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GCOM/AMSR 2 status Earth Observation Research Center and GCOM Project Team Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency AMSR-E Joint Science Team Meeting Huntsville, USA June 2, 2010
Main characteristics of GCOM 1 st Generation – 2 medium-sized satellite: GCOM-W and -C. – 3 consecutive generations with 1 year overlaps for assuring longterm inter-calibrated data records. GCOM-W 1 (Water) GCOM-C 1 (Climate) GCOM-W 1 GCOM-C 1 Orbit Sun synchronous orbit (A-Train orbit) Altitude: 699. 6 km(on Equator) Inclination: 98. 2° Local sun time: 13: 30± 15 min Sun synchronous orbit Altitude: 798 km( Equator) on Inclination: 98. 6° Local sun time: 10: 30± 15 min Life 5 years Launch JFY 2011 by H-IIA Rocket JFY 2014 by H-IIA Rocket Satellite scale 5. 1 m( × 17. 5 m( × 3. 4 m( on. X) Y) Z)( orbit) 4. 6 m( × 16. 3 m( × 2. 8 m( on orbit) X) Y) Z)( Satellite mass 1991 kg 2093 kg Power generation More than 3880 W( EOL) More than 4000 W( EOL) GCOM-W 1 is planned to be injected into A-Train orbit. So the orbit of GCOM-W 1 will be same as Aqua orbit. 1
GCOM-W 1 position in A-Train The MLTAN of GCOM-W 1 orbit is between (Aqua - 259. 5 sec) and (Aqua – 79. 5 sec). GCOM-W 1 is planned to be injected into ahead of Aqua. 2
AMSR 2 Instrument Deployed Stowed AMSR 2 has deployable main reflector system with 2. 0 m diameter. Frequency channel set is identical to that of AMSR-E except 7. 3 GHz channel for RFI mitigation. AMSR 2 has two-point external calibration with the improved HTS (hot-load). Deep space calibration maneuver to check consistency between main reflector and CSM. AMSR 2 is added a redundant momentum wheel to increase reliability. AMSR 2 Channel Set GCOM-W 1/AMSR 2 characteristics Center Freq. [GHz] Band width [MHz] 6. 925/ 7. 3 350 Incidence angle Nominal 55 degrees 10. 65 100 Digitization 18. 7 200 23. 8 400 36. 5 1000 0. 35 (7 x 12) 89. 0 3000 0. 15 (3 x 5) Scan and rate Conical scan at 40 rpm Antenna Offset parabola with 2. 0 m dia. Swath width 1450 km 12 bits Dynamic range 2. 7 -340 K Polarization Vertical and horizontal Polariz ation Beam width [deg] (Ground res. [km]) Sampling interval [km] 1. 8 (35 x 62) V and H 1. 2 (24 x 42) 0. 65 (14 x 22) 10 0. 75 (15 x 26) 5 3
GCOM-W 1 and C 1 development Schedule Japanese Fiscal Year FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 GCOM-W 1 Project start Milestone GCOM-C 1 Project start SDR GCOM-W 1 PDR Phase-A Phase-B Phase-C Phase-A GCOM-C 1 Launch (TBD) CDR Phase-D SDR GCOM-C 1 GCOM-W 1 Launch PDR Phase-B Phase-C CDR Phase-D (*) Japanese Fiscal Year starts in April and ends in March. Present The system CDR of GCOM-W 1 was over last year. GCOM-W 1 is scheduled for launch in November of next year. 4
GCOM-W Program Status GCOM-W 1 STM The system CDR of GCOM-W 1 was over in October, 2009. AMSR 2 flight model has been integrated and will be tested until this summer. The tests of the bus system flight components have been performed. The satellite system test will start in summer this year. GCOM-W 2 The study of AMSR 2 improvement for GCOM-W 2 has been performed. AMSR 2 is planned to add 160 GHz and/or 183 GHz channels. The feasibility study of US provided Dual. Frequency Scatterometer installation on GCOM-W 2 has been performed. 5
GCOM operational concept GCOM-W 1 S-band GCOM-C 1 X-band GCOM-W 1, C 1 ・Command Data Rate: 4 kbps ・Telemetry Data Rate: 29. 4 kbps GCOM-W 1 ・Data rate: 10 Mbps GCOM-C 1 ・Data rate: 138 Mbps S-band (Command & Telemetry) S-band (Telemetry, Command emergency ) in X-band JAXA GN Svalbard -Global observation data -S-band telemetry X-band Domestic JAXA ground stations (Katsuura , Tsukuba & Hatoyama) - Real time observation data over Japanese Islands Data Distribution Satellite Control center Data processing system X-band Ground stations of other organizations in the world - Real time observation data Operational organizations - L 1 global observation product (+2. 5 H after observation time for GCOM-W 1) - L 1 product of Japanese islands (+0. 5 H after observation time for GCOM-W 1) GCOM Website Tsukuba Space Center in JAXA Researchers Data rate of GCOM-W 1 is 10 Mbps. C 1’s data rate is 138 Mbps. Observation data is received by Svalbard, Katsuura, Tsukuba, Hatoyama and so on. Received data is processed in Tsukuba Space Center, and is delivered to users. 6
