Скачать презентацию Georgia Tech s Aerospace Systems Design Education Program Скачать презентацию Georgia Tech s Aerospace Systems Design Education Program


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Georgia Tech’s Aerospace Systems Design Education Program – A Springboard for CDIO Implementation at Georgia Tech’s Aerospace Systems Design Education Program – A Springboard for CDIO Implementation at Georgia Tech Dr. Daniel P. Schrage Dr. Lakshmi Sankar Dr. Dimitri Mavris Professors School of AE Georgia Tech

Presentation Outline • What is CDIO? • Aerospace Systems Design Program • Product Lifecycle Presentation Outline • What is CDIO? • Aerospace Systems Design Program • Product Lifecycle Engineering (PLE) and Student Lifecycle Engineering (SLE) • Example Programs along the SLE • Potential Alignment with CDIO

What is CDIO? • CDIO stands for Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate. What is CDIO? • CDIO stands for Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate. • It’s an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineering leaders. Industry benefits from CDIO because it produces engineers who have the knowledge, talents and experience it specifically needs.

Why CDIO? • Educators are interested because the CDIO Syllabus forms a basis for Why CDIO? • Educators are interested because the CDIO Syllabus forms a basis for curricular planning and outcome based assessment that is universally adaptable for all engineering schools. • And, students are enthusiastic because they’re graduating with a unique array of personal, interpersonal, and systembuilding experiences that allows them to excel in real engineering teams, and produce new products and systems.

Georgia Tech and School of AE • Georgia Tech is the largest U. S. Georgia Tech and School of AE • Georgia Tech is the largest U. S. university producer of engineers, including women and minorities • The Georgia Tech School of AE has the largest U. S. number of graduate students (>400) and close to the largest number of undergraduate students (>800) • The Georgia Tech School of AE graduate program in Aerospace Systems Design (>300 students) is the largest in the world • The Graduate Program in Aerospace Systems Design serves as a catalyst for – Undergraduate Design/CDIO focus courses – High School Engineering Design Summer Camps School – Professional Education Program

Georgia Tech Master’s Degree Program in Aerospace Systems Design Georgia Tech Master’s Degree Program in Aerospace Systems Design

PLE Supported by P/SLM is Implemented through IPPD Integrated Product/Process Development • Market Analysis PLE Supported by P/SLM is Implemented through IPPD Integrated Product/Process Development • Market Analysis • Stakeholder Interface • System Safety Management • Risk Management • Product Baseline Management • Implementation Plans • Deployment Strategy Led by SE Significant SE role Deployment of The Product PRODUCT LIFE-CYCLE ENGINEERING Strategic Design System Design Detailed Design Operations & Life Cycle Support Development/ Fabrication PRODUCT/SIMULATION LIFE-CYCLE MANAGEMENT • System Concept • System Req. • Sys Req. Valid • Operations/ Maint Concept • System Architecture • System Safety • System Integration • Subsys Reqt Alloc • Production Planning • System Verification and validation • Lean - Six Sigma Process Improvement • Identification of upgrades • Capture lessons learned • MRO

Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Approach for supporting the Student Lifecycle Goal is on Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Approach for supporting the Student Lifecycle Goal is on Identifying and Attracting Students through High School Summer Camps; Nurturing & Developing them through Formal UG Engineering Programs and Re-educating and Retaining them through Certificate Programs Technical Colleges K - MS - HS Undergraduate Program Colleges and Universities K-12 Identify & Attract: Nurture and Develop Summer camps/workshops K-12 Student competitions Graduate Program (MS/Ph. D. ) Professional Education Employment Re-Educate & Retain GT design courses UG/Grad. Student competitions

Example K-12 Engineering Design Summer Camps • With support of Dassault Systemes (DS) PLM Example K-12 Engineering Design Summer Camps • With support of Dassault Systemes (DS) PLM Tools and Agusta- Westland Funding the following K-12 Education Initiatives have taken place over the past years: – Engineering Design- CATIA Summer Camp 2007 for High School Students (~20) – Engineering Design- CATIA Summer Camps 2008 for High School Students (~40) – Introduction to 3 -D Sketching- Cosmic Blobs Summer Camp 2008 for Middle School Students (1012 yrs) (~30) – Introduction to 3 -D Modeling- Solid Works Summer Camp 2008 for Middle School Students (12 -14 yrs) (~30) • GT participation with DS in K-12 Workshop at ASEE Conference, Pittsburg, PA for High School Teachers

Engineering Design-CATIA Summer Camp for Gifted High School Students Using CATIA V 5 in Engineering Design-CATIA Summer Camp for Gifted High School Students Using CATIA V 5 in IPLE Lab, July 2007

Engineering For the 21 st Century -CATIA High School Summer Camp June 2008 Engineering For the 21 st Century -CATIA High School Summer Camp June 2008

