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George Lorenzo Writer & Editor President Author of Book-in-Progress www. edpath. com glorenzo@edpath. com George Lorenzo Writer & Editor President Author of Book-in-Progress www. edpath. com glorenzo@edpath. com 716 -741 -2271 EDT Copyright. George Lorenzo 2007. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports: “Catalysts for Change: Information INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports: “Catalysts for Change: Information Fluency, Web 2. 0, Library 2. 0 and the New Education Culture” Download pdf at http: //www. edpath. com/stn. htm “The Changing Role of Intellectual Authority” Download pdf at http: //www. arl. org/arldocs/resources/pubs/mmproceedings/148/nicholson. pdf “Becoming Net Savvy” http: //www. educause. edu/apps/eq/eqm 0731. asp

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports: “Catalysts for Change: Information INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports: “Catalysts for Change: Information Fluency, Web 2. 0, Library 2. 0 and the New Education Culture” Download pdf at http: //www. edpath. com/stn. htm “Librarians, information technologists, faculty and administrators are coming together, realizing that the new culture of education influenced by information fluency initiatives, Web 2. 0 and Library 2. 0 - can impart much more than the skills students need to get them through their academic careers. . . Having a basic understanding of how information is communicated and what’s needed to manage, evaluate, synthesize and present informationwhether they be for a person’s work life, personal life or academic life -this goes on forever. ” - Scott Walter

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports: “The Changing Role of INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports: “The Changing Role of Intellectual Authority” Download pdf at http: //www. arl. org/arldocs/resources/pubs/mmproceedings/148/nicholson. pdf • Traditional authority is being eclipsed by ICT. • Information explosion coupled with half-life of information getting shorter. • Shift in the ecology of knowledge. • The task at hand is to educate users.

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports/Viewpoints: “Becoming Net Savvy” http: INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Reports/Viewpoints: “Becoming Net Savvy” http: //www. educause. edu/apps/eq/eqm 0731. asp • Being net savvy is more than knowing how to find information. • Do we understand how search engines work? • Can we vet what we find? • Are students exposed to the right opportunities to grow their networks? • What Web 2. 0 tools will help advance the emerging professional? • Are students technically competent? • Do students have the right technology?

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books: In Progress - “Surfing. INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books: In Progress - “Surfing. Through. Noise: Riding the Online Knowledge Wave” Download pdf of first chapter at http: //www. edpath. com/stn. htm Main Thesis: • There is an overabundance of information (and growing quickly) available to us in numerous formats. • There is an enormous amount of noise that gets in the way for us to find significant, meaningful and personally fulfilling information online. • We need to - more than ever - become information fluent.

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books: In Progress - “Surfing. INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books: In Progress - “Surfing. Through. Noise: Riding the Online Knowledge Wave” Download pdf of first chapter at http: //www. edpath. com/stn. htm Outline: Chapter 1: What Is This World Wide Web? Chapter 2: Us, You And Who: It’s A User Generation Chapter 3: Turning Down the Noise Chapter 4: Listen To Your Librarian Chapter 5: The Scholarly Web Chapter 6: Search Engine Wars and Other Doors to Information Chapter 7: Getting By With a Little Help From Friends Chapter 8: The End Of Parking Spaces, Uncomfortable Learning Environments and Boring Lectures Chapter 9: Ubiquitous Computing And The Recording Of Everything Chapter 10: Nobody Really Knows What’s Going To Happen Next

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books (in alpha order): “A INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books (in alpha order): “A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, ” by Daniel Pink “Ambient Findability: What We Find Changes Who We Become” by Peter Morville “Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, ” by Henry Jenkins “Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder, ” by David Weinberger “Five Minds for the Future, ” by Howard Gardner “Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts and Capabilities, ” by Lawrence Snyder “Higher Education in the Internet Age: Libraries Creating A Strategic Edge, ” by Patricia Senn Breivik and E. Gordon Gee “Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, ” by Cass R. Sunstein

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books (in alpha order): “Integrating INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Books (in alpha order): “Integrating Information Literacy into the Higher Education Curriculum, ” by Ilene F. Rockman and Associates “Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers, ” by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel “Student Engagement and Information Literacy, ” Edited by Craig Gibson “The Cult of the Amateur, ” by Andrew Keen “The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, ” by Chris Anderson “The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less, ” by Barry Schwartz “The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, ” by Yochai Benkler “Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, ” by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams

INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Some Quick and Easy Reads: INFORMATION LITERACY/FLUENCY IN A DIGITAL AGE: A LITERATURE REVIEW Some Quick and Easy Reads: Jaron Lanier, “Digital Maoism: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism, ” Edge, May 30, 2006, http: //www. edge. org/3 rd_culture/lanier 06_index. html Michael Gorman, “Web 2. 0: The Sleep of Reason, Part I and II, ” Britannica Blog, June 12, 2007 http: //blogs. britannica. com/blog/main/2007/06/web-20 -the-sleep-of-reason-part-i/ Keen vs Weinberger, Wall Street Journal Online, July 18, 2007 http: //blogs. britannica. com/blog/main/2007/06/web-20 -the-sleep-of-reason-part-i/ For the latest information about how technology is being used by youth from a survey of 18, 000 kids from 16 countries, see “New Global Study from MTV, Nickelodeon and Microsoft that Challenges Assumptions About Relationship Between Kids, Youth and Digital Technology at http: //money. cnn. com/newsfeeds/articles/prnewswire/NYTU 109240720071. htm