GCOM-W 1 Ground system status The CDR of the satellite house-keeping system (command generation and telemetry processing) and the observation data processing system were over in December, 2009. These ground systems are under manufacturing. The GCOM website for providing observation products has been manufactured from April, 2010. The L 2 process software has been developed with PI’s. The test of total ground system will be performed in autumn this year. 7
Access to GCOM data JAXA provides GCOM standard products via JAXA online system (GCOM website), together with AMSR and AMSR-E products. To R&D or operational organizations under the cooperative agreement with JAXA, GCOM products are provided after the satellite commissioning (launch + 3 months) for CAL/VAL. To public researchers, GCOM products are provided via GCOM website after CAL/VAL phase (launch + about 1 year). 8
Schedule of Research Project Schedule and milestones are subject to change depending on the progress of the project. More detailed (and correct) schedule will be presented for algorithm implementation, research processing/analysis system, etc. Japanese FY* FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Issue RA#1 (W 1) Issue RA#3 (W 1) W 1 Launch C 1 Launch V. 1 TB V. 1 GEO RA period RA #1 (W 1) Algorithm Research product Cal/Val Application Candidates of research product V. 2 RA #3 (W 1) Development Algorithm selection Standard product (standard products) FY 2014 Criteria #1 Present Major Milestones FY 2013 RA #5 (W 1) Optimization/Improvement Prototyping Implementation Testing/Optimization Candidates of research product Testing/Implementation, as needed Preparation (sites, tools, methodologies) Research using current dataset Initial Operational AMSR 2 data utilization * Japanese Fiscal Year starts in April and ends in March. Six months after launch, the version 1 of level 1 products are scheduled for release. And for another six months, the version 1 of the geophysical products is released. The version 2 products are scheduled for release two years after launch. 9
AMSR 2 Product Definition L 1 A product Process radiometric and geometric corrections to Level 0 product Stores additional information (conversion coefficient of antenna temperature, etc. ) L 1 B product Same as Level 1 A product but observation count is converted to Tb using radiometric correction coefficients. L 1 R product Resample Level 1 B product considering differences of resolution in each frequency. Correction of effect by altitude difference is also done. Tb resampled to 6 GHz, 10 GHz, 23 GHz, and 36 GHz footprint, and original 89 GHz are stored. L 2 product Geophysical parameters retrieved from Level 1 B and/or 1 R products. L 3 product Statistically merged product in daily or monthly basis calculated from Level 1 B and 2 products. Global equal Latitude/Longitude grid in 0. 25 -degree (Low res. ) and 0. 1 -degree (High res. ), and polar stereo grid for Northern and Southern Hemisphere in 25 -km (Low res. ) and 10 -km (High res. ). Statistical information is also included in monthly products. We have defined a new level 1 R product. This product is generated by resampling Level 1 B product considering the differences of resolution in each frequency and the effect by altitude difference. Tb resampled to 6, 10, 23 and 36 GHz footprint, and original 89 GHz are stored. Other products are about the same definition as AMSR and AMSR-E. The high resolution product of Level 3 is also generated.
GCOM 3 rd RA (under discussion) Current plan We plan to announce the 3 rd RA in this summer. Beginning of August, 2010: 3 rd RA issued End of October, 2010: Proposal Due Date February, 2011: Notification of Selection Results Research period Three (3)years from JFY 2011. Research topics We are soliciting proposals contributing to these areas. Algorithm Development Improve and implement standard algorithms. Should meet the success criteria (product accuracy). Validation Prepare and maintain validation sites/methodologies. Conduct product validation of actual AMSR 2 data. Application Researches leading to social benefits: environmental change monitoring, improvement of future prediction, new operational applications, etc. New research products and their algorithms. Research on synergistic use of GCOM-W and GCOM-C 11