Challenges • The summer camp lasted for two weeks • Each student learned using Challenges • The summer camp lasted for two weeks • Each student learned using CATIA and modeled an aircraft or some other product during the first week • Course was taught by a graduate student in the IPLE Lab, with assistants

Team project • The students were tasked to form design teams and model a Team project • The students were tasked to form design teams and model a complex product of their choice, provided it was an assembly of multiple components and could be made functional • They were given less than one week to complete the model, create a large-size poster explaining their project, and do a 20 minute presentation on the last day to parents and faculty

Teams • Students formed teams of their choice • They helped each other to Teams • Students formed teams of their choice • They helped each other to complete the challenging task of assembly modeling, having only one week of CATIA training.

Results from 2008 Engineering Design Summer Camps • The team projects produced outstanding results. Results from 2008 Engineering Design Summer Camps • The team projects produced outstanding results. In a short time, they created functional models of a CH-47, Space Ship One, a paintball gun, and a bicycle.

Three Design Projects Used for Implementation with Industry Support 1. AHS International Rotorcraft Design Three Design Projects Used for Implementation with Industry Support 1. AHS International Rotorcraft Design Team Competition 2. Fixed Wing Design Derivative of the F-86 Sabre. Jet for Boeing Certificate Program Over 80 grad & UG students and 8 professors involved in the development of the projects above 3. Undergraduate Student Design Competition . . -

Design Build Fly PLM Project • Developed and executed as a streamlined integration of Design Build Fly PLM Project • Developed and executed as a streamlined integration of the current AE*355 Design Competition series of classes into simplified product lifecycle management (PLM) and engineering (PLE) functions for the purpose of education and training • Project provides a direct linkage to CDIO for Implementation • Georgia Tech is open to joining CDIO for further implementation, including documenting, tracking, analyzing and reporting learning results • Formal CDIO initially executed and documented in: * 1355 Freshman course • 3355 Junior course *2355 Sophomore course *4355 Senior course • Graduate students serve as mentors to UG Teams

Design Build Fly (DBF) Project Plans to Link Lifecycle Functions supported by PLM RETIRE Design Build Fly (DBF) Project Plans to Link Lifecycle Functions supported by PLM RETIRE NEED CATIA DELMIA & PDM DELMIA CATIA SIMULIA Build DEVELOP Vertically Integrated Design Project

F-86 Strato. Sabre A Legendary Vintage Fighter Aircraft Wing Redesign Trade Study For Professional F-86 Strato. Sabre A Legendary Vintage Fighter Aircraft Wing Redesign Trade Study For Professional Education Certificate

Vintage Fighter Aircraft Derivative Project Starts with a CATIA V 5 Model Vintage Fighter Vintage Fighter Aircraft Derivative Project Starts with a CATIA V 5 Model Vintage Fighter CATIA V 5 Model Fighter Baseline Aero & Propulsion Calibration Fighter Derivative Design and Analysis Aero Correction Factors Baseline Engine Deck Group Weight Correction Factors Flight Manuals Public Domain • Books • Periodicals • WWW Model. Center Fighter Baseline Weight Calculation Calibration

Utilizes Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Simulation DELMIA for Process Design • • • Develop Utilizes Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Simulation DELMIA for Process Design • • • Develop manufacturing alternatives for Fighter wing design concepts – Metallic and composite PRODUCT DESIGN wing Optimize each alternative – Manual vs. automated process PROCESS DESIGN – Production layout – Required floor plan – Production lot size Give feedbacks to designers – Design-for-manufacturing – Design-for-assembly

Professional Certificate Summary • CURRENT STATUS - Completed Pilot Certificate Program with Boeing - Professional Certificate Summary • CURRENT STATUS - Completed Pilot Certificate Program with Boeing - Experiential Capstone Team Trade Study in third course was well received by Industry students • FUTURE Plans – Refine Pilot Certificate Program to introduce Team Trade Study in First Course – Expand use of Applied PLM Tools to include Siemans Suite of Tools

Integrated Design & Manufacturing (IDM) Tradeoffs Through PLM for Redesign of the F-86 Wing Integrated Design & Manufacturing (IDM) Tradeoffs Through PLM for Redesign of the F-86 Wing Case Study for Boeing Certificate Program PLM IDM

Summary and Conclusions • GT School of AE has initiated an aggressive program to Summary and Conclusions • GT School of AE has initiated an aggressive program to identify, attract, develop, mature, and retain the necessary U. S. engineering work force for continued prosperity • Boeing and Agusta Westland have been big supporters of this program with both Dassault Systemes and Siemens now providing the necessary PLM tools • The GT School of AE approach is informally applying many elements of the CDIO Syllabus • GT School of AE is interested in formally applying the CDIO Syllabus to both its UG and Graduate Programs