Activities Database. ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

e-Applications for Online Delivery of Services § Exploit the vast opportunities provided by the e-Applications for Online Delivery of Services § Exploit the vast opportunities provided by the Web § Make it easy and rapid to search, and access geospatial information from multiple locations § Enable standards and interoperable web-based exploitation of Geodata § Develop value-add products and services § Decentralized Mapping… § Previously unthinkable map themes now common at demand: § Visualizing MDG Progress § Dynamic maps and Statistics… http: //geoinfo. uneca. org/mdg ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Capacity Building § Africa has reached now: A critical mass of Professionals and technicians Capacity Building § Africa has reached now: A critical mass of Professionals and technicians exists. • But, we are facing the Recognition and Retention of Geospatial technology professionals. 15% 151 Geodesy 11% 112 Cadastral 41% 424 GIS 19% 197 Remote Sensing 7% 70 Database 3% 35 Others (Mapping) 4% 42 Total § § Photogramm etry 100 % 1031 A large spectrum of training in Geospatial Sciences and Technologies • But we need High Level Training in empowering African youth in space science and technology culture ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Geoinformation Governance § Institutional Frameworks • • Objective § To put in place a Geoinformation Governance § Institutional Frameworks • • Objective § To put in place a cooperative, multi-stakeholder approach to production, management, and dissemination of spatially enabled data: Regional and National level § On request, ECA supports member States to implement NSDI Committee on Development Information, Science and Technology (CODIST) § ECA’s parliamentary body to provide technical advice on, and oversight over the information science and technology including Geospatial Science (GSS) and Geospatial Information Technology (GIT). § Open to delegates from government and various observers • CODIST-Geo Thematic Executive Working Groups : § § Fundamental Datasets (Chair: South Africa) AFREF (Chair: RCMRD) Capacity Building (Chair: RECTAS) Standards (Chair: EIS Africa) ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Conclusions : Issues for Discussion § Increased need for geospatial science & technology to Conclusions : Issues for Discussion § Increased need for geospatial science & technology to meet Africa’s development agenda as well as emerging global challenges. § We need a positive approach in leveraging the potential and opportunities of Geoinformation in solving Africa’s problems by identifying: § Main gaps, bottle-necks and challenges for the uptake of Space Science and Technology by African policy makers; § Quick wins to stimulate the usage of Space Science & Technology. § Addressing legal issues, IPR, privacy and other merging issues ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/

Thank You ! http: //www. uneca. org/istd/ ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA Thank You ! http: //www. uneca. org/istd/ ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA www. uneca. org/istd/ | www. uneca. org/aisi/