Скачать презентацию Game Theory and its applications Jarek Neneman neneman uni Скачать презентацию Game Theory and its applications Jarek Neneman neneman uni


  • Количество слайдов: 8

Game Theory and its applications Jarek Neneman neneman@uni. lodz. pl 601305093 Game Theory and its applications Jarek Neneman neneman@uni. lodz. pl 601305093

Game Theory and its applications BASIC RULES Please 1. No mobiles in use 2. Game Theory and its applications BASIC RULES Please 1. No mobiles in use 2. No laptops in use 3. No drink nor food during the lecture 4. Keep smiling

Game Theory and its applications Outline of the course: 1. Basic ideas and terminology Game Theory and its applications Outline of the course: 1. Basic ideas and terminology 2. Games with sequential moves 3. Games with simultaneous moves 4. Combining sequential and simultaneous moves 5. Prisoner’s dilemma 6. Prisoners’ dilemma and repeated games 7. Strategic moves

Game Theory and its applications Assessment Ø Final written exam (test & problems) (90 Game Theory and its applications Assessment Ø Final written exam (test & problems) (90 minutes) (60%) Ø Up to 8 short (10 minutes) in-class tests (40%) {the best and the worst ones do not count} Ø Bonus points for the successful participation in games

Game Theory and its applications Quizzes Ø It is not possible to postpone the Game Theory and its applications Quizzes Ø It is not possible to postpone the quiz once the date is settled Ø It’s not possible to rewrite the quiz in ANY case Ø You will need a calculator. If you forget one, you will have to do calculations in writing – mobiles are STRICTLY forbidden Ø In any case of cheating (and the like) you will ALWAYS get zero points from quiz Ø The best and the worst quiz do not count

Game Theory and its applications Students are supposed to: 1. Ask questions, 2. Participate Game Theory and its applications Students are supposed to: 1. Ask questions, 2. Participate in games, 3. Bring colour pencils or ball-pens, 4. Have some (5 zloties is enough) money (in coins)

Game Theory and its applications What is needed to pass exam? 1. Be present Game Theory and its applications What is needed to pass exam? 1. Be present and active during the lectures or read and understand the textbook; 2. Solve all the problems given to you (the final exam will be based on them); 3. Understand the subject.

Game Theory and its applications Literature 1. A. Dixit, S. Skeath, D. Reiley Games Game Theory and its applications Literature 1. A. Dixit, S. Skeath, D. Reiley Games of Strategy 3 rd ed. (main textbook); 2. A. Dixit, B. Nalebuff, Art Of Strategy (additional reading – very interesting); 3. http: //www. gametheory. net 4. http: //academicearth. org/courses/game-theory 5. https: //www. youtube. com/playlist? list=PL 70344 AC 73 AE 276 E 3