Скачать презентацию Geodata se an important part of the Скачать презентацию Geodata se an important part of the


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Geodata. se – an important part of the infrastructure The Swedish Geodata Portal GSDI Geodata. se – an important part of the infrastructure The Swedish Geodata Portal GSDI 11 WORLD CONFERENCE, session 2. 4 Kjell Hjorth Lantmäteriet, Sweden 1

This presentation… • Background • Today situation • …… the road forward 2 This presentation… • Background • Today situation • …… the road forward 2

The aim of the Swedish Geodata Strategy • The plan for building an infrastructure The aim of the Swedish Geodata Strategy • The plan for building an infrastructure for geodata in Sweden. • To increase the benefits to society that accrue from better access to, and simpler use of geodata. • The strategy should provide guidelines for all involved parties in Sweden. • The common platform for creating the infrastructure and for Sweden’s participation in the European and international collaboration in this field. 3

Vision for the Swedish Geodata Strategy • Create increased benefits for the society by Vision for the Swedish Geodata Strategy • Create increased benefits for the society by developing a national SDI for the provision of geodata built on cooperation between organisations and cost-efficient solutions. • Link information resources in a network and make them accessible via uniformly structured services and descriptions of the information content. • Support the public administration, companies and the general public and meet the demands on the local, regional, national, European and Global levels. 4

Key principles • Contribute to the development of Swedish e-governance • Promote close co-operation Key principles • Contribute to the development of Swedish e-governance • Promote close co-operation between the public and private sector • Support the development of the private sector • Facilitate adaptation to new preconditions • Steered by consumer demands • Based on well-developed co-ordination between the involved parties • The Swedish implementation of the INSPIRE-directive 5

Co-operation • Co-operation between independent organisations shall be the foundation on which to build Co-operation • Co-operation between independent organisations shall be the foundation on which to build the infrastructure. • Co-operation shall be based on common frameworks and regulated in contracts and agreements. • Within the framework of the Geodata Project the foundation for co-operation will be developed through a common business model for co-operation. 6

The Geodata project – Realisation of the National Geodata Strategy Business model Technical infrastructure The Geodata project – Realisation of the National Geodata Strategy Business model Technical infrastructure 7

Principles for the technical infrastructure Business processes Business activities Information model • Service oriented Principles for the technical infrastructure Business processes Business activities Information model • Service oriented architecture and processes • General IT-demands for tracing, rights, access and Business services secrecy • Based on common standards and agreements (ISO, CEN, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) och. W 3 C. • Step-wise approach • A national Geodata portal IT-components 8

Technical infrastructure • The national geodata portal will be further developed – an access Technical infrastructure • The national geodata portal will be further developed – an access point to geodata and associated services. • The geodata portal will be the node for the co-operation in Europe in accordance with Inspire. 9

The Geodata Portal will provide geodata and web based services • A search engine The Geodata Portal will provide geodata and web based services • A search engine to search geodata. The searching is built on metadata. • Map viewer to be able to search and view requested geodata. Normally the map is based on WMS-services. • General information and documents. • E-business systems for ordering, agreements, purchase, delivery and customer management. • License and security functions 10

Timeschedule Surveying, needs and demands Geodata. se 0. 5 2008 Okt New business model Timeschedule Surveying, needs and demands Geodata. se 0. 5 2008 Okt New business model designed Geodata. se 1. 0 2009 June Business model implemented Geodata 2. 0 2010 Juni Metadata Services 11

Geodata portal V 2. 0 • New business model • Payment system • Customers Geodata portal V 2. 0 • New business model • Payment system • Customers forum • Security system • Suppliers forum • Management • Open for private and authorities 2010 12

Information flow Information owners Planning information? geodata. se Sector portal Consult 13 Information flow Information owners Planning information? geodata. se Sector portal Consult 13

Responsibilities Portal-project - authorities - Rules and regulations Support publishing of geographic information and Responsibilities Portal-project - authorities - Rules and regulations Support publishing of geographic information and services (metadataprofile and rules for services) Portal Publishing ”the members”, metadata, data and services Common services - Manage the portal Development Supervision Authorities Create and manage metadata, geodata and services according to the rules 15

Metadata • Swedish profile • XML-scheme ISO 19139 • Guideline for registration of metadata Metadata • Swedish profile • XML-scheme ISO 19139 • Guideline for registration of metadata • Editor for producing metadata 16

User interface Geodataportal 17 User interface Geodataportal 17

Todays version, 1. 0 • Open. Layers for the mapviewer • Gis Portal Toolkit Todays version, 1. 0 • Open. Layers for the mapviewer • Gis Portal Toolkit 3. 1 is used for basic role administration, to define different user and publishers • Built on JAVA/JSP-code • as user interface: component library Ext. Js/Geo. Ext • Metadata catalogue is stored in Postgre. SQL. • Licence and Secutity manager from Con. Terra is implemented 18

Webb klient Mapfish Openlayer, Ext. JS (Struts) Javabaserade moduler Metadatakaltalog Map. Cache Databas för Webb klient Mapfish Openlayer, Ext. JS (Struts) Javabaserade moduler Metadatakaltalog Map. Cache Databas för Autentisiering (LDAP) Säkerhetsdatabas

Version, 2. 0 • Architechture and functions built on - experiences from v 1. Version, 2. 0 • Architechture and functions built on - experiences from v 1. 0 - a new business model - International experiences and cooperation 20

Search & find 21 Search & find 21

Business process 22 Business process 22

Supplying process 23 Supplying process 23

www. geodata. se 24 www. geodata. se 24

Thank You for listening! kjell. hjorth@lm. se 25 Thank You for listening! kjell. hjorth@lm. se 25