Gary W. Burris Founder & President
• Thank you for inviting me to speak to you about what the Lone Star Shooting Association is doing in the fight for gun rights. • I’m going to try to answer some of the questions that were asked about LSSA. • I will be available later to answer any other questions during my stay in your country.
• What types of firearms can a citizen have in the USA? Almost any type of firearm is allowed. Handguns, rifles and shotguns may be owned and kept in the home. We can carry semi-automatic handguns and revolvers concealed if licensed to do so. NFA controlled firearms require special approval to keep. Like full automatic, short barreled rifles/shotguns and suppressors. Some modern military firearms are forbidden.
• What is the number of firearms in the USA? As of 2009 government figures for non-military civilian owned firearms in the US was 310, 000. Probably another 25 -50 million have been added to that count. There were over 1 million in Texas so far this year. We have a population of about 60 million so that averages over 5 firearms per citizen.
• Do you need a license to own a firearm in the US? No license required for non-NFA firearms. Here is the criteria you must meet to own a gun: • 21 years old (18 for long gun & shotgun) • You must be a citizen or resident legal alien • You are NOT a felon (criminal) • No history of family violence • No history of mental illness • You do not have a Dishonorable discharge from the military
• What laws regulate ownership of firearms? There are both federal and state laws that apply. State laws are different from state to state. Some are very restrictive others are not. I am certified by the state of Texas to teach concealed carry classes and state law supporting the use of firearms in self-defense in Texas. I would be happy to discuss other specific state laws when time permits.
• What are the main 3 problems associated with gun control in the USA? Ignorance, Stupidity and Apathy • Supporters of gun control think that taking guns from law abiding citizens will stop criminal use of guns. Statics do not support this hypothesis. • Some people think “gun free” zones will keep criminals away and make them safe. • Some people think if they ignore the problem it will go away.
• How long has LSSA been around? The Lone Star Shooting Association is a little less than 2 years old.
• What are the objectives of LSSA? 1. Build a set of easy 3 gun match rules (including airsoft replicas), with the objective of creating safe, easy scoring and fast resetting of stages. 2. Build a tool for public and political awareness. Used to spread legal, responsible possession of firearms and the right to use firearms in a practical manner suitable for self defense, especially in those countries where such shooting sport matches are not permitted. 3. LSSA will fund projects for the preservation gun rights around the world
• Results achieved? 1. Published LSSA 3 -gun rules on website http: //www. LSSA. US in English and Italian 2. Helped defeat proposed Italian law 29/2012. Currently supporting FISAT in front of Italian Parliament to defeat new proposed anti-gun laws. 3. Providing financial support to the Second Amendment Foundation and the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights.
• What are our plans for the near future? We will continue to work with LSSA members to fight for citizens rights. We have developed safety training for youth and hope to attract more young people to the shooting sports. Continue to work with and support our international partners in their work for gun rights.
• What do I see as a path forward working internationally on gun rights? We may speak different languages and have different political views, but we must all recognize that the right of self-preservation is a HUMAN right and that owning a firearm for self-defense is fundamental to that right. We must speak up for and reach out to those law abiding citizens of the world who need our support.