Скачать презентацию Gamer Wellness The Cake is Not a Lie Скачать презентацию Gamer Wellness The Cake is Not a Lie


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Gamer Wellness: The Cake is Not a Lie Steve Kuniak MSEd NCC LPC www. Gamer Wellness: The Cake is Not a Lie Steve Kuniak MSEd NCC LPC www. stevekuniak. com

Who is this guy? BA in Psychology – St. Vincent College – Latrobe PA Who is this guy? BA in Psychology – St. Vincent College – Latrobe PA Masters of Education in Counseling – Duquesne University – Pittsburgh PA Philosophical Doctorate in Counseling (Dissertation Phase) – Duquesne University – Pittsburgh PA

Research Doctoral Dissertation: The Gamer Culture: An Exploration of Gamer Archetypes' Relationship with Coping Research Doctoral Dissertation: The Gamer Culture: An Exploration of Gamer Archetypes' Relationship with Coping Strengths Bachelors Thesis: Instilling Strength: Fantasy Heroes’ Effect on Resiliency Possible Benefits of Video Game Play (unpublished research)

Types of Games First Person Shooters (FPSs) Action (Story) Games / Platformers Survival Horror Types of Games First Person Shooters (FPSs) Action (Story) Games / Platformers Survival Horror Turn Based Tower Defense Sandboxes Sims (Simulators) Side Scrollers Indie Games Sports Games Role Playing Games / MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games)

ESRB Ratings ESRB – Entertainment Software Ratings Board EC – Early Childhood E – ESRB Ratings ESRB – Entertainment Software Ratings Board EC – Early Childhood E – Everyone E 10 – Everyone Ages 10 and up T – Teen – Ages 13+ M – Mature – Ages 17+ AO – Adults Only RP – Rating Pending

Defining Culture “Institutions, communication, values, religions, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, thinking, artistic expressions, and Defining Culture “Institutions, communication, values, religions, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, thinking, artistic expressions, and social and interpersonal relationships" (Baruth and Manning, 2003 p. 9).

Communication Language is a way we identify with one another If we don’t speak Communication Language is a way we identify with one another If we don’t speak the same language. . . Gamer Language “Leet Speech” Leet = Elite Noob Pwned AFK Leeroying Bricked All your base are belong to us. Camping Try Hards / Hard Scoping Fission Mailed

Values Similar cares and motivations Micro Aggressions Comical Hypotheticals Values Similar cares and motivations Micro Aggressions Comical Hypotheticals

Genders, Religions, Sexual Orientations, and Disabilities Globally open Male / Female split 32% Under Genders, Religions, Sexual Orientations, and Disabilities Globally open Male / Female split 32% Under 18 years 53% to 47% (ESA, 2012) Average Age of a Gamer? Age 30 years (target audience) 37% 36 years and older 31% Age 18 – 35 years

Thinking / Artistic Expression Thinking / Artistic Expression

Journey was the first video game to have its soundtrack nominated for a Grammy Journey was the first video game to have its soundtrack nominated for a Grammy

Minecraft: Xbox Sales surpass $6 Million Franchise Sales nearly $21 Million IGN Article dated Minecraft: Xbox Sales surpass $6 Million Franchise Sales nearly $21 Million IGN Article dated 3/29/13

Social and Interpersonal Relationships Social and Interpersonal Relationships

Economics In 24 hours: Halo 2 had net $120 million for its release in Economics In 24 hours: Halo 2 had net $120 million for its release in 2004 Halo 3 had net $170 million for its 2007 release Halo Reach $200 million in 2010 Call of Duty: Black Ops – $360 million in 2010 Halo 4 - $400 million in 2012 Indie Games are unique to this.

Why are we attracted to Gaming? Wish Fulfillment Immersive Experiences Challenge Psychological Relief Why are we attracted to Gaming? Wish Fulfillment Immersive Experiences Challenge Psychological Relief

Archetypal Hero 1. Child born in unassuming home 2. Call to adventure / Establishment Archetypal Hero 1. Child born in unassuming home 2. Call to adventure / Establishment of Mentor (Wizard) 3. Denial of the call 4. Acceptance and Mystical Weapon 5. Establishment of Royal Blood 6. Arch Nemesis Connection to Hero - Campbell, 1949

Struggles with Gaming Fitness concerns Health Issues (DVT) Lack of Social Skills Depersonalization / Struggles with Gaming Fitness concerns Health Issues (DVT) Lack of Social Skills Depersonalization / Loss of Touch with Reality Aggression / Violence

