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Gatetrade e. Procurement is a combined workflow and information system that covers the whole process from purchasing decision to the moment when the invoice arrives gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Agenda - Presentation of e. Procurement in Praha: Agenda Praha • Brief introduction to Gatetrade • Products, functions and processes using eprocurement • The Public setup in Denmark • The level of e. Procurement in Czech republic. • Gatetrade’s solutions og competencies • Experience in e-business • Discussion gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Introduction to Gatetrade Founded in the year 2000 and owned by Consolidated Holdings Ltd. Employs 25 experienced e-business specialists. Represented in the Nordic countries via units in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. Leading supplier in e-business solutions and the sole operator of Denmark’s biggest b 2 b market place counting more than 1500 customers og 3 million item numbers. Our customers are represented in governments agencies, municipalities, counties as well as in the private sector. Contractually committed to operate the The Public Market Place (”The Public Purchase Portal”) and The IKA Market Place (”IKAportalen” municipality and local government). Reykjavik Major private and public companies are the primary target groups. Trading turnover via Gatetrade’s solutions in 2006 was 7, 5 billion DKK which amounts to a 50% growth year on year. 2006 solvency ratio (expected): 85, 6. Gatetrade key figues Oslo 2003 Number of purchasing customers Number of suppliers 2004 Growth 2005 Growth 2006 Growth 49 84 71% 203 119% 250 Stockholm 23% Copenhagen 153 207 35% 1106 899% 1500 36% gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Introduction to Gatetrade Our vision • To simplify and boost efficient trade for major public and private companies • To make electronic trading possible to the extent that the companies are ready for it • To create direct and measureable value for our customers Our solutions • Are developed in co-operation with our customers and built on the latest technology • Can be configured to fit individual requirements Our set-up • An electronic workflow from the need arise until the invoice arrives • An integrated solution without having to invest in hardware nor software • A simple and easy-to-use solution that yields fast ROI Jacob G. Andersen Account Manager, CRM gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
References Municipalities and counties København, Odense, Holstebro, Indkøbscenter Østjylland, Gentofte, Sønderborg, Svendborg, Rudersdal, Gladsaxe, Brøndby, Jammerbugt, Lemvig, Odder, Skive, Skanderborg, Hedensted, Fredericia, Kolding, Aalborg, Næstved, Ringsted, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Region Syddanmark etc. Government agencies Kulturministeriet, Finansministeriet, SKAT, Videnskabsministeriet, Fødevareministeriet, Beskæftigelsesministeriet, Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet, Socialministeriet, Integrationsministeriet, Transport- og Energiministeriet, Økonomi- & Erhvervsministeriet, Udenrigsministeriet, Fødevarestyrelsen, Danmarks Fødevareforskning, Folketinget, Aalborg Universitet, Uni-C, etc. Private sector Berlingske Tidende, Scandlines, DLG, Vestas Wind Systems, TDC, Super. Gros, Danske Bank, DHL Worldwide Express, AMBU, Post Danmark, Chr. Hansen, Junckers Industrier, Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Suppliers (+1000) Topnordic, Lyreco, Comwell, COWI, Louis Poulsen, Papyrus, Multiline, LMG, RS Components, Adecco, BCI, Bie & Berntsen, Bondo Kontormøbler, Cafax, Duni, Fritz Hansen, Hoffmann Firmatøj, Topsted etc. David Schou-Elsass Customer Relations Manager gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Access the information where it is needed! Where do I find the product and who is the supplier? Can I order it myself – and if not who is to authorise my purchase order? Which suppliers am I allowed to do business with? Where do I find a requisition form? How do I make the order? By telephone, fax or letter? What kind of agreements do we have and with which suppliers? Where did I make my purchase last time and how much was it? gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111 What is the price for this product?
3 modules – a countless number of opportunities! Agreement and contract management (ETHICS) Procurement and statistics e. Procurement Invoice module e. Procurement gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Eprocurement setup Purchase Catalogue MP Supplier Order VANS Order Invoice Orderinvoice match MP Approved orders, Basic data Order cancellation Goods reception, ERP An entered invoice System Credit note Integration
User roles Purchase Administration - Requester (procura) - Superuser - Purchaser (procura) - Administrator Approval of order and invoices - Authorized buyer Statistics - Statistics
Purchase with and without approval Roles in e. Proc. Requester Purchaser Authorized person (0 i procura) (1. 000 i procura) (over 1. 000 i procura) Activities in e. Proc. 1. 500 1. 000 500 Goods reception
The Public Setup in Denmark: 3 parties • Gatetrade (Supplier) • SKI -Public Procurement Organisation (Service provider) • Municipality, local governments, government agency and Ministryc (Customer) Products • MP, DOIP and IKA (The Danish Purchase Portal) Setup • Drawing will be made at the course gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
The level of e. Procurement in Czech republic: Qustions • Is on the way / er på vej gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Handling of incoming invoices – before and after Traditional flow of invoices Accountant Requester ERP Authorized person Accountant Flow of invoices in Gatetrade e. Procurement Invoicemanager Requester Authorized Person ERP
Procurement and statistics module Gatetrade e. Procurement Receipt of order at supplier side All purchases are initiated using Gatetrade e. Procurement Receipt of goods Purchase initiation Order information Ordre afgives is sent to FM system Verification and approval Order is dispatched Counterbalincing is sent to FM system ØS platform Match Invoice module Leverandør Afsluttet gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Invoice module - Automatch Gatetrade e. Procurement Invoice module Invoice automatch Invoice is sent to ERP system Electronic invoice is received by Gatetrade e. Procurement If such order exists and it has been marked as received, invoice and order is automatched. The automatched invoice is transferred to the ERP system as an accounting entry. The invoice is then transferred to the invoice module. e. Procurement automatically looks up the corresponding order. ERP system gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Invoice module - Not automatched Invoice module Invoice processing Invoice is sent to ERP system Invoices that are not automatched must be manually processed. Work in process Approval ERP system gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
What can be achieved? When you have/ are able to: Contracts and products available for all users Track and report on overall purchasing Show accurate up-to-date product information on requisition form Optimise contract utilisation Reduce order data entries Accept electronic invoicing You can. . Reduce “Maverick” buying Automatch invoice with purchase order And save. . . 5% -15% Procurement savings (% of purchases) 20 -60% Process savings (lean) (% of time) gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Technical setup ü Gatetrade e. Procurement is provided as an ASP application meaning that the only software required is an internet browser. ü Integration between Gatetrade e. Procurement and the customer’s ERP system is established as a thin integration. That is to say that integration is established via XML file exchange. gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Use of resources and the need for education/training: Is on the way / Er på vej gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Perspectives and opportunities Our e-business solution has to deliver direct and measureable results • must increase efficiency • must reduce costs • must provide better basis for negotations and cost reductions Our own and customer experiences • A professional approach to strategic purchasing already exists (80% of purchasing volume) • This is, however, not the case when it comes to non-strategic purchasing (20% of …. purchasing volume) • 80% of the time used on purchasing is spent on 20% of the purchasing volume Conclusion for efficient e-business • Start e-business with ”non-strategic” commodities • Start e-business by reducing administrative procedures • Start e-business by reducing cost prices • Think big but ”keep it simple” Christian Leth Project manager, IT gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111
Questions gatetrade. net a/s. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Oslo. Reykjavik. www. gatetrade. net. info@gatetrade. net. +45 70 111