Скачать презентацию Geography 2017 -2018 Matt Langan Teacher Information Скачать презентацию Geography 2017 -2018 Matt Langan Teacher Information


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Geography 2017 -2018 Matt Langan – Teacher Information, Tips, and Procedures Geography 2017 -2018 Matt Langan – Teacher Information, Tips, and Procedures

About Matt Langan • I have taught at Brink since 1999 -2000 • I About Matt Langan • I have taught at Brink since 1999 -2000 • I graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Social Studies Education • I am the sponsor for Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). We meet every Friday at 7: 10 am in my room. I also drive the athletic shuttle bus to Westmoore.

More about Matt Langan • I have been married to my 8 th grade More about Matt Langan • I have been married to my 8 th grade sweetheart for 21 years • We have 3 children ages 16, 14, and 10! Yikes! • I have been youth pastor at Del View Baptist in Del City for the past 16 years. This is my son, Coleman. He is the 16 year old today but I just wanted you to know that the OU push started early!

What will be covered this year? • This course is an Eastern Hemisphere Geography What will be covered this year? • This course is an Eastern Hemisphere Geography class • We will cover the elements of Geography such as climate, culture, population, physical landscapes, place names, and other topics • • • Specific Study Areas: Europe Africa Asia Australia/Antarctica Each area will be tied into previous knowledge of Western Hemisphere

How will we study the world? • We will cover the areas shown in How will we study the world? • We will cover the areas shown in this diagram with each region we study • Textbook will be used often, but home study for place names, rivers, etc. will be needed. Land Climate Economy Conflicts/ Issues Culture Africa Religion Latitude Place Longitude Names

How can parents help their student? STEP 1: Give me your email address!! I How can parents help their student? STEP 1: Give me your email address!! I will send regular updates and study guides for tests with answers filled in. You will know ahead of time about tests. Email is an easy way to contact about classroom problems. It’s also the easiest way to reach me.

How can parents help their student? STEP 2: Know what your student is required How can parents help their student? STEP 2: Know what your student is required to do in each class. Check their agenda notebook. Require them to write the assignments for the week into their notebook. (Each teacher keeps a one-week agenda posted each Monday). Keep students accountable to do this. Ask about it.

How can parents help their student? STEP 3: Get on parent portal. Make sure How can parents help their student? STEP 3: Get on parent portal. Make sure you have your password before leaving tonight. You can check student assignments and grades. Check it while your student watches. Let them know you are checking. Email teachers with questions you might have. That’s our job. Your password from elementary should still work.

How can parents help their student? STEP 4: Get on my website. All teachers How can parents help their student? STEP 4: Get on my website. All teachers in Moore are required to keep a website. Usually, you can find assignments, announcements, links, and other information to keep you updated. Just go to www. mooreschools. com/bjh. All teachers are on the site.

SUPPLIES FOR MY CLASS • ALL STUDENTS NEED PAPER, PEN AND A POCKETED NOTEBOOK SUPPLIES FOR MY CLASS • ALL STUDENTS NEED PAPER, PEN AND A POCKETED NOTEBOOK TO KEEP PAPERS IN. (THIS CAN BE SPIRAL OR 3 -RING) • ALSO, I ASK EACH CLASS TO BRING: 1 st hour: 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 3 rd hour: 1 box of tissues 4 th hour: 1 box of tissues 5 th hour: 1 pack of sanitizing wipes 6 th hour: 1 box of colored pencils