ABCs of Psychology A – Affect B – Behavior C – Cognition ABCs of Psychology A – Affect B – Behavior C – Cognition

Benefits of Play Immediate relationship building Increased Selective Attention Increased Creativity Immersive Practice Related Benefits of Play Immediate relationship building Increased Selective Attention Increased Creativity Immersive Practice Related to Erikson’s Mastery Bruno Bettelheim’s Uses of Enchantment Improved Understanding of Failure and Practice

Utility of Gaming Doctors using Kinect during Surgeries Post Surgical use of Gaming Teacher Utility of Gaming Doctors using Kinect during Surgeries Post Surgical use of Gaming Teacher loses 100 lbs using Kinect Huffington Post Article dated June 2013 Gaming used for health – Super Better and Jane Mc. Gonigal Gaming Classrooms (Elizabeth Forward – Game On!) Portal 2 / Minecraft

Good Gaming Habits: Parents Talk with your children about their games In a friendly Good Gaming Habits: Parents Talk with your children about their games In a friendly way Have discussions about the games meaning Find out what the game means to the player Don’t presume that “it’s just a game” Set up boundaries and expectations early Watch for Warning Signs and Address Seek out Resources / Educate Yourself

Good Gaming Habits: Gamers Take breaks 30 minutes to an hour at a time Good Gaming Habits: Gamers Take breaks 30 minutes to an hour at a time max Don’t push the boundaries and expectations If you’re supposed to turn off the game, turn it off. Get up, move around, Gaming is not a substitute for physical activity. Spend time socializing outside of the game Use gamer etiquette

Dissertation Gamer Demographics Gamer Personality Measure Coping Strategies Resiliency Dissertation Gamer Demographics Gamer Personality Measure Coping Strategies Resiliency

Gamer Wellness Program Purpose: To provide an accessible location where individuals who identify as Gamer Wellness Program Purpose: To provide an accessible location where individuals who identify as gamers can feel comfortable in seeking support, and that can provide resources to individuals not familiar with gaming. Community: No restriction on age groups served (may require additional supervision for younger consumers) No restriction on diagnostics Open community, with option for individual or group services

Funding: Goal is to provide funding through insurance providers – May require support Seeking Funding: Goal is to provide funding through insurance providers – May require support Seeking grant funding, and private donors Seeking crowdsourcing opportunities Both of the above are to provide “gamerships” Services: Individual and group counseling After School programming Educational Seminars A safe place to interact with peers

In Progress Therapy Model SIIM Therapy SIIM - Social, Interactive, and Immersive Media Video In Progress Therapy Model SIIM Therapy SIIM - Social, Interactive, and Immersive Media Video Games, Comic Books, Film, Social Media, etc. Use of social, interactive, and immersive media to build rapport, and create opportunities for narrative and interactive therapy. This is an updated method of meeting the “client” where they are.

Additional Resources Geek Therapy Podcast Show – Josué Cardona Comicspedia – Dr. Patrick O’Connor Additional Resources Geek Therapy Podcast Show – Josué Cardona Comicspedia – Dr. Patrick O’Connor Patrick Scott Patterson – Gaming Personality Game Church – Mikee Bridges IGN (formerly Imagine Games Network) Revision 3

References Baruth, L. G. , & Manning, M. L. (2003). Multicultural counseling and psychotherapy: References Baruth, L. G. , & Manning, M. L. (2003). Multicultural counseling and psychotherapy: A lifespan perspective. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall. Bettelheim, B. (1976). The uses of enchantment. Toronto: Random House of Canada Ltd. Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. IGN Article: Minecraft Sales http: //www. ign. com/articles/2013/03/29/minecraf t-xbox-360 -sales-pass-6 -million Huffington Post: Kinect Weight Loss (6/3/13) http: //www. huffingtonpost. com/2013/06/03/i-lost -weight-lisa-thompson_n_3224682. html

ESA Entertainment Software Association (2012). 2012 sales, demographic and usage data: Essential facts about ESA Entertainment Software Association (2012). 2012 sales, demographic and usage data: Essential facts about the computer and video game industry. Retrieved from: http: //www. theesa. com/facts/pdfs/ESA_Essenti al_Facts_2012. PDF

Contact me www. stevekuniak. com Twitter: @Stevagorn Facebook: Steve Kuniak Counselor Unity Family Services Contact me www. stevekuniak. com Twitter: @Stevagorn Facebook: Steve Kuniak Counselor Unity Family Services