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GDB Rome April 2006 Report on LHC-OPN Meeting David Foster CERN IT-CS LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
OPN Information • LHCOPN meetings started in 2005, 3 -4 meetings/year. • Objective: to define and coordinate the T 0 -T 1 networking. – Overall architecture document was produced in 2005. – Progress is tracked. – Working groups created to work on specific issues. • Many details in the slides attached to the meeting agendas. • https: //twiki. cern. ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCOPN/Web. Home or jump from http: //lhcopn. cern. ch/ LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
Services Delivered • High level review of T 1 internal networking (except pic) indicates that all have 10 G backbones and servers nominally connected at 1 G. • SC results indicate that for this purpose the network is able to sustain the required rates. • Clarification of experiment models now raises the issue of T 1 -T 1 traffic (especially Atlas) and T 1 -T 2 traffic (especially CMS). – OPN dealing with T 0 -T 1 and possibly T 1 -T 1 – Good National initiatives connecting T 2’s to National T 1’s but is international connectivity adequate? LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
T 0 Backbone • The LCG backbone is now fully operational with six Force 10 E 1200 in production. • Two of those E 1200 are dedicated to the connections to the Tier 1 s. Primary and Backup links are distributed between the two. • Two 10 Gbps links connect the LCG backbone directly to the CERN's external network for the L 3 connections via ESnet and Geant 2 -IP. LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
Migration LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
T 1’s • ASGC: Still connected with 2 x 1 Gbps transport via Surfnet – • • BNL: Still connected at L 3 via Esnet, but the deployment of the 10 G connections has started: CNAF: Connected with one dedicated 10 G lightpath provided by Geant 2 -E 2 E. FNAL: Connected with primary and backup 10 Gbps connections provided by USLHCnet. FZK: GN 2 has provided the lightpath from Geneva to Frankfurt. DFN is going to provide the remaining part up to Karlsruhe. – • • End Q 3 for 10 G RAL: Connection upgraded to four 1 Gbps lightpaths provided by Janet and Surfnet. – • • End Q 3 for 10 G PIC: still connected at L 3 via Rediris-Geant 2 -IP. – • End Q 2 for 10 G IN 2 P 3: Connected with 10 Gbps lightpath provided by Renater. NDGF: still connected at L 3 via Sunet-Nordunet-Geant 2 -IP. – • Start 2007 for 10 G Start Q 3 for 10 G SARA: 10 Gbps lightpath provided by Surfnet TRIUMF: still connected with two 1 Gbps connections provided by Canarie and Surfnet. – Start Q 3 for transit via GEANT from Amsterdam LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
BNL LHCOPN Circuits LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 Bill Johnston David Foster, CERN
FERMI LHCOPN Circuits LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 Bill Johnston David Foster, CERN
And … • Several sites now putting in direct connections to each other – FZK, CNAF and SARA will provide redundant paths to CERN through CDF links to each other. (Complete in 2006) • ESNet will provide additional path between NY and Chicago through their MPLS backbone • GEANT-2 has transponders to connect the required remaining sites – SARA, RAL, PIC, NDGF • NREN PC agreements on cost models and transport of Extra-GEANT data have concluded successfully. LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
Review of Activities • Routing – – Document produced and on Twiki. T 1 -T 1 traffic not excluded. Allowed IP addresses in the RIPE database. Need: BGP on all sites. • Security – Document has been produced. – Robin Tasker to liaise and agree with site security officers. – Report on feedback at the next meeting. • Monitoring – Document has been produced and published. – Perf. SONAR will provide the basic level-1 monitoring. – T 1 volunteers for prototype monitoring tests. • • Need to demonstrate value through volunteers. Will try and use this for demonstration purposed. – Piggyback on the perfsonar activity, but get more information? LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
Operations - 2 Grid Operation is customer of reports general fault T 0/T 1 staff is customer of reports WLAN fault GGUS/TTM Other. . NOC NREN. . NOC GÉANT 2 NOC Trouble Tickets is customer of fault & maintenance notification reports WLAN fault ENOC Weathermap LHC View TT System MSR LHC-OPN Roberto Sabatino Provides monitoring data automated perf. SONAR framework • ENOC model and integration with NREN’s and DANTE will continue. • Network schema defined and Weathermap development by DFN • ENOC Driven by EGEE/SA 2 • Plan to report on the experience at next OPN meeting. LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN
Operations • More clarity is needed to understand how to deal with operational issues. – Learning experience for everyone Dante/NREN/LCG – Dante deploying Perfsonar and integrate with ESNet, Internet 2, Canarie and Taiwan. – Schedule next workshop on handling scheduled interventions, backup and failover design and achieving availability targets. LHC GDB Meeting Rome, April 2006 David Foster, CERN