- Количество слайдов: 47
GEO 600 during S 5 Harald Lück for the Ruthe Team 9 th ILIAS WG 1 meeting, Potsdam, 2006
GEO 600 Optical Layout 5 W 2. 2 W 0. 09 2. 5 k. W 5 k. W 7 k. W 2 4 10 W 5 W
GEO in S 5 ON &WE mode • Started participating in S 5 on Jan. 20 th • Comissioning during daytime • Data taking during nights, weekends and holidays. • Moderate efforts to keep detector locked during data taking times, i. e. no operator shifts.
GEO in S 5 24/7 mode • Commissioning stopped on May 1 st 2006 • Full time data taking with operators on site in 2 shifts during working days • SMS – alarm system calls operator on duty if predefined problem occurs – Lock-loss > 30 min. , h_rms > reference, data acquisition faults, . . . • Operator calls 'expert' if he cannot solve a problem by predefined procedure • Maintenance times for measuring loop gains, transfer functions, noise projections etc.
SMS Alarm System
GEO 600 S 5 Science Duty Cycle ON&WE Mode (Jan. 20 th – April 30 th) 24/7 Mode (May 1 st - …)
Inst. duty cycle [%] S 5: Duty Cycle Time [days] • 1. May-17. July, 78 days – Instrumental duty cycle: 95. 4% – Science time duty cycle: 90. 3% • Longest lock: 102 hours
Number of unlocked times S 5: unlocked times Histogram of unlocked times < 1 hour Unlocked time [minutes] • Typical relock-time ~ 5 minutes • Longest unlocked time: 19 hours
Tuning (from 350 Hz) to 550 Hz • On April 3 rd we changed the tuning from 350 Hz to 550 Hz to improve SNR @ fs above 400 Hz. • Optimized all parameters and combining filters for 550 Hz. • This did not compromise much sensitivity @ low fs as we had a lot of excess noise there anyway.
Sensitivity in Science Runs
Sensitivity in Science Runs
Sensitivity in Science Runs
GW-IFO network (USA & Europe) 4 x
Cal. Lines removal from h(t)
Locking procedure with add. 2 f signal • PR error signal always available due to asymmetry in BS (~48/52) • MI lock to dark fringe • SR lock with three different signals in detuned state (~2 k. Hz) • Tuning to desired frequency (changing parameters in the process) • Switching MI lock to Single element diode • Switching Servo parameters to lower noise & lower tolerance ones • Ramping up power to ‚final‘ value • In Total: ~ 3 min
Locking on 2 f-SR sequence At second 4. 2 SR control is switched from SR-2 f to MI-2 f. (only visible by more noise in SR feedback) at second 5. 5 the SR freq. is set back to tuning start frequency. For this purpose the SR mod. freq. is set automatically to the value chosen in the front panel, which is 9. 018070 MHz right now. Also the SR-2 f signal is routed in hardware by cmos switch to the SR module. Straight from the labbook Then 2 sec. after acquisition the 2 flock is switched to MI-2 f signal and then the SR freq. is changed to nominal for tuning start. Then tuning starts as usual… and tunes down to any f > 200 Hz.
Sensitivity; tuned vs. 550 Hz detuned
Sensitivity; tuned vs. 550 Hz detuned (normalized to 550 Hz)
BS Violin Modes
BS Violin Modes
BS Violin Modes Qs 0. 66 x 108 0. 58 x 108 0. 65 x 108 0. 58 x 108 0. 69 x 108 0. 88 x 108 f 688. 71 689. 05 710. 20 711. 03 713. 75 685. 93
Glitches (MIC-VIS, Sine gaussians, Magnetic, Power ups, Seismic etc. ) (see Josh‘s glitch talk)
Seismic improvements (here: backing pumps) AC outdoor unit
The Owl
Chasing the owl; different alignments
Chasing the owl; different alignments
Chasing the owl; different alignments yet
Chasing the owl… away • Spotted and repaired bad contact in SR-2 f module • Since then the owl is gone !? ? ? . . . So far • Strange, as the owl was there before the module. .
0. 782 Hz spaced line forests h(t). 0. 7 e-13/f^2 * TCIb_Mag_X fits pretty well for a 80 Hz < f < 620 Hz Factor 2 off @ 600 Hz
Mag. Lines @ 600 Hz
Magnetic features in Central
Magnetic features in Central cntd.
Magnetic features in East house
Magnetic lines sometimes gone !?
(magnetic) 0. 782 Hz lines self made with UPSs?
Hourly glitches on mains: ‚Rundsteuersignal‘ Magnetic coupling from mains to h(t) might have to do with too many N – PE connections
Some detective work
S 5: a piece of detective work
S 5: a piece of detective work Seismic correlations between the 3 corner stations for one of the events C/E Correlation [%] N/C N/E Time [s]
S 5: a piece of detective work
S 5: a piece of detective work Preparing gravel mining KBU Kies & Baustoffunion
Ripples in h(t)
Ripples in h(t) come from seismic in the north
Problems (solved & remaining) • Glitches (Josh) – – – Dust Saturations Magnetic Sine Gaussians Power up Others • Other problems – Mains: hourly glitches, lines forests, ground currents – PPD – Periodic disturbances probably from end buildings –> coated lenses in next maintenace period – Seismic: isolated many machines(pumps, ACs, fans etc, even some computers in CB) – Vetoes: worked a lot on vetoing glitch events. Can veto about 30%(? ) of glitches
Future: • Continue S 5 • Decide on maintenance period in autumn • find power losses • increase to full injected power
Subtracting MID AA Feedback noise from H in the time domain (Josh) Conclusions: - Works well ! - Time-domain subtraction of MID AA FBs using _very_ simple filters already improves H factor 2 -3 from 10 -70 Hz. - H with MID AA FBs subtracted is not too far from SR FB 10 -80 Hz. - Improving this in hardware would be better because software subtraction won't reduce upconversion.
Phase noise coupling Not confirmed by coherence