- Количество слайдов: 19
Theme – We have FDM systems, now what do we do with all this DATA? • Where have we been? • A quick review of past FDM trials • Actionable items and continuous feed back • Goals and deliverables to the industry
FDM for GA – The Evolution FDM concepts CAPACG R and D Plausibility Legacy AC proof of concepts GA-FDM Intro at NTAS 2004 Technologies Emerge Cal Fire Trial 2005 TAA proof of concept DFDS SATSair Trials ALERTS – Air Log 2006 2007 Actionable Items Acceptance Wide scale GA FDM Implementation Pioneers – SATSair, Air. Log & Indigo Flyers 2008 SMS, OEM, ACH, Individuals, Fleets 2009 ASIAS 2010 and beyond Aggregate data shared and feed into a continuous improvement loop
DFDS) (Alaka’i , Appareo)
FOQA trials in the past… Examples of past trials: 1. CAL FIRE (privately funded) 2. Air Safety Flight Academy (privately funded) 3. SATSair (privately funded) 4. FSF C-FOQA Trial 5. FSF HEMS H-FOQA (TBD) - Past FOQA/FDM trials have primarily concentrated on proving general concepts and facilitating the collection of flight data from aircraft. - The volume of data can be daunting! How does industry turn the data into actionable information?
The Operators – “What do I do with all this DATA? ” üCreate actionable feedback to improve your overall operations, maintenance, safety and training programs üDevelop reporting programs to continuously monitor your operations for normalized trends The Trick
Dashboard view for trending
Special event studies
General Aviation FDM suggested objectives and deliverables: 1. Define common parameters and event set for both “light” and traditional FDRs. (to provide “apples-to-apples” comparison across fleets) 2. Increase awareness of FDM programs to GA community. 3. Provide a “tool kit” to operators interested in establishing and FDM program. 4. Incentivize implementation of FDM programs 5. Develop and implement data sharing strategies to improve safety (ASIAS) 6. Provide another validation of the FDM concept in a very challenging environment. (example: night freight, single pilot operation) 7. Promote a sustainable FDM program/product through initiatives such as organizational-based programs to ease and speed widespread implementation in the GA community. Eliminate current barriers (cost, technology, people, etc. ) by providing a “plug and play” option to include equipage/technology, service and program management.
Questions? Scott Meacham President, CAPACG, LLC smeacham@capacg. com 877 -227 -4506 To err is human…to recover is good training®
CAPACG Overview… 1. History 2. Core Competencies 3. Trial Management 4. Outlook 5. Needs assessment
Core Competencies
GA-FDM Demonstration Trials: Trial #/ Name of organization #1/ CDF (now Cal. Fire) #2/ Air Safety Flight Academy #3/ SATSair #4/ SATSair -2 #5/ FAA CGAR grant/ERAU* Goals of trial Prove feasibility of low-cost recorders in FOQA/FDM programs Utilize recorded avionics data as maintenance and reliability tool Analyze large number of parameters (82) available from TAA data bus - add flight safety events Expand Trial #3 to include wireless data transmission and admin. functionality Widespread GAFDM trial representing university, air taxi and special mission fleets Recorder technology / concepts GPS-based and MEMs-based selfcontained recorders Avidyne Emax data uploaded to webbased analysis tool Digital Flight Data Storage System (DFDS) and webbased tools DFDS with wireless pack, plus, onboard MOQA/FOQA analysis DFDS or selfcontained recording devices/refine GA processes Aircraft used Grumman S-2 T Tankers Cirrus SR 20 and SR 22 Cirrus SR 20/22, Diamond DA 42, Eclipse 500 and Cessna 206 Length of trial/ # of aircraft 1 fire season / 1 fire bomber 3 months (+1, 000 hours) / 7 -8 aircraft (1, 000 hours)/ 3 aircraft 3 month- 5 aircraft 1 year Results / Remarks Organization to issued RFP in 2007 Report published Trial report published Began 8/2007 Completed 10/2007 Follow-on trial Began 9/2007 Completed 12/2007 Contract signed 3/2008 *Proposal submitted - denied - lack of interest/funding from AFS-800
CAPACG today… • CAPACG consulting - SMS/FOQA/ASAP/IS-BAO implementation and operational planning (ALOG) • CAPACG analysis - 3 rd party flight data analysis service (Aerobytes and Appareo Systems) • The GA-FDM Team: Partnership with Alakai Technologies - the first internet accessible digital flight data system. Onboard processing and flight data analysis. (SATSair, Cirrus Design, Indigo Flyers, etc. )
CAPACG tomorrow… • Continue to focus on core FDM products and services • Future projects - Continual Audit Processes Informational Database (CAP-ID) • Lower cost alternative to products such as AQD - engineered from the beginning to be expandable to other programs such as FOQA/FDM, MOQA/ETMS, ASAP, etc…. • Industry/Educator partnership programs to ensure stable supply of aviation safety professionals - offer a pathway to future analysts. (ERAU Co-op Program and AABI)
Properly managed SMS components convert data into useful information and the end user gains knowledge
Needs Assessment Maintenance Operations Full SMS implementation C-FOQA, ASAP, IS-BAO Training Safety
MOST Model ü Maintenance Engine trend monitoring Exceedance reports Trouble shooting Fuel savings Maintenance üOperations GA-FDM Training üTraining Provide feedback to instructor/students (e-debrief) Validation of training programs Training footprint analysis and adjustment Insurance reduction Automated data transfer from aircraft Automated OOOI reporting Automated billing Fuel savings Automated aircraft tracking Safety ü Safety Fleet oversight SOP adherence ID of adverse safety trends Uncover threats and errors Mitigate risk 19