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Geography Teacher Educators’ Conference Running a Subject Knowledge Booster Course Brighton 27 th – 29 th January 2006 Mark Jones UWE, Bristol
Sept. 05 Population Hydrology and Fluvial Oct. 05 Tectonic processes Coasts Jan. 06 Tourism Settlements Feb. 06 Managing cities Ecosystems & Soils Mar. 06 Weather & Climate Economic
Structure of sessions • Aim of session • to provide PGCE Secondary geography trainees with an overview of the main themes and concepts taught at GCSE and A Level in relation to the session title. • • • 9: 30 -11: 00 -11: 15 -12: 30 -1: 15 -3: 30 part 1 coffee break (provided) part 2 lunch (provided) part 3
Learning and teaching strategies • This is an intensive day & so a range of strategies should be used. Room has a visualiser, Laptop (www access), video, whiteboard. • Strategies that can be employed include: lecture, past examination question - working through and model answers, practical activities, use of maps, data, statistics, visual images, ICT, thinking skills approaches. • Activities set should encourage trainees to develop a clearer understanding of a particular element or difficult concept relating to the topic
Recreation & Tourism Concepts and themes Definitions of leisure, recreation &Tourism None I have not covered/ not leant recently Limited I have been taught basics in the past Good I could teach to KS 3/GCSE standard √ Classification of tourism activities e. g. inbound, outbound, domestic √ Primary (e. g. climate, heritage) & Secondary resources (hotels) √ Growth of global tourism –factors e. g. affluence, mobility, budget airlines √ Changing patterns of UK tourism – growth and decline of seaside resorts √ Self-Audit Excellent I could teach to AS/A 2 standard Record of Evidence T M N
Facts and Figures • 2004 – 763 million arrivals (+11% 2003) Source: World Tourism Organisation
Destination Life Cycle Six stages of destination life cycle: • Exploration • Involvement • Development • Consolidation • Stagnation • Rejuvenation/Decline Source: Butler (1980) In Pearce 1995
Niche Tourism……. . • • • Literary Pink Golf Music Cycling Spiritual Pilgrimage Nature Heritage • • • Ecotourism Soap/Film Adventure Sports event Culinary Artistic Extreme Dark Cultural
Forget Disneyland kids, we're off to Colditz Is a former Po. W camp a suitable family holiday destination? Esther Selsdon took her two children to find out Sunday October 23, 2005 The Observer
1919 Tour Guide
The Uses of Heritage • ECONOMIC - Heritage places are places of consumption and are arranged and managed to encourage consumption; such consumption can create places but is also place altering. • CULTURAL - Heritage is simultaneously knowledge, a cultural product, a political resource and contested. • Homogenisation through Heritagisation
Evaluation of Session Date • Did the session match the pre-course self-audit you completed? Yes/No • Were the range of delivery strategies varied and appropriate? Yes/No - if No give suggestions for next session • What other areas of this theme would you like to have been included? • Do you now have a clear idea of your own needs and where you can get more information in relation to this aspect of geography? Yes/No • Any other comments
What is a Booster…. ? • an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective
Q 2. Professional knowledge and understanding • Teachers with QTS possess the knowledge and skills essential for them to be effective classroom teachers. These capacities underpin all the other standards.
Q 2. Professional knowledge and understanding Q 2. 1 • have a secure and up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the subjects/subject areas they teach in relation to the prior learning, levels of attainment, future progression and transition of learners.
Our subject knowledge Y 3 Y 2 Y 3 Y 1 Y 2 Y 1 AS and A 2 Y 3 GCSE Y 1 Y 2 KS 3 Y 3
……. . and in Year 3 • An Environmental History of the American West • Estuarine Geoscience • Religion and Geography • The Holocene • Militarism: Space and Society • Geomedical Systems • Geography of Soap
Excellent Subject Knowledge Geography Physical Geography Human Geography Environmental Management Geography with Geology Geography with Sociology 50% Tourism & planning Archaeology Education studies & humanities Human Communication Where does my Subject knowledge get me? Leisure Studies Limited Subject Knowledge?
Excellent Subject Knowledge Where does my Subject knowledge get me? Geography ? Win/Win Low capacity ? High on capacity ? 50% Education studies & humanities ? ? Limited Subject Knowledge?
Some thoughts on applicants with <50% geography in Degree • A level breadth versus Degree specialism • What can 50% geography look like? • How are our individual views of the relative importance of subject knowledge and other teaching competences constructed/contested? • Decreased numbers at HEIs – what of those in the bottom-right quadrant?
Excellent Subject Knowledge Where does my Subject knowledge get me? Geography ? Win/Win Low capacity ? High on capacity ? 50% Education studies & humanities ? ? Limited Subject Knowledge?
What is a Booster…. ? • an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective • the first stage of a multistage rocket